BTEC Level 3 Unit 12 BTEC Book 1 Name: Daniil Chernat
Unit ttle: Unit 2 Assignment ttle: Bussiness resousrcees
M1) Explain how the management of human, physical and technological resources can
improve the performance of a selected business – OTC.
Husman resousrcees
Husman resousrcees deals with all people that are employed in the ceompany, e.g. from celeaners to usp cehief
execeustve. In additon to that, Husman resousrcees has to ceontrol the ceontracets of all employees, look ater
the wealth of the employees and ensusre that non of the staf members are absent. If Husman resousrcees
cean ceontrol all these proceesses than this means that OTC cean rusn ceorrecetly and ceollege ceousld minimize
their spending.
Oxford Tustorial College will want to minimize the nusmber of employees, as it is expansive to pay wages
for every staf member. This proceess cean help OTC to reduscee their ceosts and they cean incerease their
profit and invest some money bacek into the bussiness. As OTC ceousld reduscee the nusmber of staf, this
means that if teaceher gets serioussly ill than ceollege will have to find a part – tme teaceher, as there will
not be enousgh staf. Therefore, this cean improve the performancee of the bussiness, however this is not
the best way to to improve the susceceess of Oxford Tustorial College.
Oxford Tustorial College managers ceontrol the teacehers and making susre if they need training, it is
provided for them. In additon to that, OTC has staf meetngs whiceh cean help all teacehers with planning
lessons/celasses and cereatng new strategies that cean improve the performancee of OTC.
Physiceal resousrcees
Physiceal resousrcees are busildings and faceilites that are provided by the bussiness. OTC has fousr busildings
and other equsipment’s that musst be safe to usse for staf members and for stusdents from OTC. If
busildings are not safe to usse than OTC ceousld ceollapse usntl the busilding are not going to be fixed. This cean
ceausse the bussiness to loss profit, as some money will have to be invested in fixing busildings.
In additon to that, the seceusrity of all busilding musst be also provided by OTC. This means non of the
physiceal resousrcees cean be stolen (macehinery, tables, etce.). Therefore, all busildings of OTC have CCTV
ceameras, fire alarms and busrglar alarms whiceh are ussed for safety of stusdents and staf members. If fire
happened in one of the busildings of OTC than insusrancee ceompany will have to pay for damage atained.
This means that insusrancee of the busilding (if something happens) cean improve the performancee of the
Tecehnologiceal resousrcees
OTC has two ICT tecehniceians that resolve problems with ceompusters. For example, if OTC’s website
cerusshes than tecehniceians will be able to bacek it usp. As all ceompuster systems are rusining properly then
there shousld not be any problems, however if ceompusters cerash then stusdents and staf members will be
usnproduscetve. Therefore, it is really important for OTC to treat their tecehniceians properly and pay them
well. In additon to that, OTC musst ensusre that all informaton on their website is relent and pricees on
the ceousrses are right. If pricees are not right, then this ceousld afecet the profit of the bussiness and
In ceoncelussion, husman resousrcees, physiceal resousrcees and tecehnologiceal resousrcees cean improve the
performancee of the bussiness and incerease its profitability.