BTEC Diploma level 3 in Business Unit number: Unit 3 Assignment ttle: Chocoholic
Unit ttle: Introuucton to Marketng Deauline: 1103300316 Learnerss name: Daniil Chernat
P5) Explain how and why groups of customers are targeted for selected products.
There are a lot of market segments anu all businesses must make sure that they iuentfy their specifc
target segments. All businesses must also ensure that their aims of customers are targeteu correctly.
Businesses coulu separate their customers baseu on their age, genuer, locaton, religion, social classes
anu natonality. In oruer to make a successful business, businesses ought to ensure that they iuentfy the
target market so as to make as many sales as possible.
Age is one of the segmentatons that all businesses must know
before prouucing the prouuct. An example of using age
segmentaton woulu be a wheelchair for eluerly people anu for
uisableu people. The wheelchair is maue in a way that it has big
wheels anu a seat. Therefore, uisableu people are not requireu to
stanu up anu they can move arounu. The wheelchair woulu have
aluminum hanu rims, four wheels, sof seat anu strong frame.
Younger people will be less likely to buy that prouuct, as they are
more likely to be able to walk. As a consequence of that, these
prouucts will be targeteu more at eluerly people.
Genuer is another example of segmentaton, that all businesses
must think of. An example of the genuer segmentaton woulu
be clothes. An item of clothes will be specifcally uesigneu for
uifferent age groups anu uifferent genuers. eowever, there are
not that many clothes that can be worn by a man anu woman.
For example, Ralph Lauren prouuces uifferent clothes for
women anu men anu so will use uifferent auverts.
Locaton is also an example of segmentaton. For
example, in hot countries all shops must make sure that
they have air conuitoning anu colu water. Therefore,
the climate uepenus on the locaton anu businesses
selling air conuitoning will target other businesses in
hot places. eowever, if the place is colu then the
conuitons of the store must be completely uifferent.
The company will target other businesses with heatng
systems. If a company wants to sell air conuitoning,
then the target of the business woulu be selling goous
in the hoter climates. An example of a business can be
founu here: (htp:00www.airconco.com0?gcliu=Cj3KEQiAsP-