Draw a pedigree with a typical autosomal dominant inheritance pattern
What are typical characteristics
- 50/50 → 50% chance → can also be that no children are affected → for each child 50%
- You only have to carry 1 gene to inherit it
- Not gender related
- Several generations
- On average 50% of children of affected parents are also affected
- Inheritance from man to woman, woman to woman, man to woman, woman to man
Autosomal dominant disorders
- Huntington disease
- BRCA1 & 2: breast cancer
- Lynch Syndrome: colon cancer
- Achondroplasia: dwarfism
Draw a pedigree with a typically autosomal recessive inheritance patterns
What are typical characteristics?
- Usually parents are not affected
- Not sex related
- We are all carriers of 2 to 3 recessive diseases
- On average, if both parents are carrier, a quarter of their children are affected
- Families in which none of the children are affected, but both parents are carrier, are not observed
- Sometimes parents are consanguineous
- Usually just 1 generation
Autosomal recessive disorder
- Cystic fibrosis (CF)
- Hemoglobinopathies (sickle cel anemia, thalassemia)
- Phenylketonuria (PKU)
Peter and Daniëlle have a relationship. A nephew of Daniëlle has
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD). Peter does not want to have
children if his children have a high risk to have DMD. However,
Daniëlle would very much like to have children. Nephew Edward is
Daniëlle’s brother’s son.
- DMD shows an X-linked inheritance pattern
- Characteristics of a pedigree of a family with a typical X-
linked recessive inheritance pattern:
o Sons are affected
o Women are not affected: they are carrier, they can pass on the predisposition
o No inheritance from man to man
- In general: no increased risk on X-linked disorder if there is a healthy male in between
- Danniëlle’s brother has a “normal” X- chromosome, otherwise he would have had DMD as well.
Edward will have inherited the predisposition for DMD from his mother (or it is a ‘de novo’ (new)
- Daniëlle does not have an increased risk to pass on the disorder to her children
- Referral to a clinical genetics center is not necessary
Chance is 0%
Jasper and Lisa have a relationship. The cousin of Lisa, Tim, has DMD. Jasper does not want to have children if
they have a high risk to have DMD. However, Lisa would very much like to have children. Tim is the son of Henk
and Isabelle. Isabelle is the sister of Lisa’s mother
- In this pedigree there are only women between Lisa and Tim. Because Isabelle is a carrier, Lisa has a
25% chance to be a carrier as well.
- Here referral is necessary!
- Characteristics of a pedigree of a family with a typical X-linked (sex-linked) recessive inherited
o Males are affected, females pass on the disorder but are (usually) not affected
o No inheritance from man to man
o Fathers (if fertile!) can have daughters who are carriers
- X-linked inherited disorders: Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, Hemophilia A and B (impaired blood
clotting), Color blindness
Genetics: science of genes, heredity and variation
- Fast technological developments, increasingly multidisciplinairy
- Can have high impact on individuals, family and populations (hypes and hopes)
Gene= functional unit that is regulated by transcription and encodes a product (protein or RNA)
- 20-25.000 genes in the human genome
- Located on chromosomes (23 pairs)
- Only 2% of genome codes for proteins (exons): cut and paste
- Determine hereditary traits
Large parts are non coding (unexplained). We call this junk DNA
Now we discovered that the other parts have more regulatory functions of distant gene: switch gene→ switch
on and switch of the gene
Phenotypic differences between human and other apes
- Both 20-25.000 genes → this is similar
- Puffer fish has 35.000 genes
- Sand rocket has 25.000 genes
➔ It is not just the number who determines who we are and the complexity of the species→ 1 gene
codes for multiple proteins or protein complex → determines complexity of the species
- We have human genetic variation
- This can be devided into multiple classes: makes us different
o Single nucleotide variant: one variant that is changed from one nucleotide to another (C base
changed for T)
o Insertion-deletion variant: occur when one or more base pairs are present in some genomes
but absent in others. Generally composed of only few bases
o Block substitution: cases in which a string of adjacent nucleotides varies between two
o Inversion variant: one in which the order of the base pairs is reversed in a defined section of
a chromosome
o Copy number variant: occur when identical or nearly identical sequences are repeated in
some chromosomes but not others
Genetic variation
- Genetic variation leads to phenotypic variation
- Genetic variation in a population increases the chance that some individuals will survive
- 2 individuals each differ 1 base in 1000 basepairs (forensic, paternity testing)
- Change in DNA with frequency >1% = polymorphisms
- In our genome: ca. 15.000.000 genetic variants (polymorphisms, e.g. SNPs)
, - Polymorphism vs (pathogenic) mutations → these can cause disease
o Normal sequence variations vs rare and deleterious changes
- Defined as a change in the DNA (disturbs protein function→ can cause disease)
o DNA replication
o Chemical damage
o Ionizing radiation
- Origin
o Somatic cells
▪ Occur in nongermline tissues
▪ Cannot be inherited
▪ Mutation in tumor only (for example, breast)
o Germ line/sex cells
▪ Present in egg or sperm
▪ Can be inherited
▪ Cause cancer family syndrome
▪ Mutation in egg or sperm (in parent)→ all cells affected in offspring
- Types of mutations
o Chromosome mutation
▪ Loss (monosomy) or gain (trisomy: down syndrome) of whole chromosomes =
▪ Structural changes within the
chromosome – translocation
(rearrangement of parts of the
chromosome, because of damage),
deletions etc.
o Gene mutation: alteration at gene level: point
mutation (single base), insertions, deletion
What is the relevance of knowing something is hereditary?
Case 1: peter and his father at 10 months
- Age of 15 months, diagnosed at clinical genetics centre: retinoblastoma (eye tumour), mutation in RB
gene (AD)
- Father also had enucleated eye (never realized/had been told of possible genetic aetiology)
- If known about the genetic risk (for children): early screening and early detection possible
➔ The importance of taking an adequate family history and an appropriate follow-up of that
Case 2
- 2nd child of healthy parents
- From birth: colds, coughing
- 4 times antibiotics
- Does not grow well
- Pediatrician: cystic fibrosis (CF)
o Incurable disorder: lungs and nutritional malabsorption
o Daily physiotherapy, dietary supplements, intensive treatment for chest infections
, o Limited life expectancy
- Is it hereditary?
- CF caused by mutations in CFTR gene
- Autosomal recessive
- 1 in 30 carrier (European descent)
- Birth prevalence: 1: 3600-4000
- Answer to parents: yes it is hereditary, risk next child is 1 in 4, also risk family members to be carrier
Hereditary: inherited, derived from parents (genetic disorder is usually, but not always inherited, e.g. acquired
Congenital means apparent at birth
- Not all congenital disorders are genetically determined (e.g. fetal alcohol syndrome: mother drinks to
much alcohol during pregnancy, toxoplasmosis infection): 40-60% unknown cause
- Not all hereditary diseases are congenital (BRCA)
Hereditary disorders
- Cancer (oncogenetics), Cardiovascular diseases (cardiogenetics), Neurological disorders
(neurogenetics), storage diseases, errors of metabolism, skin disorders, blood disorders etc.
Chromosomal disorders and monogenic disorders are individually rare, but collectively common 1-2% birth
- Numerical (chromosome gain or loss) or structural changes (0,6% live born)
- Most affect autosome (= chromosomes other than sex chromosomes)
- Loss of chromosomal material= more dangerous than gain
- Abnormalities of sex chromosomes = better tolerated than autosomal
- Usually origin de novo (new) (both parents and siblings are normal)
Down syndrome: birth prevalence 1:700
Sex chromosome abnormality: Klinefelter, 47 XXY
- 1:500-1000 males
- Extra X is either of paternal or maternal origin
- Clinical characteristics e.g.:
o Disproportional long arms/legs
o IQ mostly normal
o Glynaecomasty: breast development
o Reduced body and facial hair
o Infertility
- Most follow mendelian pattern of inheritance
- Single gene
Online mendelian inheritance in Man (OMIM)
- Mendelian disorders: caused by mutations in single genes of large effect (1% liveborn)
- In 2019
o 5281 autosomal
o 342 X linked
o 4 Y linked
o 33 mitochondrial
Mechanisms of single gene disorders
1. Enzyme defects (e.g. inborn errors of metabolism)
2. Defects in membrane receptors/transport systems
3. Alterations in structure, function, or quantity of non-enzyme proteins
4. Genetic variants leading to unusual drugs reactions
Enzyme defects: storage diseases
- Material to be degraded builds up in certain cells in the body and causes problems
- Example: Tay-Sachs disease
o Deficiencies of enzyme hexosaminidase
o GM2 ganglioside (waste) builds up
o Destroys nerve cells
o Children: loss of sight, hearing, movement etc, death age 4
Defects in membrane receptors/transport systems
- Example: familial hypercholesterolemia
o Receptor disease
o Mutation in gene encoding LDL receptor (involved in transport and metabolism of
o Elevated cholesterol levels (artherosclerosis)
o Early onset heart disease
Alteration in structure, function or quantity of non enzyme proteins
- Example Marfan syndrome
o Prevalence 1:5000
o Disorder of connective tissues of the body (defect in extracellular glycoprotein fibrillin-1)
▪ Affects skeleton, eyes, and cardiovascular system (dilation of aorta → aneurysm)
o 80% of cases are familial (autosomal dominant)
Genetic variants leading to unusual drugs reactions
- E.g.: cytochrome P450
o Used by the liver to metabolize drugs
o Changes in CYP enzyme levels affect drug metabolism
, o Rapid metabolization (you give higher dose of the drugs), if you have poor metabolization
(lower the dose)
- Frequent, 10% life time risk to develop one of the diseases
Multifactorial etiology of disease: to develop the diseases: the environmental factors are very important
Multifactorial disorders
- Most common disorder are multifactorial
o Asthma, arthritis, dementia, depression, heart disease, cancer, cleft lip, spina bifida etc.
- Multi or polygenic: 1> gene, each convey low risk
- And environmental factors
- Complex interactions
Mendelian subsets of common diseases: from the common diseases (heart disease, cancer), there is also a
subset that has the mendelian cause → breast cancer, Mendelian subset are BRACA 1 & 2 → disease are
common but cause is a single mutation