Hoorcollege aantekeningen PPV
Week 47: Inleiding: problemen, perspectieven, en paradigma’s
● Studiehandleiding
1. Head, B.W. & Alford, J. (2015). Wicked Problems: Implications for
Public Policy and Management, Administration & Society, 47(6), 711-
2. Skelcher, C., and Rathgeb Smith, S. (2014). Theorizing hybridity:
institutional logics, complex organizations, and actor identities, Public
Administration 93(2), 433-448.
Week 48: Publiek Management Perspectief
● Hood, C. (1991). A public management for all seasons? Public
administration, 69(1), 3- 19.
● Provan, K. G. & Lemaire, R. H. (2012). Core Concepts and Key Ideas
for Understanding Public Sector Organizational Networks: Using
Research to Inform Scholarship and Practice. Public Administration
Review, 72(5), 638-648.
● Moore, M. H. (2000). Managing for value: Organizational strategy in
for-profit, nonprofit, and governmental organizations. Nonprofit and
voluntary sector quarterly, 29(1_suppl), 183-204.
Week 49: Strategic Human Resource Management Perspectief
● Boselie, P., Leisink, P., & Vandenabeele, W. (2011). Human Resources
Management. In Noordegraaf, M., Geuijen, K. & A. Meijer (Red).
Handboek Public Management. Den Haag: Boom Lemma, pp. 315-337.
● Knies, E., & Leisink, P. (2018). People management in the public
sector. In Brewster & Cedin (eds.) HRM in mission driven
organizations (pp. 15-46). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
Week 50: Organisatiecultuur Perspectief
● Whorton, J. W., & Worthley, J. A. (1981). A perspective on the
challenge of public management: Environmental paradox and
organizational culture. Academy of Management Review, 6(3), 357-
● Martin, J. (2002). Organizational Culture: Mapping the Terrain.
, Hoofdstuk 2, The culture wars, 29-54.
● Pless, N.M. & Maak, T. (2004). Building an Inclusive Diversity
Culture: Principles, processes and practice. Journal of Business Ethics
54, p. 129-147
Week 51: Governanceperspectief
● Kersbergen, K. Van, & Waarden, F. Van. (2004). ‘Governance’as a
bridge between disciplines: Cross‐disciplinary inspiration regarding
shifts in governance and problems of governability, accountability and
legitimacy. European journal of political research, 43(2), 143-171
● Scholten, P., & Penninx, R. (2016). The multilevel governance of
migration and integration. In Integration processes and policies in
Europe (pp. 91-108). Springer, Cham.
● Van Dyck, S. (2018). Post-Wage Politics and the Rise of Community
Capitalism. Work, Employment and Society 32(3), p.528-545.
Week 2: Communicatieperspectief
● De Bruijn (2011, 2014) Framing. Over de macht van taal in de politiek.
Atlas contact. hoofdstuk 1, pp. 20-41
● Heath, R.L. (2010). Introduction. Crisis Communication: Defining the
Beast and Demarginalizing Key Publics. In: W.T. Coombs and S.J.
Holladay (eds). The Handbook of Crisis Communication. Chichester:
Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 1-14.
● Dahlgren, P. (2018). Media, Knowledge and Trust: The Deepening
Epistemic Crisis of Democracy, Javnost - The Public, 25(1), 20-27.
, Hoorcollege 1
1. Wicked problems → Definitie Head & Alford (2015)
● Sociaal pluralisme, diversiteit: stakeholders met verschillende belangen
en waarden
● Institutionele complexiteit: netwerken van organisaties en multiple
● Wetenschappelijke onzekerheid: fragmentatie van kennis en gebrek
2. Wicked problems → Definitie Rittel & Webber (1973)