Language Acquisition 2
Vocabulary List
Semester 2
Index 1
A 2
B 11
C 14
D 25
E 33
F 39
G 44
H 46
I 48
J 57
L 58
M 61
N 66
O 69
P 71
Q 80
R 81
S 87
T 95
U 99
V 101
W 104
Y 105
Z 105
, A
Word Meaning Word used in a sentence
1 Abhor to regard with extreme “ I abhor listening to hard rock
repugnance or aversion; music.”
detest utterly; loathe;
2 Abjure to renounce, repudiate, or “ We are abjuring further Covid
retract, especially with restrictions.”
formal solemnity
3 Abortive failing to succeed; “Her new project idea was
unsuccessful proven to be abortive.”
4 Abounds to occur or exist in great “There is an abound of seashells
quantities or numbers in the ocean.”
5 Abrogate to abolish by formal or “A good father would never
official means; annul by an abrogate his parental
authoritative act; repeal responsibilities.”
6 Abstemious characterized by abstinence, “Matt’s nutritionist turned him to
especially in the a more abstemious and healthful
consumption of food and lifestyle.”
7 Absurd utterly or obviously “You saying that Covid cannot
senseless, illogical, or be deadly is absurd.”
untrue; contrary to all reason
or common sense; laughably
foolish or false
8 Access the ability, right, or “She had an access to the
permission to approach, prisoner’s files.”
enter, speak with, or use;
9 Accommodate to make suitable or “They were kind enough to
consistent; adapt accommodate me with a ride to
the train station.”
10 Accomplice a person who knowingly “He was my accomplice in the
helps another in a crime or robbery.”
wrongdoing, often as a
, subordinate
11 Accost to approach, especially with “I was accosted by a tourist
a greeting, question, or family in the subway.”
12 Acknowledged widely recognized; generally “Nikola Tesla is a
accepted well-acknowledged inventor in
the world.”
13 Acme the highest point; summit; “One of the highest Himalayan
peak acmes is called Mount Everest.”
14 Acrimonious caustic, stinging, or bitter in “They had an acrimonious
nature, speech, behavior, divorce.”
15 Acute extremely great or serious; “His snake bite was acute.”
crucial; critical
16 Adamant utterly unyielding in attitude “She was very adamant in
or opinion in spite of all answering questions about her
appeals, urgings, etc. assault.”
17 Adherents supporter; follower; a person “Hitler had a lot of adherents in
who follows or upholds a his life.”
leader, cause, etc.
18 Admonished To admonish; to urge a “I admonished her to do the
person to do something dishes.”
19 Adroit Skillful or resourceful “My mother is very adroit in
20 Advent Coming or the arrival of “The advent of spring is upon
someone or something us.”