TEDx Talk
- Well-being: Finding meaning and purpose in life
- Life crafting (goal setting) consists of passion, plan to achieve it, making it public
- Students who do only a part of the interventions aren’t successful at all
- values and passions habits ideal self
- If you have more purpose, you experience less anxiety
- Perfectionism procrastination
- Dream big but start small
Lecture 1 & 2
Positive psychology: PERMA model of wellbeing
- Positive emotions
- Engagement
- (positive) Relationships
- Meaning
- Accomplishment
Ikigai: purpose in life
- Not obvious to find, hard to define need for structure: interventions (life crafting)
Writing about personal goals & plans regardless of goal type boosts academic performance
Goal setting academic performance (GPA) +22%, retention rate +22%, increase wellbeing
Gender performance gap -98%, ethnicity gap -38% year one -93% year two
- Quantity and quality of effort enhanced the effect
o The more goals, more words, higher participation and specificness of goal-
achievement plans (GAP), the higher the effect
- It did not matter whether the students wrote about academic or non-academic goals
o Do not have to be task-specific (setting non-academic goals was associated
with higher academic outcomes)
- Results suggest a goal-setting theory modification: life goals have a spread effect.
- The more specific the Goal-Achievement Plans (GAP) are, the higher the effect
Lecture 3
Logotherapy, helping individuals find meaning and purpose in their lives, especially in the
face of suffering, existential crisis, or trauma. Secret of survival:
- friendship/connectedness and meaning/purpose, next to
- resilience and resourcefulness
Motivational mindset model (MMM)
, Most new year’s resolutions fail because:
- Goals should start at a time of (need for) change: Resolutions often set as tradition
which will cause lack of motivation compared to when goal is set out of need for
- Expect obstacles: to keep your optimism, identify possible obstacles and create plans
to avoid barriers
o GAPs --> Goal Attainment Plans & if-then plans
- Set goals into challenging, measurable, but smaller chunks: if you set challenging
goals, you will be motivated to reach them. Measured goals will show your progress
and inspire you when you see the data. Gives chance to celebrate small wins
- Accountability: people who not only write goals down but set up a way to be
accountable for them are more likely to achieve them.
o Four ways to set accountability: tell a friend, create or join an accountability
group, use technology, or hire a coach
Fixed or growth mindset
Fixed mindset: belief that abilities, intelligence, and talents are fixed traits that cannot be
changed. They tend to avoid challenges, give up easily in the face of setbacks, and see effort
as fruitless because they believe they have a predetermined level of capability.
Growth mindset: belief that abilities and intelligence can be developed through dedication,
effort, and learning. Those with a growth mindset embrace challenges, persist in the face of
obstacles, and see effort as a path to mastery and improvement.
Life crafting as a way to find purpose in life
Life crafting: A process in which people actively reflect on their present and future life, set
goals for important areas of life—social, career, and leisure time—and, if required, make
concrete plans and undertake actions to change these areas in a way that is more congruent
with their values and wishes.
- Enables people to take control of their life to optimize performance and happiness
- People who keep searching for meaning without finding it, or who have conflicting
goals are often dissatisfied with themselves and their relationships
How do we translate this to the work place?
- Often via Positive Psychology interventions (PPI's) that enhance well-being,
happiness and performance
- Increased work engagement, job performance, and reduced job stress.
- 5 PPI's that seem very effective: life crafting, letter to the future, gratefulness letter
and diary, random acts of kindness