Lecture 1: Public Relations: an
What is it?
= Managing of communication of an
organization, e.g. negotiation of points of
views and bridging interest (Grunig)
= The development of relationships to help
communicate about an organization, an
issue, a person or a product (Gordon)
= management of mutual understanding
between an organization and its publics
Difference between PR and Ad: the dialog.
PR you present your idea and listen to what
the organization thinks about it. It’s a cycle
that never stops
Example of what is PR
- Things we read in the newspapers
are the result of PR
- Also fun stuff, documentary (Harry
& Meghan)
Making this was a smart way to
rebuilt their reputation, and
counteract the accusations. Their
- Organizations is a term we will use
a lot
- Organizations complies a broader
range of institutions than “firm” or
o When we talk of companies we
discuss commercial entities
o Organizations implies a number
of other institutions that don’t
necessarily sell something but that
might still be involved in Public
,Lecture 2: Theme Crisis ➔ “an organization’s success is
Communication dependent on how well it
manages the relationships with
What is a crisis?
key groups such as customers,
A crisis is a turning point in a situation, employees, suppliers,
where an important change takes place, that communities, financiers, and
could determine a negative outcome other that can affect the
realization of its purpose” –
For organizations, crises include: R. Edward Freeman & Phillips,
- Natural crises (floods, earthquakes, 2002
- Political crises (corruption, changes
in government) Organizations as networks
- Internal crises (misconduct, abuse)
Most organizations, no matter if NGO or
A crisis is the perception of an commercial, are involved in a number of
unpredictable event that threatens relationships that include people inside and
important expectancies of stakeholders outside of the organization
related to health, safety, environmental,
When thinking of how to respond to a crisis,
and economic issues, and can seriously
organizations should understand:
impact an organization’s performance and
generate negative outcomes - Which stakeholders are affected
– Coombs, 2015 - How seriously they are affected
- What are the consequences of the
stakeholders being affected
This requires a classification
Stakeholders in a crisis can be defines as
individuals, groups, communities, or
organizations who may affect, be affected
by or perceive themselves to be affected
by the crisis – Ndlela, 2019
Why stakeholders?
Interest around stakeholders comes from
stakeholder theory, an economic theory
that posits that organizations are embedded
in a series of relationships with other
organizations, communities, and
institutions such as governments
➔ According to this theory, the
goals of an organization should
be the mediation of everyone’s
interests (and not just making a
,Stakeholder management 2 fundamental questions:
At the center of establishing and - How to define and identify
maintaining relationships with stakeholders stakeholders?
is communication. Organizations should: - How to manage the relationship
with various stakeholder groups?
- Be aware of whom to relate to in
case of a crisis
- Involve stakeholders in pre-crisis
Primary vs secondary stakeholders
preparedness, for crises that can be
prevented Primary = those who are directly,
- Establish appropriate significantly or potentially affected by the
communication channels for each activities of the organization (employees,
stakeholder customers, suppliers, etc). this can also
mean those who are directly, significantly,
and potentially affected by a crisis.
Secondary = those indirectly affected or for
whom the impact is not that direct, such as
the media, special interest groups and
1. Identify stakeholders
o Identify stakeholder
o Create stakeholder categories
Internal vs external stakeholders
o Create stakeholder contact list
2. Analyse stakeholders Internal = directly affected and take part in
o Prioritize by influence/power the organization’s decision-making and
o Prioritize by the degree of operations. E.g. managers, owners,
involvement employees
o Create stakeholder maps
o Create stakeholder engagement External = not involved in the
grid organization’s operations. E.g. customers,
3. Plan stakeholder communication suppliers, authorities
o Create communication planning
o Identify communication channels
o Identify engagement activities
o Create stakeholder
communication plans
4. Engage stakeholders
o Execute communication plan
o Update communication plan
o Establish feedback mechanism
, Organizational linkage Keep satisfied
Normative stakeholders = high power / low interest
Stakeholder in this category can have a lot
= Those the organization has a
of influence if they decide to use their
common interest with, shares similar
power, but not a lot of interest in doing so
problems or values. E.g. universities and
middle schools Manage closely (max. effort needed)
Diffusive stakeholders = high power / high interest
This group includes key stakeholders who
= Stakeholders who are not involved
should be involved in decision-making
in a company and only appear in the context
of a crisis. E.g. the media, activists Monitor (min. effort needed)
Functional stakeholders = low power / low interest
Stakeholder who barely can influence the
= Stakeholders who are essential for
management of the crisis
the management of the crisis. E.g. public
security, police, ambulance Keep informed
Enabling stakeholders = low power / high interest
Stakeholders who are directly affected by
= Stakeholders who have the
the crisis, but might not have the power to
authority to define the parameters of a
be heard
company’s crisis management. E.g.
regulators, government
Matrix model Mapping consumers’ attitude can be really
useful to trac their feelings around an
organization pre-post crisis
What is a crisis? What is NOT a crisis?
Organizations have an interest in downplay
crises. Therefore, what looks like a crisis
from outside can be describe as “just
Interest = how involved stakeholders are in Better to be conservative, and have a low
the crisis threshold for crises (Bland, 1998)
Power & influence = how many “For a crisis is not what has happened, it is
stakeholders can they influence what people think has happened” – Bland,
- If stakeholders think it’s a crisis,
then it’s a crisis!