Academic Reading and Writing:
Reading Report
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Organisational Present Page(s) Explanation function + relation**
element ?*
Abstract x 41 The abstract gives an insight into the
main topics and ideas which will be
discussed in the text. The abstract
makes it possible for a reader to
indicate whether the information is
relevant to them or not.
Bibliography x 56- 63 The bibliography mentions the
references used in the text. This
shows the reader where the author
got data, ideas, and theories from.
This ensures the reader that the
author did not make up the
information in the text.
Conclusion x 55-56 The conclusion summarizes the main
body of the text. It repeats the main
findings and arguments of the text.
New questions often arise in the
conclusion which can lead to further
research or discussion.
Introduction x 41-42 The introduction opens the text. It
mentions a description of the topic or
subject, a research question or
thesis. The introduction enlightens
how the thesis will be build up, or
what steps will be taken to reach an
answer. Finally, it mentions
definitions of certain key concepts.
Literature Review x 44-52 A literature review is a summary
which analyses pre-existing research.
It describes, evaluates and clarifies
sources such as; scholarly articles,
books, and other sources.
Methodology N/A
Study Findings N/A
Theoretical x 42-43 Important definitions, theories and
Framework concepts are mentioned in this part.
The theoretical framework can be
seen as a roadmap for the arguments
the author will be mentioning.
a) The key concepts in this section are:
• Governance
• Integration
• Regionalism
• Cooperation
b) In the section “From cooperation and integration to governance”
Tanja A. Börzel discusses how “Governance is not a theory, but provides
an analytical framework for systematic and organized comparison,
which does not privilege certain types of actors, institutions, or modes
of coordination.”.1 Indicating that this framework can capture varieties
of regionalism. The text provides three kinds of institutionalized rule
formations: hierarchy, market, and networks. These rules can be
coordinated in hierarchical or non-hierarchical approaches, based on
voluntary or unvoluntary agreements. Furthermore, Börzel explains
how biases toward state-led institutionbuilding cause ignorance of
regional cooperation and integration varieties. She builds upon this by
describing how governance is instead focused on coordinating actions
via formal and informal norms, rules, and procedures.
1 Tanja A. Börzel, “Theorizing Regionalism,” in The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Regionalism, ed. Tanja A.
Börzel and Thomas Risse (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016), 55.