Topic all thing media
Week 1 Introduction
Human-human communication
Human-human communication is the interaction between two or more persons when they talk
to each other face-to-face. Face-to-face communication has a few characteristics.
Awareness of all involved people
Mutual co-orientation
Negotiation of meaning (encoding and decoding)
Reciprocity (there is an exchange of information between the communicator and the
receiver, and these roles can change)
Process (dynamic, changing), something is constantly going on
Based on a common code, signs, symbols, and rules of communication
Multifunctional (communication can have multiple functions than transferring
Multimodal non-verbal and verbal communication (we are very bad at decoding non-
verbal communication, facial expression, body posture, gesture, etc.)
Computer mediated communication (CMC)
After human-human communication computer mediated communication made its
introduction. This is still human-human communication but then achieved through or with
help of computer technology. This computer-mediated communication also has a few
characteristics, and it can have different forms.
Mode (text, audio, visual)
Synchronous (in the moment) or asynchronous (not a quick answer)
Dyadic (only two persons involved) or group (more than two persons involved)
Anonymous (not identified) or nonymous (identified with your name)
Professional/work-related or private
Mass communication
After computer mediated communication, mass communication arose, which is usually
defined by five concepts.
Public: Everybody has access
Technologically mediated: There is a medium in between, such as television or radio
, Indirect: You cannot communicate with the messenger
One-sided: The communication only goes one way
Dispersed audience: The audience is all over the place, but you cannot really see it
A technology is a manner of accomplishing a task using technical processes, methods, or
Emerging technology
Emerging technology are new technologies, which can have a few characteristics.
Radical novelty: It could be based on something already existing
Relatively fast growth: Think of smartphones
Coherence: It forms to a unified whole, at a certain point things get a common
coherent name, think of social media
Potential to have prominent impact on socio-economic domains: It will change how
we live our life
Uncertainty and ambiguity (it can be understood in more than one way) in the
emergence phase
Crucial technological changes
Over time some crucial changes emerged in technology. Six important developments can be
Computing power increases: The laptops nowadays have much more power than
Mobile connectivity: There is wifi everywhere, we can use technology everywhere at
all times
Dataifcation: We translate our information into networked information
Miniaturization of sensors, microphones, and cameras: Everything becomes really
small, almost invisible
Cloud computing: You do not need to keep everything on the device, instead you can
save it in the cloud
Progress in artificial intelligence and machine learning
, The hype cycle for emerging technologies
The hype cycle for emerging technologies is about the expectations we have about new
technologies. The cycle exists of five phases. The technology trigger is where the new
technology is discovered. Then the peak of inflated expectations, where we expect way too
much of the new technology. This is followed by trough of disillusionment, where we no
expectations at all. The slope of enlightment bring back our focus to reality and makes us
want to discover what we can really do with the new technology. Ten the plateau of
productivity sets in. We tend to overestimate new technologies.
An innovation is a new method, idea, product, etc. There are a few things that can be taken
into consideration if we think about what makes an innovation successful.
Relative advantage: The innovation should give an advantage
Compatibility: The innovation should not be totally new, it should be compatible with
what is done before
Complexity: It should be easy to learn, not too complex to use
Trialability: You want to try it out
Observability: You want to observe it, to see whether it is successful for others and
Adopters to innovations
People adapt to these innovations on a different speed. Some people are ready at the start of
the innovation, others need some time to adapt. There are a few typologies of different