Table of Contents
Information systems strategy Strategy, IS and IT – Week 1 (Sheets) .................................. 3
Defining and describing key terms (IS, IT, Strategy) ................................................................... 3
Describing ‘information systems strategy’ ................................................................................ 3
Describing the context of IS Strategy (internally and externally) ................................................ 4
Describing and analyzing tools for IS/IT Strategy development .................................................. 6
Describing the CSFs for operational and strategic IS .................................................................. 9
Paper: Information Systems Strategy: Reconceptualization, Measurement and
implications week 1 (Chen) ............................................................................................. 10
Information systems strategy – IS, IT & Strategy – Week 2 (Sheets) ................................. 12
Identifying the role of ‘strategy’ in organizations: historical evolution, functions, levels .......... 12
Explaining corporate-level strategy and its tools ..................................................................... 13
Explaining business-level strategy and its tools ....................................................................... 16
Identifying the role of IS/IT to analyze and predict changes in organizations, competition, and
industries .............................................................................................................................. 19
Paper week 2 – Information technology and business-level strategy: Toward an integrated
theoretical perspective (Drnevich & Croson) ................................................................... 20
Information systems strategy – IS/IT functional strategy – Week 3 (Sheets) .................... 23
Explaining the historical evolution of IS Strategy within organizations ..................................... 23
Analysing the business context in which IS Strategy formulation occurs .................................. 24
Describing the strategic scope of an IS Strategy ...................................................................... 26
Describing and performing an IS Strategy formulation process ................................................ 29
Using the Balanced Scorecard in an IS environment ................................................................ 30
Information systems strategy - Strategy and IS/IT alignment– Week 4 (Sheets) ............... 34
Describing the organizational, business, and IS/IT environment .............................................. 34
Analyzing and depicting organizational processes ................................................................... 35
Critical success factors............................................................................................................ 36
Redesign business processes .................................................................................................. 37
Paper week 4 – Strategic alignment – Leveraging information technology for transforming
organizations (Henderson venkatramann) ...................................................................... 40
Describe the different types of alignment ............................................................................... 40
Explain four dominant alignment perspectives ....................................................................... 43
Information systems strategy – Strategic advantage with IS/IT through innovation– Week
5 (Sheets) ....................................................................................................................... 44
Describe the different types and forms of innovation.............................................................. 44
Describe the innovation process of IS/IT innovations .............................................................. 44
Describe the role of IS/IT in the innovation process ................................................................ 45
Analyse how firms use data to discover new knowledge ......................................................... 47
Paper week 5 – Consultancies with capabilities innovating with IT .................................. 49
Describe and evaluate the role of consultants in IS/IT-based innovation.................................. 49
Information systems strategy – Strategic advantage with IS/IT through collaboration and
competition– Week 6 (Sheets) ........................................................................................ 50
Analyze how firm’s a gain strategic advantage through IS/IT in products/services (CH6) .......... 50
, Analyze how firm’s a gain strategic advantage through IS/IT in internal processes (CH6).......... 50
Analyze how firm’s a gain strategic advantage through IS/IT in the supply chain (CH6) ............ 52
Analyze how firm’s a gain strategic advantage through IS/IT in the industry (CH6) ................... 53
Integrating the models from Chapter 2 to 6 to translate Business strategy into IS .................... 54
needs (CH7) ........................................................................................................................... 54
Integrating the models from Chapter 2 to 6 to identify IS/IT opportunities for Business strategy
(CH7) ..................................................................................................................................... 57
Explain how firms can sustain an IS/IT-based competitive advantage ...................................... 57
Paper week 6 – IT-dependent strategic initiatives and sustained competitive advantage: a
review and synthesis of the literature ............................................................................. 57
Information systems strategy – IS/IT portfolio management and development – Week 7
(Sheets) .......................................................................................................................... 60
Recognize different IT governance methods ........................................................................... 60
Use application portfolio models (describe, apply, evaluate) ................................................... 62
Explain how multi-BU firms use portfolio models .................................................................... 64
Develop development and management methods for applications based on the portfolio
approach ............................................................................................................................... 64
Describe and evaluate the role of Enterprise Systems ............................................................. 66
Paper week 7 - Evaluate IT project prioritization processes ..................................................... 67
Information systems strategy – Investment– Week 8 (Sheets)......................................... 70
Identify the various types of IT project benefits and costs ....................................................... 70
Evaluate individual IT projects ................................................................................................ 71
Recognize different types of evaluation methods for applications/infrastructure .................... 71
Develop project risk management strategies .......................................................................... 74
Employ a project portfolio (‘program management’) approach ............................................... 75
Paper week 8 Explain how IT investments influence firm value ....................................... 76
Information systems strategy – Principles for organizational IS/IT management – Week 9
(Sheets) .......................................................................................................................... 77
Define IT governance and specify its five elements ................................................................. 77
Evaluate the three governance modes and their appropriate uses........................................... 78
Describe a benefits management approach ............................................................................ 79
Develop a benefits dependency network ................................................................................ 82
Describe the IT service management approach ....................................................................... 83
Paper week 9 Explain the value and use of ITIL ............................................................... 83
Information systems strategy – Outsourcing– Week 10 (Sheets) ..................................... 83
Paper week 10 – Lacity Insights for practice .................................................................... 91
Case study: Cloud Strategy PostNL .................................................................................. 94
,Information systems strategy Strategy, IS and IT – Week 1 (Sheets)
- Defining and describing key terms (IS, IT, Strategy)
- Describing ‘information systems strategy’
- Describing the context of IS Strategy (internally and externally)
- Describing and analyzing tools for IS/IT Strategy development
- Describing the CSFs for operational and strategic IS
Defining and describing key terms (IS, IT, Strategy)
Information technology (IT):
- “the technology, essentially hardware, software, and telecommunications network,
that facilitate the acquisition and collection, processing, storing, delivery, sharing
and presentation of information”
Information systems (IS):
- “the means by which people and organizations (increasingly utilizing technology)
gather process, store, use, and disseminate information”
- “a coherent set of actions matching internal resources with the external
environment to reach long-term objectives”
Describing ‘information systems strategy’
Information systems strategy
- A disciplinary/functional strategy
- Concerned with the role of IS/IT in organizations
o Top-down : IS/IT to use to best support a chosen business strategy
o Bottom-up: IS/IT to drive changed in business strategy
- An ambiguous strategy
o Source for differentiation
o Source for competitive advantage
, Describing the context of IS Strategy (internally and externally)
Sullivan Matrix (internal)
- Infusion and diffusion of IS/IT
o Infusion is the degree to which an organization becomes dependent on IS/IT
to carry out its core operations and manage the business
o Diffusion is the degree to which IS/IT has become distributed throughout the
organization and decisions concerning its use are devolved (komen erop