Midterm 1: Ch.1 - Ch. 6
Chapter 1: Understanding consumer behavior
1.1 Defining Consumer Behavior
Consumer behavior = totality of consumers’ decisions with respect to acquisition,
consumption, and disposition of goods, services, activities, experiences, people, and ideas
by (human) decision making unit.
Offering = a product, service, activity, experience, or idea offered by a marketing
organization to consumers.
1. Acquiring an offering = process by which a consumer comes to own an offering.
Consisting the following:
➔ Buying
➔ Trading
➔ Renting/leasing
➔ Bartering
➔ Gifting
➔ Finding
➔ Stealing
➔ Sharing
2. Using an offering = process by which a consumer uses an offering.
3. Disposing an offering = process by which a consumer discards an offering. Several
- Find a new use for it.
- Get rid of it temporarily.
- Get rid of it permanently.
, ★ Consumer behavior is a dynamic process.
★ Consumer behavior can involve many people.
Consumer behavior involves many decisions:
- Whether to acquire/use/dispose of an offering?
- What offering to acquire/use/dispose of?
- Why acquire/use/dispose of an offering?
- Why is an offering not acquired/used/disposed of?
- How to acquire/use/dispose of an offering?
- When to acquire/use/dispose of an offering?
- Where to acquire/use/dispose of an offering?
- How much, often, and how long to acquire/use/dispose of an offering?
★ Consumer behavior involves emotions and coping.
, 1.2 Identifying the four domains of consumer behavior
What is affecting consumer behavior?
1. The Psychological Core (internal consumer processes)
- Motivation, ability and opportunity (MAO)
- Exposure, attention, perception, and comprehension (EAPC)
- Memory and knowledge
- Forming and changing attitudes
2. The Process of Making Decisions
Four stages:
1. Problem recognition
2. Information search
3. Decision-making
4. Post purchase evaluation
3. The Consumer’s Culture (external process)
- Culture.
- Reference groups and other social influences.
➔ Reference groups
➔ Diversity influence
➔ Household and social class influence
➔ Values, personality, and lifestyle
4. Consumer Behavior Outcomes
- Consumer behavior can symbolize who we are.
- Consumer behavior can diffuse through a market.