Managerial Implications
Marketers can help customers reduce cognitive dissonance and regret by diminishing
negative feelings related to the offering and contribute to positive brand attitudes
Marketers constantly monitor customer satisfaction since research shows that satisfied
customers spend more, become brand loyal, boosts company profitability and can pay off in
more stock recommendations to investors
Marketers should make sure that customers feelings after trying, buying and using their
offerings are as positive as possible
Marketers need to be responsive to negative word-of-mouth, make an effort to identify the
reason for or source of difficulty and take steps to rectify or eliminate the problem with
restitution or communication
Key takeaways
Monitoring post-purchase assessments is as important as monitoring pre-purchase
The conceptualization of concepts using conceptual dimensions helps a better understanding
and a better management of these concepts
Customer satisfaction is one of the most important concepts in marketing as it connects
antecedents like product quality (what companies do) with successors like brand loyalty
(what companies want to get back in return)
Negative post-purchase assessments and especially not responding properly to these, causes
customer to churn
Taking customers -who voice their complaint- seriously (responsive, empathic, authentic and
personal) is key
Topic 6 (Attitude)
Management (what to change)
Theory of reasoned action
Fishbein model heeft sociale normen toegevoegd (normatieve overwegingen en motivation to
comply sociale norms)
Change strength of attribute beliefs
- Easier (use demonstrations or trustworthy sources)
Why: beliefs are not tied to a consumer’s self-concept (wat je belangrijk vind in een product
is belangrijk voor jou als consument en geld voor de hele categorie)
- May involve changing the product
Example: add new attribute/belief for consideration
Philadelphia, ook gaan gebruiken voor spaghettisaus
- Easy when attitude is weakly held
o Stand out (attention, salience)
o Scarcity
- May involve changing the product
Extensive promotional efforts (to get info to consumers)
, Example: change evaluations or attributes
Asn bank, niet zozeer beliefs belangrijker, maar criterium belangrijker achten (e van evaluations).
Gewicht van bank die nadenkt over effect op omgeving is belangrijker geworden, niet alleen voor
Asn, maar ook voor andere banken (bewustzijn, belang)
- No change in product needed
- Very difficult, evaluation ratings are often tied to the consumer’s self-concept
Two preference models
Decreasing preference: voor de dingen die mensen niet
graag hebben geldt: hoe minder hoe liever
Ideal-Point preference model
Meer van een attribuut kan tot minder preference van dit
zorgen, er is één ideaal punt
Social norms
Management (what to change): influence perceptions of reference group’s
reaction to behavior
- Reference groups have a large impact on intentions to behave
- Motivation to comply may be very low
Example: change normative compliance strength
Hornbach (mensen die klussen, na klussen behoorlijk getranspireerd hebben met Hornbacks spullen,
trekken shirt uit, shirts verkocht en als iemand zo’n bezweet zakje opentrekt voor de geur alleen
voorjaar denken ze dan aan, het maakt hun uniek)
- No need for product change
- May turn against the focal brand or product
Management (how to change)
X variabelen
Source factors
o Credibility
o Attractiveness
Message factors
o Complexity
o Vividness