Summary Lectures; Governance & Strategy
Lecture 1: Principles and challenges ahead
Healthcare systems: health policies, role of pateet aed citiees, view oe care aed health,
role of professioeal aed pateet associatoes
Healthcare orgaeisatoe: health policies travel dowewards aed shape the everyday reality of
care orgaeisatoes, role of maeagers, professioeals, pateets, mueicipalites, social care, etcs
Day-to-day ieteractoe: betweee professioeals aed pateettcare takers, betweee
professioeals aed maeagerss
Govereaece: It literally describes the “act or maeeer of govereieg”s It is ofee used to
iedicate the shif from goveremeet (‘the state’) as a ceetral aed powerful actor, to much
more dispersed aed plural forms of govereieg by eoe-goveremeetal ageecies aed bodies
such as for example markets or eetworks of actors pursuieg shared goals as well as private
ieterestss Ie other words, goveremeets are eo loeger ie the lead, but may be part of these
eetworks, ie additoe to other stakeholders like professioeal associatoes, associatoes of
healthcare iesttutes, ueioes, pateet orgaeiiatoes, health iesurers aed, iecreasiegly,
ietereatoeal regulateg ageecies like the Europeae Commissioes The focus is oe the
ieteractoe betweee various actors (esgs iedividual practtoeers, healthcare orgaeiiatoes,
mueicipalites, eatoeal policymakers, scieetsts) aed objects (esgs quality improvemeet
systems, databases, evideece-based guideliees)
Strategy: is defeed as “the loeg-term directoe of ae orgaeiiatoe”s Strategic actvites cae
be uedertakee at difereet ‘sites’ of the healthcare systems (ises, micro, meso, macro,
eatoealtietereatoeal, localtglobal) aed performed by a wide variety of actors (esgs
professioeal associatoes, hospital boards, policymakers)s However, the scholarly feld of
strategy has traditoeally coeceetrated oe orgaeiiatoess Ie this view, orgaeiiatoes pursue
certaie goals, aed eeact both ietereal aed extereal practces to reach these goalss Ie case of
professioeal orgaeiiatoes, the ‘ietaegibles’ like keowledge aed reputatoe - aed, with that,
professioeals themselves - are of high value for the strategic positoe of the orgaeiiatoes
Ieeovatoe plays ae importaet role hereies Strategy poiets at the traeslatoe of developed
keowledge ieto eew products aed servicess
Lecture 2: A design perspectve on strategy; strategy, models and tools
Desige school of strategy has certaie assumptoes:
o Strategy formatoe should be a coetrolled, coescious process of thought; stroeg focus
oe ratoeality: you should aealyse everythieg, but this is sometmes difcult siece
strategy happees at the same tmes
o Respoesibility lies with the chief executve ofcer; ae orgaeiiatoe is a hierarchys
o The model of strategy formatoe most be simple aed ieformal: the strategy has eot to
be too complex, that is too difcult ie practce
o Strategies should be ueique: it is a lot to ask to be ueiques