Lecture Authors and title Result
1. IMC Belch & Belch, chapter 1 - Introduction to Strategic process to plan, develop, execute and evaluate brand
Integrated Marketing Communications communication programs.
VERPLICHT Engaging and building sustainable relationships.
1. Company created touchpoint – company controlled
2. Intrinsic touchpoint – between buy and use; store
3. Customer initiated touchpoint – questions; website
4. Unexpected touchpoint – reviews, uncontrolled
2. Persuasion: Pelsmaecker et al., chapter 3 – How Attitude formation and change, 3 components:
Explicit attitudes Marketing Communications work Cognitive, affective and behavior
VERPLICHT Elaboration likelihood (MAO factors)
Central and peripherical processing of information
- Multi-attribute models (cognitive, high)
- Self-persuasion model (cognitive, high)
- Heuristics evaluation (cognitive, low)
- Feelings-as-information model (affect, high)
- Ad transfer / feeling transfer (affect, low)
- Mere exposure (affect, low)
- Classical conditioning (affect, low)
- Post experience model (behavior, high)
- Perception-experience-memory (behavior, high)
- Reinforcement model (behavior, low)
- Routinized response (behavior, low)
3. Persuasion: Gibson, 2008 - Evaluative conditioning effect on implicit attitude only for
Implicit attitudes Classical conditioning (evaluative) and implicit neutral group.
brand attitudes
Low cognitive load: no effects explicit attitude is predictor
VERPLICHT High cognitive load: effect implicit attitude is predictor
Friese et al., 2008 –
Implicit vs. explicit attitude towards crisps High resources (high knowledge) explicit attitude measure
Low resources (low knowledge) implicit attitude measure
No time pressure
Friese, Wänke & Plessner, 2006 – Implicit and explicit preference converge choose product
Implicit consumer preferences and their consistent with explicit preference
influence on product choice Implicit and explicit preference diverge choose product
consistent with explicit preference
Under time pressure
Implicit and explicit preference diverge choose product that is
consistent with implicit preference.
, 4. Brand salience Romaniuk, Sharp, Ehrenberg, 2007 – Pick-any approach (different, unique)
Evidence concerning the importance of - Only 10% perceived brand as different or unique
perceived brand differentiation
5-point rating scale (different, unique)
VERPLICHT - Majority of ratings below midpoint (3)
Consumers see differences between brands, but don’t perceive the
brand to be differentiated from other brands.
Consumers don’t perceive meaningful brand differentiation
No persuasion to convince consumers needed
MacDonald & Sharp, 2000 – Brand awareness Brand awareness is key in low involvement situations, because
effects on consumer decision - Influences which brand enters consideration set
- Selection from consideration set
VERPLICHT High awareness: 1 known brand, 2 unknown brands
Low awareness: 3 unknown brands
High awareness (familiar brand)
- 84% chose known brand despite price and quality
- Less time to decide
- Care less about product attributes
- Persuasion is less important
Low awareness (no familiar brand)
- Looked at package (34,3%) and price (30,7%)
- Take more time to decide
- Evaluating product attributes
Trembath, Romaniuk & Lokshin, 2011 – Persuasion approach vs. brand salience approach
Comparison of Two approaches
DV = intention to visit 7 travel destinations
Previous visitation - predicts intention to visit
Brand salience - predicts intention to visit
Brand attitude – does not predict intention to visit
Brand salience is more important in predicting behavior.