Organizational Behaviour
MSc Health Care Management 2017-2018
Lectures, Workgroups & Literature
Topics of this course:
- HRM & Context
- Leadership
- Teams
- Professionals
- Performance
Introduction in OB
Lecture 1
Workgroup 1
,Lecture 1
OB & Healthcare: dynamic, demanding & challenging
- Dynamic sector: several developments infuence quality of care
o Healthcare reform (compettonoquality)
o Rising costs; need for efcient ways of working
o People live longer; more demand for care & older employees: sustainable development
o Labour shortage NL; 2025 shortage of 450000; retain employees & atractve employer
- Challenges related to HRM
o More competton: healthcare reforms, new insurance act 2006
o Higher demands efciency and quality
o More demand for healthcare: new technologies contribute to longer lives and more
chronically ill
o Increasing costs of healthcare: 45000 now, 65000 per adult in 2020
o Labour shortage
o If nothing changes, a shortage of employees of 450.000 in 2025
Challenges healthcare sector; how to handle them?
OB: Human Behavior in organizatons
Organizational behavior is a feld of study that investgates the impact that individuals, groups and structures
have on behavior within an organizaton for the purpose of applying such knowledge towards improving an
organizatonns efectveness.
OB is a subject that covers a wide variety of concepts. Those concepts come from a number of disciplines,
including: Psychology, Sociology, Anthropology, and Economics.
What is organizatonal behavior?
This model (frontpage Week 1) will provide a roadmap for the course. As the model illustrates, OB is dedicated
to improving two outcomes, in partcular:
- Job performance – How well does an individual perform hisoher on-the-job behaviors?
- Organizatonal Commitment – How likely is it that the individual will sstck around” and stay loyal to
the company?
These outcomes are critcal to managers and employees alike, and represent two of the most common
sdependent variables” in OB research.
Human Resources Development (HRD) as a theory is a framework for the expansion of human capital within
an organizaton through the development of both the organizaton and the individual to achieve performance
Human Resource Management (HRM or simply HR) is the management of an organizatonns workforce or
human resources. It is responsible for the atracton, selecton, training, and assessment and rewarding of
employees, while also overseeing organizaton leadership and culture and ensuring compliance with
employment and labor laws.
HRM & Healthcare
- The healthcare is all about peopleohumans
- The product is the patent, a human
- Humans deliver care, which is very labor intensive
- +o- 70% costs related to employees
- Importance for achieving performance goals: “The demands of the (healthcare) sector are such that
there will be contnuing pressure to achieve efciencn and other performance targets (Bach, 2004) and
these will feed through to managers and staff The management of HR will be vital to the success or
otherwise of management initatvese (Townsend & Wilkinson, 2010)
- Importance of emphasizing HRM in Healthcare is the ability of HRM to:
o Distnguish one organizaton from its compettors
o Positve economic benefts
, o Not easy to duplicate
Human: employment relatonship employer and employee, with the focus on employee (a human)
Resource: human capital; employees as resources to achieve organizatonal success through knowledge, skills
and competencies (employee as resource that will lead to success)
Management: actvites to let employees act is a desired way in order to achieve organizatonal success
(managing, guiding, steering employees in a certain directon to achieve success)
- The management of work and people towards desired ends (Boxall et al., 2007)
- HRM involves management decisions related to policies and practces that together shape the
employment relatonship and are aimed at achieving individual, organizatonal and societal goals.
(Boselie, 2010)
o Individual: employee (e.g. development, satsfacton)
o Organizatonal: e.g. fnancial performance
o Societal: sustainability, healthcare: making lives of patents beter
What do big companies like ikea, apple, facebook, google and buurtzorg have in common?
Strong SHRM: they were able to make HRM contribute towards their succes, they distnghuished themselves
from their compettons based on their HRM. HRM is a part of their business strategy
When you hear the founders of these componies in intreviews talking about managing people; you can hear
that they have incorperated their vision on how to manage and motvate people in their business strategy:
For example the HR director of google says that she recruite taleted people, give them freedom, facilitates
them to be creatve, does not registered sick days, or vacaton days, they trust their employees”no rules how
late you should strat working and when to go home
Buurtzorg has the vision that if you recruit highly educated people that they are well capabele of making
decision of their own within a team, so a managers is not needed, and support staf is requested by the team
Apple: claim that they are the biggest start up company, meaning that people are in charge within small teams,
fully responsible for one apsect of the product: IOS of the iphone and the other on touchscreen etc
Does not happen by excident but by design, big companies will also have a division with standradisaton, not
everything is focused on innovaton and highly motvated and talented employees
Strategic HRM (SHRM)
SHRM is defned as the patern of planned human resource deployments and actvites intended to enable an
organizaton to achieve its goals (Writght & McMahan, 1ll2). It focuses on the contributon HRM can make
towards business success. Emphasizes on HRM as an integral part of business strategy.
Developments in HRM: Evoluton of HRM
Traditonal Personnel Management Human Resource Management
Instrumental and operatonal (focus on Strategic; contribute to organizatonal success
administraton and legislaton)
Focus on HR instruments: e.g. recruitment, Also focus on work design e.g. autonomy,
selecton, training, rewards teamwork, job enlargement
Employees represent costs Employees represent human capital
Responsibility of Personnel department Shared responsibility (i.e. line management)
The big companies mentoned before are popular, famous for their HR. This is something that was inimitable
three decades ago. In the last decades there was a shif from personnel management to HRM. Two decades
ago, we talked about managing people in terms of short term goals, rules and procedures, controlling people,
cost containment. Some actvites by the personnel departments.
The shif towards HRM contained a new view; what is good for the employee is good for the employer, and the
other way around. HRM is focused on the long-term, is business oriented, and commitment (instead of
control), and enacted by line managers (instead of the personnel department)