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Samenvatting psychology

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Samenvatting van het boek Psychology 9781292159713. Van de volgende hoofdstukken is een samenvatting geschreven 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13 and 15.

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  • Chapter: 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13 and 15
  • 11 mei 2018
  • 71
  • 2017/2018
  • Samenvatting
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Door: spreuter • 6 jaar geleden

Hoofdstuk 1.

Wundt, Titchener, and james.

Psychology is the scientic ststy of behavior ant mental processes. Behavior inclstes all of osr
ostwart or overt actons ant reactonss ssch as talkings facial expressionss ant movement.

Mental processes refers to all the internals covert actvity of osr mintss ssch as thinkings feelings ant

Philosophers ssch as Platos Aristotles ant Descartes triet to snterstant or explain the hsman mint
ant its connecton to the physical boty.

Gustav Fechner is ofen cretitet with performing some of the irst scientic experiments that woslt
form a basis for experimentaton in psychology with his ststies of percepton. Physician Hermann
von Helmholtz performet grosntbreaking experiments in vissal ant astitory percepton.

Objective introspection: the process of examining ant meassring one’s own thosghts ant mental
actvites. Van Wilhelm Wsntt.

Wilhelm Wundt attemptet to apply scientic principles to the ststy of the hsman mint. ptstents
from arosnt the worlt were tasght to ststy the strsctsre of the hsman mint. Wsntt believet that
consciossnesss the state of being aware of external eventss coslt be broken town into thosghtss
experiencess emotonss ant other basic elements. In orter to inspect these nonphysical elementss
ststents hat to learn to think objectvely abost their own thosghts. Afer alls they coslt hartly reat
someone else’s mint. ptstents hat to holt a rock in their hants ant tell them everything they were

Structuralism: early perspectve in psychology associatet with Wilhelm Wundt and Edward
Titcheners in which the focss of ststy is the strsctsre or basic elements of the mint.

Titchener and structuralism in America. Etwart Titchener expantet on Wsntt’s original iteas
calling his new viewpoint strsctsralism becasse the focss of ststy was the strsctsre of the mint. He
believet that every experience coslt be broken town into its intivitsal emotons ant sensatons.
Titchener agreet with Wsntt that consciossness coslt be broken town into its basic elements.
Titchener also believet that objectve introspecton coslt be sset on thosghts as well as on physical
sensatons. For examples Titchener might asket to introspect abost things that are blse rather than
actsally giving a blse object ant asking for reactons to it.

Functionalism: early perspectve in psychology associatet with William Jamess in which the focss of
ststy is how the mint allows people to atapts lives works ant play.

William James and Functionalism. William James was interestet in the importance of consciossness
to everytay life than jsst its analysis. He believet that the scientic ststy of consciossness itself was
not yet possible. James focsset on how the mint allows people to fsncton in the real worlts how
people works play ant atapt to their ssrrosntings. He was infsencet by the itea’s of Charles
Darwin: natsral selecton.

3 influential approachee: ee:talt, p:ycheoanaly:i:, and beeaviori:.
Gestalt psychology: early perspectve in psychology focssing on percepton ant sensatons
partcslarly the percepton of patterns ant whole igsres.

Wertheimers like Jamess objectet to the strsctsralist point of views bst for tiferent reasons.
Wertheimer believet that psychological events ssch as perceiving ant sensing coslt not be broken

,town into any smaller elements ant stll be properly snterstoot. Example: yos can take a
smartphone aparts bst then yos have a pile of snconnectet bits ant pieces ant no longer a phone.
Also a meloty is mate sp of intivitsal notes that can only be snterstoot if the notes are in the
correct relatonship to one another. Percepton can only be snterstoot as a whole entre event. The
gestalt itea is a part of totays cognitve psychologys a ielt focssing on perceptons learnings
memorys thosght processess ant problem solving.

Psychoanalysis: an insight therapy baset on the theory of frests emphasizing the revealing of
snconscioss conficts. Frests term for both the theory of personality ant the therapy baset on it.

Sigmund Freud’s theory of psychoanalysis. He proposet that there is an snconscioss mint into
which we pssh or represss all of osr threatening srges ant tesires. He believet that these represset
srgess in trying to ssrfaces createt the nervoss tisorters in his patents. He believet personality was
formet in the irst 6 years of life. The psychoanalysis is the basis of psychotherapy.

Behaviorism: the science of behavior that focuses on observable behavior only.

Pavlov, Watson, and the dawn of behaviorism. Pavlov showet that a refex coslt be casset to occsr
in response to a formerly snrelatet stmslss. He experimentet with a sosnt ant giving togs foot
ant see if they also respont on the sosnt withost the foots with salivate. Watson challenget the
fsnctonalist with behaviorism. He wantet to bring psychology back to a focss on scientic innsirys
ant he felt that the only way to to that was to ignore the whole consciossness issse ant focss only
on observable behavior- something that coslt be tirectly seen ant meassret. He reat of pavlovs
work ant thosght that contitoning coslt form the basis of his new perspectve of behaviorism.
Frest believet that all behavior stems from snconscioss motvatons whereas Watson believet that
all is learnet. Frest hat statet that a phobias an irratonal fears is really a symptom of an snterlyings
represset confict ant cannot be csret withost years of psychoanalysis to sncover ant snterstant
the represset material. Watson tit the experiment with the baby ant the rat. Also with
cosntercontitoning in which someboty tries to take away a fear. For example the rat. This
infsences the cognitve psychology.

Su..arize tee ba:ich idea: beeind tee :even .odern per:pechtive:
Psychodynamic perspective: motern version of psychoanalysis that is more focsset on the
tevelopment of a sense of self ant the tiscovery of motvatons behint a person’s behavior other
than sexsal motvatons.

Psychodynamic perspective. Frest’s theory is stll sset by many professionals in therapy sitsatons.
In more motern psychotynamic perspectves the focss may stll inclste the snconscioss mint ant its
infsence over conscioss behavior ant on early chilthoot experiencess bst with less of an emphasis
on sex ant sexsal motvatons ant more emphasis on the tevelopment of a sense of selfs social ant
interpersonal relatonshipss ant the tiscovery of other motvatons behint a person’s behavior.

Behavioral perspective. When its primary sspporters John Watsons movet on to greener pastsres in
the worlt of atvertsings pkinner became the new leater of the ielt. pkinner not only contnset
research in classical contitonings bst he also tevelopet a theory callet operant contitoning to
explain how volsntary behavior is learnet.

Humanistic perspective. Ofen callet the thirt force in psychologys hsmanism was really a reacton
to both psychoanalytc theory ant behaviorism. In the mit 1900s there were psychoanalyst ant
behaviorist. In contrast to the psychoanalytc focss on sexsal tevelopment ant behaviorism focss on
external forces in gsiting personality tevelopments some professionals began to tevelop a

,perspectve that woslt allow them to focss on people’s ability to tirect their own lives. Hsmanists
helt the view that people have free wills the freetom to choose their own testnys ant strive for self-
actsalizatons the achievement of one’s fsll potental. Two of the earliest ant most famoss fosnters
of this view were Abraham Maslow ant Carl Rogers. Hsmanism exists as a form of psychotherapy
aimet at self-snterstanting ant self-improvement.

Cognitive perspective: motern perspectve in psychology that focsses on memorys intelligences
perceptons problem solving ant learning.

Cognitive perspective. Cognitve psychologys which focsses on how people thinks remembers stores
ant sse informatons became a major force in the ielt in the 1960s. The tevelopment of compsters
ant tiscoveries in biological psychology all stmslatet an interest in ststying the processes of
thosght. The cognitve perspectve with its focss on memorys intelligences perceptons thosght
processess problem solvings langsages ant learning has become a major force in psychology.

Cognitive neuroscience: ststy of the physical changes in the brain ant nervoss system tsring

Cognitive neuroscience. Within the cognitve perspectves the relatvely new ielt of cognitve
nesroscience inclstes the ststy of the physical workings of the brain ant nervoss system when
engaget in memorys thinking ant other cognitve processes. Cognitve nesroscientsts sse tools for
imaging the strsctsre ant actvity of the living brains ssch as MRIs FMRI ant PET. The contnsally
teveloping ielt of brain imaging is important in the ststy of cognitve processes.

Socialcultural perspective: perspectve that focsses on the relatonship between social behavior ant
csltsres in which thinking ant behavior is seen as the protsct of learning ant shaping within the
context of one’s familys social grosps ant csltsre.

Sociocultural perspective. It combines two areas of ststy: social psychologys which is the ststy of
grospss social roless ant rsles of social actons ant relatonshipss ant csltsral psychologys which is
the ststy of csltsral normss valsess ant expectatons. These two areas are relatet in that they are
both abost the efect that people have on one anothers either intivitsally or in a larger grosp ssch
as a csltsre. Yos act tiferent if yos are with family than when yos are with frients. pociocsltsral
perspectve is important becasse it remints people that the way they ant others behave is
infsencet not only by whether they are alones with frients in a crowts bst also by the social norms.
Cross-csltsral research its within this perspectve. Hereby the contrasts ant comparisons of a
behavior or issse are ststiet in at least two or more csltsres. This can help illsstrate the tiferent
infsences of environment when comparet to the infsence of heretity.

Difssion of responsibility: the tentency to feel that someone else is responsible for taking acton
when others are present.

Biopsychological perspective: perspectve that attribstes hsman ant animal behavior to biological
events occsrring in the botys ssch as genetc infsencess hormoness ant the actvity of the nervoss

Biopsychological perspective. It’s a part of nesroscience: the ststy of the physical strsctsres
fsnctons ant tevelopment of the nervoss system. Also cognitve nesroscience overlaps with
biopsychology. In the biopsychological perspectves hsman ant animal behavior is seen as a tirect
resslt of events in the boty. Hormoness heretitys brain chemicalss tsmorss ant tiseases are some of
the biological casses of behaviors ant learning ant memorys as well as tisorters. While tisorters

, may have msltple cassess research in biopsychology points clearly too biological factors as one of
those casses.

Evolutionary perspective: perspectve that focsses on the biological bases of sniversal mental
characteristcs that all hsmans share.

Evolutionary perspective. Focsses on the biological bases for sniversal mental characteristcs that all
hsmans share. It seeks to explain general mental strategies ant traits ssch as why we lies how
attractveness infsences mate selectons why fear of snakes is so common. This may also overlap
with biopsychology ant the sociocsltsral perspectve. In this perspectves the mint is seen as a set of
informaton- processing machiness tesignet by the same process of natsral selecton that Darwin
irst theorizets allowing hsman beings to solve the problems of the early hsnters ant gatherers. For
examples evolstonary psychologists woslt view the hsman behavior of not eatng ssbstances that
have a bitter taste as an ataptve behavior that evolvet as early hsman came into contact with ssch
bitter plants.

Differentiate between tee variou: type: o pro e::ional: witein tee
field o p:ycheoloey
Psychologist has no metical training bst has a toctorate tegree. It is a professional with an acatemic
tegree ant specializet training in one or more areas of psychology.

Psychiatrist has a metical tegree ant is a physician who specializes in the tiagnosis ant treatment of
psychological tisorters. A psychiatric social worker is trainet in the area of social work ant sssally
possesses a master’s tegree in that tiscipline. These professionals focss more on the environmental
contitons that can have an impact on mental tisorterss ssch as povertys overcrowtings stresss ant
trsg absse.

Psychologists who to research have 2 types of research to consiter basic research versss appliet
research. Basic research is research for the sake of gaining scientic knowletge. For example how
many things a person can holt in memory. Appliet research is research aimet at answering real-
worlts practcal problems.

Rechall tee 5 :tep: o tee :chientifich approache
In psychologys researchers want to see only what is really theres not what their biases might leat
them to see. This can be achievet ssing the scientic approachs an approach to research intenting to
retsce the likelihoot of bias ant error in the meassrement of tata.

Psychology’s goals. The goals aimet at sncovering the mysteries of hsman ant animal behavior are
tescriptons explanatons pretictons ant control. The goals of psychology

 Descripton: involves observing a behavior ant notng everything abost it: what is happenings
wheres whom ant snter what circsmstances.
 Explanaton: why is it happening. Baset on her observatonss the psychologist might try to
come sp with a tentatve explanaton. Trying to int an explanaton.
 Preticton: when will it happen again.
 Control: How can it be changet. The focss of controls or the motiicaton of some behaviors
is to change a behavior from an sntesirable one to a tesirable one.

Steps in the scientiic approach. The ive steps in any investgaton is to have a nseston to
investgate. The irst steps in the scientic approach is:

1. Perceiving the nseston: this step is terivet from the goal of tescripton.

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