International Business Management
Hoofdstuk 1
International business encompasses any business transaction that involves parties from more than
one country. These transactions can take various forms and can involve individual companies, groups
of companies, and/or government agencies. International business can differ from domestic business
because of differences in currencies, legal systems, cultures, and resource availability.
Studying international business is important for several reasons. First, any organization you work for,
even if small, is likely to be affected by the global economy. Second someday you may work for a
foreign-owned firm. Further, you need to keep pace with other managers who are learning to
function in international settings. Finally, you need to be culturally literate in today's world.
International business activity can take various forms. Exporting involves selling products made in
one's own country for use or resale in another country. Importing involves buying products made in
other countries for use or resale in another country. Foreign direct investments are investments
made for the purpose of controlling property, assets, or companies located in foreign countries.
Other common forms of international business activity include licensing, franchising, and
management contract.
An international business is one that engages in commercial transactions with individuals, private
firms, and/or public sector organizations that cross national boundaries. Firms with extensive
international involvement are called multinational corporations, or MNC’s.
International business has grown dramatically in recent years because of strategic imperatives and
environmental changes. Strategic imperatives include the need to leverage core competencies,
acquire resources, seek new markets, and math the actions of rivals. Although strategic imperatives
indicate why firms wish to internationalize their operations, significant changes in the political and
technological environments have no doubt facilitated the explosive growth in international business
activity that has occurred since world war II. The growth of the Internet and other information
technologies is likely to redefine global competition and ways of doing international business once
Nederlands vertaald
Internationale business omvat alle zakelijke transactie door partijen uit meer dan een land. Deze
transacties kunnen verschillende vormen aannemen en kan betrekking hebben individuele bedrijven,
groepen van ondernemingen, en / of overheidsinstellingen. Internationale bedrijfsleven kunnen
afwijken van de binnenlandse bedrijfsleven als gevolg van verschillen in valuta, juridische systemen,
culturen en de beschikbaarheid van resources.
Studeren van het internationale bedrijfsleven is belangrijk om verschillende redenen. De eerste
plaats, een organisatie waar je werkt, zelfs klein, is waarschijnlijk getroffen door de wereldwijde
economie. Tweede reden is dat u kunt werken voor een bedrijf dat in buitenlandse handen is.
Verder, je moet het gelijke tempo bij kunnen houden net zoals andere managers die ook leren the
functioneren in internationale instellingen. Ten slotte moet u cultureel onderlegd in de wereld van