BTEC Level 3 Unit 12 BTEC Book 1 Name: Daniil Chernat
Unit ttle: Unit 2 Assignment ttle: Bussiness resousrcees
P2) Describe employability, personal and communicaton skills.
I will desceribe the main employability, personal and ceommusniceaton skills reeusired when applying to be a
BTEC Bussiness Tustor at Oxford Tustorial College (OTC).
Employability skills
All organizatons musst have the employees with right skills. oome skills cean be transferred from one job
to another. The most important skills for the OTC (Oxford Tustorial ceollege) teacehers is to have high
knowledge in a susbjecet he/she teacehes and also to have good ceommusniceaton skills. If an employee has
ceertain ceriteria like been polite and smiley, then they have a higher cehancee to be employed.
Suitable qualifcatons
Different type of jobs reeusires different types of eusaliiceaton. High paid jobs will reeusire a high level of
edusceaton. However, some employees will be happy to aceceept worker with GCoE eusaliiceaton and at the
same tme, some jobs will reeusire at least A-level edusceaton. In order to be ussefusl for the bussiness, the
worker musst have the right level of edusceaton and right skills, that will help him/her with ceompletng
tasks. To be a BTEC Bussiness Tustor yous musst have a receognized professional eusaliiceaton in teacehing,
and a degree relevant to bussiness. It will be also good if yous have a TEFL eusaliiceaton, a valid
oafegusarding Children ceerticeate.
Experience in a similar role
Experiencee in a similar role cean make cehanges if worker has been working before for the different
organizaton. If an employee is cehanging his/her working organizaton and he/she is willing to apply to
another ceompany, then he/she musst provide previouss working experiencee as the fustusre ceompany will
know If a worker musst be thousght new skills or he/she cean apply them to work. When worker is applying
for a job, he/she musst provide CV, then worker is more likely to be more valusable to the ceompany. To be
a BTEC Bussiness Tustor yous musst have experiencee of teacehing bussiness at level 2 and level 3, experiencee
of teacehing BTEC level 2 and level 3, experiencee of working with stusdents with oEN incelusding dyslexia. In
additon to that, I wousld be good if yous have experiencee of working in bussiness and experiencee of
working with internatonal stusdents.
Knowledge of products and services
Anything that yous already know or the produscet the ceompany sells or the servicee that an organizaton is
providing their ceusstomers. The teaceher has to know aboust the BTEC at level 2 and level 3 in bussiness.
Experience of specifc industry
Teaceher at OTC musst have experiencee of edusceaton. BTEC Bussiness Tustor musst have experiencee in
teacehing BTEC and ideally experiencee in any working bussiness environment.