Strategic Human Resource
Lecture 1, 05-09-2022, Chapter 1
Investing in people pays off in terms of organizational success HR performance cycle.
- “…employees matter and the management of employees (human resource management) is a
potential source for achieving organizational goals.”
Strategic Human Resource Management in the 21st Century
- Impact of organizational change and change of labor market
o Five I’s Schnabel
Intensification: people nowadays give value to different life spheres ->
friends, family, free time; next to working life. Intensification of feelings.
Work ethic changes over generations.
Informalization: organizations get flatter, less hierarchic levels
Informatization: increasing technology informatizing of all kinds of resources
- Competitiveness (sustainability, globalization, technology)
- Three perspectives (MHRM, IHRM & SHRM)
- Stakeholder perspective
o Doelen bedrijf en doelen werknemer moeten samenvallen
o Stakeholders als klanten, leveranciers, aandeelhouders, institutionele omgeving, etc.
- Balanced approach balance between different stakeholder’s interests.
Organizational change
Organizational Change and Competitive Advantage
The relevance of optimal coping with change is embedded in the concept of competitive advantage.
Competitive advantage:
, - Is important for organizational survival;
- And is at least partly manageable by human resource management.
Three HRM perspectives
- Micro HRM – MHRM Focusing on the individual employee for example performance,
- International HRM – IHRM multinationals. Sommige multinationals hebben in elk land
dezelfde HRM-strategie, maar komen er vaak achter dat cultuurverschillen toch erg
belangrijk zijn.
- Strategic HRM – SHRM alignment between organizational goals and employee goals.
These goals are needed for a good fit, and for employees to feel good on workfloor.
Micro HRM (MHRM) covers the sub functions of HR policy and practice including recruitment &
selection, induction & socialization, and training & development.
- MHRM is closely related to the studies in Organizational Behaviour and Occupational
Psychology often focused on the impact of single HR practices on employee attitudes and
behaviours (Wright & Boswell, 2002).
International HRM (IHRM) is concerned with HRM in multinational companies (MNCs) and HRM
across borders (Brewster, 2004). IHRM is focused on issues such as the transferability of HR practices
across business units in different countries, the optimal management of expatriates and the impact
of different institutional country contexts on human resource management.
Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) focuses on issues of linking HRM to the business
strategy, designing high performance work systems and adding value through good people
management in an attempt to gain sustained competitive advantage (Delery & Doty, 1996). The
concept of ‘fit’ plays a central role within SHRM.
Three Perspectives in Studying SHRM Practices
- A multi-actor perspective/systemic (multiple stakeholders including employees, managers,
HR professionals, works councils, trade unions, top management, shareholders, financiers
and government);
- A broad societal view with an emphasis on different institutional contexts, for example, on
the level of branches of industry, regions and countries; Bijv. Pensioenleeftijd.
- A multi-level perspective including the individual employee perspective and the strategic
organizational perspective (and team level).
Paauwe (2004)
- Human resources are something more than just ‘resources’; they have emotions, want
support of supervisors, want respect/pack on the shoulder.
- Human resource management is not concerned solely with financial performance; also with
wellbeing, health
- Human resource management focuses on the exchange relationship between employee and
organization: legal contract, psychological contract, etc. Bijv. Extra stap zetten voor
werkgever omdat hij jou vertrouwen hebt gekregen = OCB. Wisselwerking.
, - And the shaping of the employment relationship takes place in an era of continuous tension
between the added value and moral values.
Boxall & Purcell (2008)
- HRM covers all workforce groups, including core employees, peripheral employees and
contingent workers. Ipv alleen iets doen voor bepaalde werknemers, en niet voor anderen.
- HRM involves line and specialist managers, and is not solely aimed at employees;
- HRM is all about managing work and people, collectively and individually;
- HRM is embedded in industries and societies
The Balanced Approach
In the strategic balance model, organizational success can only be achieved when financial
performance AND societal performance of an organization are above average in the particular
population in which the organization is operating (Deephouse, 1999).
The Balanced Approach in HRM, align:
- Goals of the individual employee
- Organizational goals
- Societal goals
Lecture 2, 09-09-2022, Guest Lecture Leeuwendaal, Chapter 2
3.1 What excellent organisations do
They work with strengths:
- Believe that talent is the best foundation for success
- Are aware of their own talents and take responsibility to develop them further
- Know and appreciate the talents and strenghts of each team member, and encourage them
to be successful
They are aimed at increasing engagement
- Have authentic attention for each teammember, and help each to grow in his/her role
- Build a culture in the team that fosters collaboration and connection
- Provide adequate support and care for each member.
They are focused on realizing performance
- Set clear performance goals and expectations
- Measure progress and performance
- Give feedback and direction, so that people are able to make decisions and take action.
, 3.2 What is a talent?
Talent = a natural pattern of thoughts, feelings, or behavior that you can apply productively. By
investing in it, it becomes a strength.
Examples of talents are:
- Spontaneously start conversations
- Structured or sequential way of thinking
- Easily influence or sense others
- See patterns and connections
3.3 Talents are a filter on the world
Talent has several dimensions. They help you understand…:
- What motivates you.
- What your approach is to motivating others.
- How you think, weigh alternatives and make decisions.
- How you communicate and influence others.
- How you build relationships.
- How you react in specific situations
This results in knowing:
- The value you add as an individual.
- The role you like to fulfill.
- What you need to give the best of yourself (or what doesn’t help you).
- What you need from others (where others complement you)
Start with talent, finish with strengths
- Talent = a natural recurring pattern of thought, feeling and behavior that can be productively
applied. (“being”)
- Strengths = the ability to consistently produce a positive outcome through near perfect
performance in a specific task. (“doing”)
The principles of a Strengths Based Approach
Main principle: let’s start with what’s good about each other
- Leads us with positive intentions
- Talents are neutral, they are not judgements on your value
- Talents are not labels
- It's about how you approach people, tasks and problems