Hc1 Product Software: Introduction (13-11-2023)
Deze samenvatting is gebaseerd op colleges van de Univsersiteit van Utrecht (inku)
Is metaverse product software? – digital ecosystem built on software
▪ The exam tests
– Common knowledge about the software industry
• “Mark three advantages of having a software product business over a service
• “Which of the following statements are from the agile manifesto?”
• “What are the challenges of exporting a software product?”
– Modeling and Analysis
• “Which of the following figures depicts the product variability of the iPhone 7?”
• “On what levels can you model software ecosystems?”
• “Match the business model canvas blocks with the following contents.”
– Software Development Questions
• “Which of the following are project constraints, quality requirements, and
functional requirements?”
• “Which of the following processes are part of the Software Product Management
,Introduction to product software
▪ Productsoftware
○ Economic context
○ Definition
▪ Organizational Structures
▪ Organizational Variability
- Started by 2 MBI students
- Bids on advertisements through different ad Exchanges
- Customers such as KLM, BMW, ING, etc. ‘
- Now: 78 employees and 8mln euros turnover
- Started by 3 Inku alumni during their study
- Detection of anomalies (afwijkingen) in Video Data, with a focus on violence
- From Utrecht
- 220 employees, 55 million in financing, 3 students from these benches
Societal context
ICT innovations create new products, services, companies, jobs, economic value, social value
- International
o Youtube, Google, SAP, Twitter, Meta, Microsoft, Amazon, …
- National
o Channable, Blendle, Centric, Exact, Planon, Unit 4, AFAS, Noldus, …
Main 50: Software Industrie Floreert in November 2021
- Software is een groeisector, gedreven door cloud computing en digitalisering van de
- Zelfs groeiende bedrijven schrijven meer dan 10% winstgevendheid
- Het vinden van geschikt personeel remt nog snellere expansie van de sector zelfs iets af. Vier
op de tien software ondernemers signaleert dit als belemmering voor groei.
- De gemiddelde groei van deelnemende bedrijven aan de Main Software 50 is 13%. De helft
van de deelnemende bedrijven aan de Main Software 50 groeit zelfs met meer dan 20% op
- De software industrie blijkt hiermee een belangrijke motor voor innovatie en groei van
Nederlandse bedrijven.
- De totale omzet groeide met ruim 23% naar EUR 386m.
- Het totale personeelsbestand van de bedrijven in de Main Software 50 groeide met 17% naar
3.187 FTE.
- 90% van de bedrijven doet internationaal zaken, en maar liefst een derde van de bedrijven
haalt zelfs meer dan 25% van de omzet uit het buitenland. Gemiddeld 26% van de omzet
komt uit het buitenland.
,What is Product Software?
Differentiate from:
○ Tailor-made software (large ICT service companies such as CMG, ATOS-Origin, CGEY, …)
○ Embedded software (consumer electronics, office machinery: Philips, Oce, AMSL, …)
Open Source software is also a software product
Terms related to product software
What is Product Software?
A Software Product is defined as
a packaged configuration of software components, or a software-based service with auxiliary
materials, which is released for and traded in a specific market
ERP software
Bookkeeping package
Operating systems
Software development environments
Hospital information system
Essentially all software you are using in daily life and work …
Key differences
1. Market introduction requires precise synchronization of dependable software engineering
2. The same product requires installation and usage in different organizations, with different
hardware and software platforms
3. The vendor company stays owner of the software and auxiliary materials, while the usage
is licensed to the customers
, Economic context
● The worldwide software market grew 5.5% in 2013(IDC)
● Global software market 2010: 325B€; growth 6.5% (1 B = 109)
● 2013 forecast: $360 B€; growth 50.5% since 2008.
● 9% total ICT expenses: 2650 B€
● 5% growth yearly between 2013-2016 (Gartner)
● NL: 12%; highest of the world
● Americas 42.6% of global software market's value.
OECD (2002): “The product software sector is among the most rapidly growing sectors in OECD
countries, with strong increases in value added, employment and R&D investment.”
● Import 2,1 B€, Export 0,6 B€
● AME predicts 17% growth psw between 2008-2014, came true
● US vendors: 78% market share!
● NL: 15.000 employees in NL companies
● 8,5 % of 175.000 total ICT employment
Zie data vanaf dia 16 (introduction to the topic)