1. What is a longitudinal study?
2. Indicate the measurement level (nominal, ordinal, interval or ratio) of
the following variables:
a) Years passed since event X
b) Music preference
c) Satisfaction measured on a 5-point Likert-scale
d) Highest form of completed education
e) Yearly profits
3. For the following research questions, indicate the research design
(exploratory, descriptive or causal)
a) Do students that study perform better than students that do not
b) What is customer satisfaction?
c) How does company X compare to its competitors in regards to ICT
d) What is the relationship between motivation and satisfaction?
4. What is the difference between research question and proxy question?
Give a research question example and then create some proxy
5. A researcher want to investigate if customers buy more in a shop if
they listen to ambient music. Design a study to investigate this.
6. Define reliability and validity as concepts in marketing research?
Provide examples for research instruments which do not meet one of
these criteria, and do not meet any of these criteria.
7. In a causal research, why it is important to identify extraneous
What happens if you ignore them?
8. A research worker plans to evaluate high school students' reactions to
a new policy on closed campus stations. He locates himself near the
office of the dean, where he interviews every fourth student who visits
the dean. He eventually secures data from 100 interviews and
publishes his findings as the "Reactions of high school students to a
new policy for a closed campus."
What may be wrong with this approach? Motivate your answer.
9. For the scenario below, describe how the researcher should proceed
with the following, giving reasons:
a. The research design (exploratory, descriptive or causal)
, b. The Methodology
Ms. Joyce Lynn, the owner of a small business (a woman’s dress
boutique), has invited a consultant to tell her how she is different from
similar small business within a 60-mile radius, in regard to her usage of
the most modern computer technology, sales volume, profit margin,
and staff training.
10. Identify the variables is the following study and indicate the type
of variable for each.
Sleepless Nights At Holiday Inn
Just a few years ago, Tom Oliver, the Chief Executive of Holiday
Hospitality Corp., was struggling to differentiate among the variety of
facilities offered to clients under the Holiday flagship – the Holiday Inn
Select designed for business travelers, the Holiday Inn Express used by
penny pinchers, and the Crowne Plaza Hotels, the luxurious hotels
meant for the big spenders. Oliver felt that revenues could be
quadrupled if only clients could differentiate among these.
Keen on developing a viable strategy for Holiday Hospitality which
suffered from brand confusion, Tom Oliver conducted a customer
survey of those who had used each type of facility, and found the
following. The consumers didn’t have a clue as to the differences
among the three different types. Many complained that the buildings
were old and not properly maintained, and the quality ratings of
service and other factors were also poor. Furthermore, when word
spread that one of the contemplated strategies of Oliver was a name
change to differentiate the three facilities, irate franchises balked.
Their mixed messages did not help consumers to understand the
differences, either.
Oliver thought that he first needed to understand how the different
classifications would be important to the several classes of clients, and
then he could market the heck out of them and greatly enhance the
revenues. Simultaneously, he recognized that unless the franchise
owners fully cooperated with him in all his plans, mere face lifting and
improvement of, customer service would not bring added revenues.
Research question: How can brand awareness be brought about to
increase the revenues of Holiday Inn?