Blended Learning
He, Holton, Farkas, Warschauer
Bos, Groeneveld, van Bruggen, Brand-Gruwel
Spanjers, Könings, Leppink, Verstegen, de Jong, Czabanowska, van Merriërboer
Definition Blended Learning
- Combination of online and face-to-face learning
o Discussion board, email, Blackboard vs. lecture. So, you may say modern education is almost
always blended learning
- Done deliberately (opzettelijk)
- Use of ICT to redefine (establish) instruction, so not using ICT to change something within the course,
but to redefine instruction.
Many learning activities can be ‘blended’ >> mix between…. So, blend formal and informal learning.
1. Formal and informal learning; social media/ internet causes more informal learning (reading articles on
FB?) (home = informal, school = formal (?)).
2. Workplace and classroom
3. Instruction types
4. Online and offline (whether connected or not)
Spanjers: improving education is one of the main reasons to implement blended learning
How is blended learning considered to improve education?
Advantages (considered) of Blended Learning:
- Easier to implement some learning activities: internet used makes it easier.
- It promotes ‘active learning’ and ‘spacing’ > distribution of learning overtime can be implemented
- Adapt to learners’ needs (learning styles); easier to measure performing and subsequentibily adapt
- More accessible; lange reistijd, extra vak met overlap, werk
- Cost reduction; reusing material (like videos), online articles?
- Students’ (lack of) self-management; students have trouble dealing with the freedom to create own
learning environment? Online lectures > when to watch, too much freedom, procrastination
- More demanding – more time consuming
>> Need a different culture (goal of education)
Design issues of instruction for blended learning (not much known within research)
- What role does ICT take? (Offline/ online)
- What kind of ICT tools are used? Interaction with peers/ teachers (interaction with teacher is pre!)
- What is the role of the teacher? >> role changes!
- Teacher/ students: roles/ tasks/ responsibilities
Flexibility: how much flexibility should be in there (when putting lectures online etc)
Stimulating interaction (on discussion board for ex./ how deal with students who don’t have facebook/
kennisclips >> no interaction, no space for questions)
Facilitating students’ learning processes > interaction, ruimte om vragen te stellen
Fostering an affective learning climate > how connected to pears, complaining, forming subgroups.