HC: male bias, double empathy, man made disorder, lack in social communication, repetitive patterns
1) review about how to diagnose autism, complex → symptoms changes over time → over-liking for sameness
or inability to cope with change, especially in unstructured setting; → need structure
2) review: what helps in class for teaching: prevent sensory overload (light, smell, sound → silencing
headphones), use more visuals (it helps even though they can also understand), provide clear structure (give
them a schedule → helps reduce anxiety), teach social skills (let them interact with others, use emotion cards),
acknowledge them and DONT SEPORATE → provide a seat the child can keep using → allow flexibility for
needs of the child → it can be harming to use timer because it increases anxiety (dont use it) → ask parents
what the child needs → use their special interests
3) research shows 96% of teachers are not trained on how to create an inclusive classroom for teaching
children with autism.
4) Germany: teachers dont feel responisble → schools for special needs → (un)succesful (don’t get extra help
|America: not enough teachers → high workload → not extra time to help
5) students gain a higher IQ after one year in an inclusive classroom
HC: bacteria, science not sure how transmitted, most likely droplets, loss of sensation skin, loss of strength in
hands → clawing fingers/toes, weakness of eyelides → blindness | many components, religion (result of a sin),
multi drug therapy → ignored (no budget,no diagnosis, searching for cases) | low accessibility drug LMIC
1) research in South Africa: zero leprosy goal → high awareness for HC workers in necessary in national leprosy
plan, for early detection,
2) QOL leprosy bangladesh, significantly lower QOL score and mental health duo to maily stigma, in hindu and
buddhism leprosy as a result of bad karma, fear of contagion of hereditary
3) interviews with leprosy patients, sadness/frustration/loss of confidence/stress/hopelessness/ashamed,
isolated themself (self-stigma and stigma), impact long time, also after being cured
4) policy: nepal Goal being set of leprosy free, early door-to-door screening for diagnosis | WHO zero leprosy:
zero infection and disease, zero disability, zero stigma and discrimination and the elimination of leprosy,
strategy = every endemic country should have a roadmap to zero leprosy and high emphasis on funding
what to do: raising awareness and educate (problem not over yet), early diagnosis, immediate treatment →
better accessibility, isolation not necessary when started with treatment, more focus for mental wellbeing,
reduce stigma by normalization and support groups
HC: excessive urine, thirst, hunger, weight loss, fatigue, high blood pressure (renal failure), nerve damage →
1) research in Korea: lower SES is associated with a higher risk of DM2, higher SES = healthier lifestyle, lower
education = higher risk, better informed choices, better pay
2) Switzerland birth weight risk DM2, lower birth weight higher prevalence DM2 → malnutrition, poverty
3) India = diet high in carbohydrates → higher risk DM2
4) gender and sex differences = women more underdiagnosed or diagnosed over 70, women more
complications (depression)
5) ethnic variations = southeast asian people higher insulin secretion → higher risk, african americans = lower
risk, because increased glucose uptake possibility independent of insulin | Saudi arabia = high risk children,
6) what helps: 6 month self glycemic managment (DSME), 48% of patients never had such training, training →
physically active, likely to have checked their blood sugar daily, better glucose regulation → less complications
7) D prevention program in England reduced risk DM2 with 30%, focus: eat healthy, good weight, physical
Down syndrome
1) appearances: short neck, shorter height, upward pointing eyes | cognitive challenges: walking and moving
(fine motor skills), learning abilities (lower IQ), speaking ability (language development) → longer time,
2) higher risk child with down syndrome mother over 35, life expectancy (better medical care) 30 → 60 years
(1960 to now), cardiac corrective surgery/vaccinations/special education and assistance
3) prenatal screening; NOT: ‘right not to know’; anxiety, 15% being against abortion: DO the screening; to
4) attitude towards DS: 30% youth said DS go to other schools, 40% youth does not want to spend time with
someone with DS outside school→ attitude changed after having relationships with people with DS (as friends
, or family), female attitude was more positively over all
5) difference in stigma between latino and US: lower for latino with DS → more collectivistic and other
expectations of milestones and goals compared to individualistic US with high expectations
6) dutch policy: 5 days reflection time, until the 24th week, it still a crime because it's part of criminal law