Lecture summary Business Intelligence &
Business Analytics 2022-2023
Table of contents
Lecture summary Business Intelligence & Business Analytics 2022-2023..............................................1
Lecture 1: Introduction to BI & BA..........................................................................................................2
Lecture 2: SQL & Data warehousing.......................................................................................................6
Lecture 3: Data warehousing + ETL, OLAP, business dashboards & reports.........................................12
Lecture 4: Introduction to Business Analytics (and Data Mining models).............................................18
Lecture 5: Regression Analysis..............................................................................................................22
Lecture 7: Performance Measures.......................................................................................................25
Lecture 8: Naïve Bayes..........................................................................................................................30
Lecture 9: k-Nearest Neighbours..........................................................................................................34
Lecture 10: Decision Trees....................................................................................................................36
Lecture 11: Association Rules...............................................................................................................40
Lecture 12: Clustering...........................................................................................................................44
,Lecture 1: Introduction to BI & BA
Business Intelligence/Analytics: Data-driven decision making. Transforming data into meaningful
information/knowledge to support business decision-making.
Data, information, knowledge
Data: items that are the most elementary descriptions of things, events, activities, and
o Internal or external
o Structured or unstructured
Information: organized data that has meaning and value
Knowledge: processed data or information that is applicable to a business decision problem
Taxonomy of Business Intelligence: methods
Descriptive analytics: use data to understand past & present
Diagnostic analytics: explain why something happened
Predictive analytics: predict future behaviour based on past performance
Prescriptive analytics: make decisions or recommendations to achieve the best performance
Taxonomy of Business Intelligence: function: Marketing analytics, Sales analytics, HR analytics,
Financial analytics, Supply chain analytics, Accounting analytics, …
Business Analytics and Business Intelligence
BI: data warehousing + descriptive analytics
BA: predictive + prescriptive analytics
“BI is an umbrella term that combines the processes, technologies, and tools needed to transform
data into information, information into knowledge, and knowledge into plans that drive profitable
business action.”
“BI is information and knowledge that enables business decision-making.”
BI Product, Process, Solution, and Tools
,BI solutions: support the BI process by utilizing BI tools
BI product: objective: provide historical, current, and predictive views of business operations.
Information/Knowledge that could relate to:
Understanding customer preferences
Coping with competition
Identifying growth opportunities
Enhancing internal efficiency
BI tools & techniques
Data warehousing
Knowledge management
Query & reporting
OnLine Analytical processing
Digital dashboards
Data, Process, and text mining
Business intelligence architecture
, Information is shared across the organization via a single system. ERP: Everybody’s information
system, supports decision-making at all levels of the organization.
A collection of related tables, designed, maintained, and utilized by multiple users, with software to
update & query the data.
Database system consists of:
o Data (the database)
o Software
o Hardware
o Users
Database management system (DBMS): the software that controls the data.
Database systems allow users to:
o Organize (create)
o Store (insert)
o Update (update)
o Delete (delete)
o Retrieve, their data (select)
Table: structured list of data of a specific type. Each table has a name
Table is divided into fields (columns) & records (rows)
A relational database allows:
Data to be grouped into tables &
Sets relationships between tables
Primary key
Fields that uniquely identifies each record in a table
Null value (=no data entry) not allowed for PK
Consists of 1 or more attributes that determine other attributes
Key’s role is based on determination: A→B, C, D
o If you know A, you can lookup B, C, D
o B, C, D are functionally dependent on A
Superkey: any key that uniquely identifies each row
Candidate key: superkey without unnecessary attributes
Relational scheme