BTEC Level 3 Unit 12 BTEC Book 1 Name: Daniil Chernat
Unit ttle: Unit 2 Assignment ttle: Bussiness resousrcees
P3) Describe the main physical and technological resources required in the operaton of a
selected organizatonn
Physiceal and tecehnologiceal resousrcees cean help the bussiness in order to grow and operate well. This
writng will refer to this topice and will desceribe physiceal and tecehnologiceal resousrcees that are reuusired for
Oxford Tustorial College.
Physical resources
Physiceal resousrcees are the fxed assets of the bussiness that cean be tangible. For OTC, these wousld
incelusde: busildings (celassrooms, staf rooms, toilets), materials and waste, euusipment (tables, cehairs,
pens, etce.), planned maintenancee and refusrbishment, emergencey provision, insusrancee and seceusrity.
Building and facilites
Oxford Tustorial College has fousr busilding whiceh are rented. Two of them are loceated on King Edwards
Street, one is loceated on Alfred Street and another one is Cambridge terracee. All fousr busildings are
provided with celass rooms for stusdents and teacehers, male and female toilets (staffstusdents). n
additon to that, one of the busildings on King Edwards Street (Main busilding) has ofcee rooms, ceompuster
room, fnancee room and doceusments room. Therefore, Oxford Tustorial College has an organized room for
diferent types of secetons (fnancee room, doceusment room, stusdent ceommon room, etce.)
Materials and waste
The main waste of Oxford Tustorial College is paper, as stusdents and teacehers usse paper on reguslar
bases. Therefore, OTC is reuusired to receycele paper, however there are some personal details whiceh musst
be ceust in small piecees. The reason for that is beceausse OTC has to follow the Data Proteceton Acet in order
to keep stusdent’s rights. Other materials like plastce, metals and glass wousld be stll receyceled bust wousld
be disposed to the waste bin.
am going foceuss on the BTEC husb at Oxford Tustorial College whiceh is loceated at Cambridge Terracee (CT).
Oxford Tustorial College has fousr busilding and all of them rooms at CT are euusipped with printers,
ceompusters, Smart boards and laptops for stusdents. The stusdent ceommon and staf room has a ketle and
fridge provided.
Planned maintenance and refurbishment
Oxford Tustorial College will plan the majority of the maintenancee dusring the short holiday breaks or
dusring the susmmer holidays. The reason for that is beceausse stusdents and staf members shousld be
distusrbed dusring the lessons. Therefore, OTC has to fx the majority of the problems dusring the breaks.