Samenvatting From network to behaviour
College Anatomie 31-10
Ectoderm is the toplayer of the embryonic disc. The next layer is
the mesoderm and the endoderm( the bottom layer). There is
first a formation of the neural groove, and than suddenly this
groove starts to close
forming a tube.
The closed tube
starting to proliferate
giving rise to 3 brain
mesemcephalon and
rhombencephalon, and
a bleu part which will
give rise to the spinal
cord. At this stage we
can see a structure that
is calles eye primordium
this will give rise to the
retina and a structure
which will give rise to
pituitary. The two parts
form a part of the diencephalon.
Telencephalon and diencephalon develop from the
prosencephalon. Metencephalon and myelencephalon
develop from rhombencephalon.
What happends next is typical for mammalian, the part of
the telecephalon becomes more larger than all other
brain regions. And now the diencephalon is completely
overgrown by telecephalon. Telencephalon and
diencephalon together we call the cerebrum( the greater
brain). Mesencephalon, pons(= ventral part of the metencephalon), medulla
oblongata(=myelencephalon) together are caller the truncus cerebri(brain stem). Cerebellum(=
dorsal part of metencephalon)
The next developing of the brain is the formation of the 2
hemispheres and telecephalon impar(impar means
undivided) that connects them. The diencephalon forms a
parts that are called the eye cups.
Centra nerve tissue
Neurons are the main cell type in the nerve tissue, having
long extetions(=axon) and short ones(=dendrites). All
other tissue is known as supportive tissue:
, oligodendrocytes(glial cell, which will give rise to the myeline
sheath, wrapped aroud the axons), astrocytes( give support and
stucture on the nerve tissue) and ependym cells ( is the barrier
between the neves system proper and the venrticular space).
Ependym cells can form a fluid for the ventricular space, but are also
a barrier.
Central nerve tissue(= derived from the neural tube) are cells that
have their nucleus in the central nerve system: central neurons,
peripheral motor neurons, astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, ependym
Peripheral nerve tissue(= derived from the neural crest) are cells
that have their nucleus outside the central nerve system( often in the ganglia, spinal cord):
peripheral sensory neurons, postsynaptic neurons, Schwann cells.
Telecephalon consists of the 2 hemispheres and the telecephalon impar(impar does not belong to
one or another part hemisphere). If you look at it you can see grey matter(= cortex, basal nuclei) and
white matter (= association fibers, commissural fibers, projection fibers).
You need to know the following terms: ventral, dorsal, rostral, caudal, cranial.
Primary growth => lobal enlargement of the telecephalon.
Longitudinal fissure and the telecephalon impar.
Telecephalon impar is a part of the brain that does not grow
during the primary grow.
Secundary growth => gives rise to the lobei: frontal, parietal,
occipital and temporal. Part that does not contribute to the
secondry lobe( in humans) is the Insula of reyl. As a result the
grove which is called lateral fissure is formed. Opercula(lids)
are parts of the lobei that grow over the Insula of reyl.
Tertiary growth => the formation of the gyri ( mountains) and
the sulci( the gaps in between) Insula of reyl does participate
in growth now. Starts from week 24.
Primary, secondary and tertiary growth are going on at the same
Allocortex => archipallium/cortex & paleopallium/cortex and
transitional cortex
Isocortex => neopallium/cortex, de buitenkant van de cortex In
human 95% of the cortex is neocortex.
Between allocortex and isocortex you have transitional cortex
You need to know and be able to point to: frontal lobe, parietal
lobe, occipital lobe, temporal lobe, limbic lobe, parieto-occipital sulcus, calcarine sulcus, central
sulcus, lateral fissure. => arise form telecephalon.
Limbic lobe is still matter of debate. Limbic lobe consist of allocortex. Limbic lobe is there the basal
growth started.