Prevention and Policy – questions with answers
Lecture 1: Introduction
1. Name two reasons why professionals/researchers have to collaborate with policy makers.
To get support and/or finances for prevention activities.
To get prevention activities included in the policy plan.
2. Name at least two challenges for collaboration between prevention and policy.
Investments show results in the long-term.
Outcomes on shorter term are difficult to measure.
Behaviors are influenced by many factors.
RCT is often not applicable/ethical.
Lecture 2: The power of policy to improve health
1. What is the most important disease in terms of burden?
a. Mental health problems.
2. Name at least three reasons for the increase in life expectancy.
a. Vaccination.
b. Better healthcare.
c. Better diagnoses.
d. Better medication.
3. Which four diseases are expected to get more diagnosis in the future?
a. Diabetes.
b. Hearing problems.
c. Coronary heart disease.
d. Mood disturbances.
4. Which statements is true:
1) There will be more people with disease, but not more with disability.
2) There will be more people with disability, but not more with disease.
a. Statement 1.
5. What does the ‘burden of disease analysis’ of the WHO provide? Which measure is used to assess
the overall burden of disease? Explain what this measure means.
a. It provides a comprehensive and comparable assessment of mortality and loss of health
due to disease, injuries and risk factors.
b. DALY = disability adjusted life years.
c. Years of life lost due to premature mortality and years of life lost due to time lived in states
of less than full health.
6. Name at least three successes of prevention in the last 40 years.
a. Tobacco control, screening, vaccination program for children, reformulation of food
(removal of trans fatty acids), traffic safety (seat belts, air bags), aids prevention.
7. Match the content with the right level:
Organizations, social institutions.
Families, friends, social networks.
Knowledge, attitude, skills.
Relationship between organizations.
National, state, local laws and regulations.
Public Policy National, state, local and regulations
Community Relationships between organizations
Organizational Organizations, social institution
Interpersonal Families, friends, social networks
Individual Knowledge, attitudes, skills