CSR: at organ lvl (1. Triple bottom line, 2. Stakeholder, 3. Voluntary, 4. Context-specificity, 5.
Managing externalities to sustainable dev, 6. Rooted in values and ethics)
CSR = resp of enterprises for impacts on society
Corp Sustainability: global/system lvl (= meet present needs, don’t compromise…)
Shared Value: econ value + value for society by addressing its needs and challenges
Green Public Purchasing (GPP): public admins include env perf to choose suppliers
Resource: physical and financial assets + employee skills and organ processes
Capability: thing firm can perform, stems from resources and routines of firm
Sustainable Entrep: discovery/exploitation of econ opp through generation of market
disequilibria that initiate transformation of a sector towards env and socially more sustainable
Definitions state
OR: obtaining entrep rents while improving local/global social and env conditions
comb of econ, social and env value creation
Stakeholder: group/indiv that affects/is affected by achievement of organ’s objectives
Stakeholder theory: explain relationship b/w organ and people w/ ‘stake’ in business activity
NGO: independent from… not gov, not business, not for-profit or political office
NGOs and activists organize around ideas, shared belief
Mapping STK: Identify (list relevant stk) Analyse (understand stk perspectives/interests)
Map (visualize relationships to objectives + stk) Prioritize (rank stk relevance & identify
issues) Engagement (choose actions in stk specific way) Monitoring (measure & return to
Week 1: Perspectives: Intro to CSR
Social responsibility of business is to increase profits
Business not a person no responsibility
If manager acts in accordance with his SR, he spends someone else’s money
CSR = theft or tax
Exec selected by stockholders to serve interests of his principal (gone when social)
The link between CA and CSR
CSR efforts not been productive (Business vs. society), CSR should be strategic (not generic)
Porter &
Four prevailing justifications for CSR
Kramer (2006)
1. Moral obligation, 2. Sustainability, 3. License to operate, 4. Reputation
‘’Strategy &
All four share same weakness focus on tension b/w business & society
Companies need healthy society; society needs successful companies (shared value)
Identify Choose issue Create corp social agenda integrate create social value dimens
CSR can’t always deliver business results, creating SV not the norm (poor coordination)
CSR activities 1. Philanthropy (not improve business or profits) 2. Operational
Rangan et al.
Improvements (social/env benefits support operations, often improve efficiency) 3. Transform
(2015) Business Model (create forms of business specifically to address social/env challenges)
‘’Truth about Measure success? 1. Non-fin 2. Fin and non-fin, 3. Non-fin and fin, and how two are connected
Best coordinated and interdependent programs across CSR portfolios
Aligned with firm’s business purpose, values of companies stk and needs of communities
CSR literature review, segregate lit into instit, organ and individual lvls of analysis
Aguinis &
Confusing terminology, fast growth of research, mostly organ lvl
Glavas (2013)
Predictors CSR instit and stk, regulation, firm motives, firm mission and values and needs
‘’What we know
Outcomes CSR reputation, loyalty, image, financial perf, capabilities, reduce risk
and don’t about
Mediators stk relations, intangible assets, man interpret of CSR, employee perceptions
Moderators stk salience, industry regulation and growth, R&D, finances, firm size