HC1 (Buono H2)
The role of relational expertise; the expertise delivered is:
• The service for sale is an intangible experience that cannot be possessed by someone
• The service is simultaneously produced and consumed by the consultant and its client
• The customer plays a key role in both creating and consuming the service for sale
- The patriarchal expert (knowledge based) (geen binding)
Professional work entails a high degree of knowledge-based expertise (Barber, 1965; Winter, 1988).
Professional work is controlled through the creation and maintenance of rigorous industry-level
standards (Starbuck, 1992) and, as such, professionals enjoy high status outside the profession (Barber,
1965; Winter, 1988). In fact, professionals hold their authority over their clients and act as the
unquestionable expert. In this model, the professional holds some degree of power and control over the
- The relational expert (power-with model) (binding)
Women tend to have an explicit focus on maintaining positive relationships. Inherent in this focus is a
relational approach, which encourages both parties in a relationship to focus on their mutual growth and
development. In fact, creating growth-enhancing relationships is a key goal of relational practice. Three
characteristics that distinguish such growth-enhancing, “relationally-based” relationships from other
forms of relationships: (1) mutuality, (2) interdependence, and (3) reciprocity, (4) commitment, (5)
autonomy and (6) co-learning.
Drie consultancy (advies) modellen:
- Informatie en kennis (expertise) model:
o De kern van dit model is dat de cliënt inzicht heeft en wat voor hulp hij/zij en/of de
organisatie nodig heeft
o Er is meer informatie en/of kennis nodig bij de klant organisatie consultant heeft dit
Dit model werkt goed als er een expert nodig (elektricien, accountant etc.). De parameters van het
probleem zijn bekend, gestandaardiseerd en realiseerbaar in een gesloten systeem.
Trainingen vallen hier ook onder (leiderschaps- of management ontwikkkelings trainingen), in
deze gevallen is minder standaardisatie, zijn er meerdere alternatieven mogelijk.
maybe the problem is not ‘the expert model’ itself, but using the ‘expert approach’ when
another type of approach would be more ‘fitting’ and probably would deliver better
desired results depending on the dynamic needs of the situation, the degree of ‘ownership’
, and ‘readiness’ that is needed in the initiative, and maybe even if a shift in how we see
things is needed.
- (medical) Doctor-patiënt model:
o De kern van dit model is dat de cliënt inzicht heeft van wat er aan de hand is, maar dat
de consultant de additionele mach krijgt een diagnose te stellen en advies te geven ten
aanzien van de oplossingsrichtingen Ik ken het probleem, ik kan het niet oplossen
One or more managers decide to bring in a consultant (internal or external) to ‘check them
over’, to see if they are, or are not, functioning effectively and are expected to prescribe what to
do about the issues with remedial solutions. The consultant performs the assessment, the
diagnosis and offers the prescription.
The is certainly little ‘ownership’, ‘readiness’, ‘effective engagement’ or any
degree of ‘taking responsibility’ in the organization itself to proceed to implement
change, or for the results of the initiative. In the medical model the organization
is ‘fitted into’ the consultant’s model. A lot is put on the shoulders of the
consultant in the ‘medical model’. Here, the consultant is the responsible ‘change
- Het proces consultatie model (PC)
o Definitie: “Process consultation is a series of steps facilitated by the consultant
that help the client to perceive, understand, and act upon the issues that occur in
the client’s environment(s) in order to improve the situation as defined by the
o De kern van dit model is dat de cliënt zelf eigenaar van het door hem/haar ervaren
probleem blijft. De rol die de consultant speelt is het aanscherpen van het inzicht in het
door zijn/haar cliënt ervaren probleem en hoe er mee om te gaan samen oplossen
o De relatie tussen consultant en klant is hier van elementair belang.
Process Consultation (PC) is a series of interconnected steps and processes which develops
‘readiness and ownership’ in the client base to make the effort ‘theirs’. PC supports the client to
develop ‘ownership’ in order to take the necessary degree of responsibility and accountability in
the change and development process as well as the outcomes to increase the probability of on-
going success within an approach of continuous change.
De client krijgt de skills aangerijkt om zelf te diagnostiseren en he tprobleem op te lossen zodat de client
in de toekomst de problemen zelf ook beter aan kan pakken.
The client, with support of the PC consultant, designs a change and development process that
‘fits’ that organization based on its strategic focus, issues, culture, dynamics, critical success
factors, business case /driving factors, external environments, etc.
The consultant realizes that he/she is not the ’change agent’, the people engaged in the process,
the people who work in the organization, are the ‘change agents’.
Both an ‘expert approach’ and ‘medical model’ focuses on an analytical orientation regarding
‘why’ things are done. A process approach focuses on ‘how’ things are done.
The key to understanding what makes an organization more or less effective is how it does
, Buono H2:
The relationship between the professional and client acts as the medium for delivering this expertise.
The implicit assumption is that professionals’ expertise in their field alone makes them successful or
unsuccessful service providers. The actual role that service delivery plays in a professional’s ability to
apply an expertise and build a successful practice, however, has largely been ignored.
services are vastly different from manufacturing in that: (1) the product for sale is an intangible
experience that cannot be possessed (Bowen & Schneider, 1988), (2) the product is simultaneously
produced and consumed (Bowen & Cummings, 1990), and (3) the customer plays a key role in both
creating and consuming the product for sale (Argote, 1982). Thus the customer acts as a resource, as
well as co-producer, buyer, beneficiary and often product of the service (Lengnick-Hall, 1996).
Professional service experiences “create bonds of attachment and trust” where the service provider and
client “become dependent on one another… This interdependence causes both provider and customer
to look out for the other, because in fact the other is an important factor in one’s own success”
Mutuality is the respectful commitment of both individuals in a relationship to work on their self-
development (Jordan et al., 1991; Josselson, 1992). This dynamic means that individuals must be ready
to provide authentic support and encouragement to the other. Additionally, it means that individuals
must be willing to try to act in a manner congruent with their thoughts and feelings, and remain open to
exploring the barriers that prevent them from doing so. Interdependence refers to the belief that
creating relationships with others, as opposed to remaining autonomous, is a better approach to
learning and growing. Reciprocity refers to the expectation that individuals in a relationship will
contribute to each other’s learning, in essence both having the skills to create these relationships and
the motivation to use them. An important aspect of reciprocity is relational competence, “the interest
and capacity to ‘stay emotionally present with,’ to enlarge or deepen the relational context to create
enough ‘space’ for both individuals to express themselves and to allow for possible conflict, tension and
creative resolution” (Surrey, 1987, p. 5). Thus, individuals wishing to create growth-enhancing
relationships must try to remain adaptable to the changing needs of both themselves and the other