Lecture Author Topic Main Claims Citation for
9 Autesserre Analysis of Peacebuilding: actions aimed at Autesserre, S.
(2017) peacebuilding creating, strengthening, and (2017).
successes in solidifying peace (re-establishing a International
relation to the measure of security). It needs Peacebuilding
presence of peacemaking: the process of and Local
international bringing parties in conflict to an Success:
actors agreement through peaceful means, Assumptions
and peacekeeping: the and
“deployment of international Effectiveness,
personnel to help maintain peace International
and security” after a war. Studies Review,
International actors’ presence and 19. PP. 114-132
intervention in peacebuilding has
yielded different results: some
argue it increases chances of
success, others say it is
counterproductive as it undermines
domestic, local, bottom-up efforts.
One of the issues of peacebuilding
efforts is the assumption that
top-down interventions will trickle
down to the local sphere. This is not
the case, because subnational
conflicts often motivate large parts
of civil war violence (i.e.
Afghanistan, Congo) - the macro
level does not constitute peace at
the subnational level:
local/subnational conflict resolution
needs to be addressed. Others argue
that a sustainable peace needs a
combination of top-down and
bottom-up efforts.
Also, peacebuilding efforts often
use overly simplistic and unrealistic
(as well as unproven) theories of
change which then yield no results,
only minor short-term ones, or
counterproductive ones. Moreover,
there is a massive power dynamic
between international peacebuilders
and local actors which makes it
almost impossible for the latter to
have the opportunity to challenge
even the worst ideas. The liberal
, peace agenda often fuels more
violence and aggravates
socio-economic problems. Finally,
another assumption of the
international peacebuilding
initiatives is that they are needed,
which is seen as normal and
self-evident. The international
actors assume that the local actors
cannot achieve peace on their own,
while in fact outsiders often pose
obstacles to domestic change.
9 Ramsbotha Conflict Galtung model of conflict: triangle Ramsbotham,
m et al. escalation, made of contradiction (C ), attitude O. (et al.),
(2005) de-escalation, (A), and behavior (B). All three (2005).
resolution components are needed for a full Introduction to
history and conflict, if attitudes or behavior are conflict
models absent it is a laten (or structural) resolution:
conflict. Violence is: direct violence Concepts and
(solved by changing conflict definitions. In
behavior), structural violence O.
(solved by removing structural Ramsbotham,
contradictions), and cultural Woodhouse, H.,
violence (solved by changing Miall, T. (Eds),
attitudes). Contemporary
The hourglass model: narrowing of conflict
political space characterizes conflict resolution (pp.
escalation, widening of political 3-31). Polity
space characterizes conflict Press
de-escalation. It combines Galtung
with an escalation/de-escalation
process graph.
Approaches to conflict are
distinguished into 5 categories
based on concern for Self and
concern for Other (high and low).
Yield: high other, low self
Contending: high self, low other
Withdraw: low self, low other
Accomodation/compromise: self
and other balanced in the middle
Resolution: high self and high other
(strong assertion of one’s own
interest, equal awareness of
aspirations and needs of the others
leads to creative problem-solving
Zero-sum conflict: self gain is other