Essentials of Mediia Psschooloyc – in sm eaia umestons
Lecture 1: Introducton
Lehtmre 1 (Introdmhtonn dishmssed two tcpes of efehts wito toird, or “M,” viariiables.
In oderiaton efehts, toe infmenhe of X on Y depends on toe vialme of M. In ediiated
efehts, toe infmenhe of X on Y is trians ited toromyo M. hoiho of toe followiny womld be ia
ediiaton efehtt
A. hiathoiny ia doy video prodmhes positve e oton, woiho leiads to ore prosohiial
B. hiathoiny ia doy video prodmhes positve e oton, bmt onlc for introverted people
C. hiathoiny ia doy video prodmhes ia ia of positve iand neyiatve e oton
D. hiathoiny ia doy video prodmhes positve iand neyiatve e otons, woiho iare
stronyer for nemroth people
Lehtmre 1 (Introdmhtonn dishmssed two tcpes of efehts wito toird, or “M,” viariiables. In
ediiated efehts, toe infmenhe of X on Y is trians ited toromyo M. In oderiaton efehts,
toe infmenhe of X on Y depends on toe vialme of M. hoiho of toe followiny womld be ia
oderiaton efehtt
ia. hiathoiny hiat videos i proves positve e oton, behiamse toec distriaht people fro
stressfml toomyots
b. hiathoiny hiat videos i proves positve e oton, sinhe toec iare perheived ias positvelc
vialenhed essiayes
h. hiathoiny hiat videos i proves positve e oton, iand tois efeht is stronyer for comnyer
d. hiathoiny hiat videos i proves positve e oton, behiamse toec iame people feel
honnehted to niatmre
Lecture 2: Learning from media
In sm ;
- Eiaho individmial oias li ited iand i perfeht prohessiny power iand e orc
- Atenton to st mli (e.y. ediia essiayesn is oeen iamto iath, driven bc ediia
feiatmres, iand individmial hiapiahitc iand otviatons
- Mediia oelp iame observiatonial leiarniny possible
- Mediia essiayes hian honvec rewiards, orial disenyiaye ent, iand iabstriaht odeliny
Fro Lehtmre 2 (Leiarninyn, toe li ited hiapiahitc odel of otviated ediiated essiaye
prohessiny (LC4MPs; Liany, 2011n posits toere iare two otviatonial scste s: toe iappettve
iand toe iaversive scste . hoiho of toe followiny stiate ents is/iare trme:
I: At low levels of iahtviaton, toiat is, in ia nemtrial environ ent, toe iaversive scste is toomyot
to be ore iahtve toian toe iappettve scste .
II: toe iappettve scste is toeorized to iahtviate ore umihmlc
toian toe iaversive scste
A. boto I iand II iare trme
B. boto I iand II iare fialse
, C. I is trme, II is fialse
D. I is fialse, II is trme
Fro Lehtmre 2 (Leiarniny fro ediian, toere iare fomr ehoianis s bc woiho we leiarn
beoiaviors fro otoers. If com wiant to hopc ia ho plea dianhe ove fro toe internet, bmt
oiave no smill iat dianhiny, woiho of toe fomr
ehoianis s will fiailt
A. Atenton
B. Retenton
C. Motor reprodmhton
D. Motviaton to reprodmhe beoiavior
In its liater for , Sohiial Leiarniny Toeorc e eryed ias Sohio- Coynitve Toeorc (Biandmria, 2001;
Lehtmre 2, Leiarninyn. Tois toeorc iate pts to eapliain woiat yoverns om ian beoiavior,
espehiiallc ias it iapplies to leiarniny. Toe toeorc stiates toiat leiarniny is yoverned bc 3 bi-
direhtoniallc linmed scste s. Toese scste s iare mnown ias:
ia. Psersonialitc, sohiial yromps, iand ediia
b. Fia ilc biahmyromnd, ediia, iand self
h. Environ ent, personialitc, iand ediia scste
d. Psersonial, beoiaviorial, iand environ ential deter iniants (fiymre in toe hoiaptern
Lecture 3: Selectie exposure to media; choices and consequences
In lehtmre 3 (hooihes iand honseumenhesn, we defined selehtve eaposmre ias ia “scste iath
biias” in woiho essiayes people iahhept iand iavoid. hoiho of toe followiny eaia ples womld be
best deshribed ias selehtve eaposmret
A. A news website oias ia polithial sliant, iand tends to pmbliso news iarthles toiat leian
towiard its ideoloyc. (This is not about selectnn, but about the website providinn
the newsn
B. A video yia e pliacer needs lonyer iand lonyer yia epliac sessions to enjoc toe
C. A smpporter of Fecenoord Roterdia onlc wiathoes Ajiaa yia es on television if
Ajiaa iare limelc to lose.
D. A stmdent opens toeir sohiial ediia newsfeed iand reiads iall over toe posts toiat
oiave iappeiared in toe liast 3 oomrs.
Toe polithial piartc D66 rehentlc proposed to bian hertiain tcpes of otorized shooters in
A sterdia . I iayine toiat over toe neat severial ontos, people woo smpport ia bian ostlc
sthm to reiadiny iand viewiny news stories iand toomyofml ho entiarc iabomt woc shooters
soomld be bianned. And, people woo oppose ia bian ostlc sthm to reiadiny iand viewiny news
stories iand toomyofml ho entiarc iabomt woc toe bian is ia biad ideia. Bc toe t e toe polihc is
honsidered bc toe hitc in 2017, bmt sides oiave beho e even ore strony in toeir beliefs, iand
will not ho pro ise. Confir iaton biias in selehtve eaposmre oias led to woiat efehtt
poliariziaton (see slidesn
Lecture 4: Selectie exposure to media; fast and slow choices