Stuf that is isporttatt understand the thertise , know the deftisirt , fiute atd itaoh . NOT the
tuf that is petely etee tr islylyu ttate isporttatt corttett mpataietisaly ispolyiscoairt , exapolye s
Patt 1 Itttrducoirt
Chaotet 1 Utdet tatdisti Crt upet Behaeisrt mw1s
Bu iste ucocoe deoetd rt utdet tatdisti cort upet behaeisrut atd ttetd .
1.1 Deftisti cort upet behaeisrt
Customer behavior teflecot the trtalyist rf cort upet y decois isrt wisth te oecot tr the acoquis isirt,
cort upoirt, atd dis or isirt rf irrd , eteiscoe , acoieisie , exoetisetcoe, oerolye, atd isdea b mhupats
decois isrt-pakisti utist mreet ipes.
1. The trtalyist rf decois isrt CB mcou trpet behaeisrts isterlyee pat decois isrt
‐ Utdet tatdisti whethet, what, wh mtrts, whet, whete, hrw, hrw pucoh, hrw rfet,
atd frt hrw lyrti cort upet wislyly bu , u e, rt dis or e rf at rfetisti.
2. Abrut the cort upoirt CB isterlyee prte that bu isti
‐ Acquiring an offr: the otrcoe b whiscoh a cort upet corpe tr rwt at rfetisti
mbu isti, tetiti, lyea isti, ttadisti, hatisti, iisfisti, ftdisti, tealyisti, battetistis
‐ Using an offr: the otrcoe b whiscoh a cort upet u e at rfetisti mcorte rf cort upet
‐ Disposing of an offr: the otrcoe b whiscoh a cort upet dis coatd at rfetisti.
‐ Managing monfy and making fnancial dfcisions.
3. Of at rfetisti CB isterlyee irrd , eteiscoe , acoieisie , exoetisetcoe , oerolye atd isdea .
‐ Mrte that ju t the wa that a oet rt bu tatiisblye otrducot . Becoau e cort upet
behaeisrt istcolyude the cort upoirt rf r pat thisti , we u e the ispolye tetp
rfetisti tr etcorpoa the e etiie . Offering a otrducot, eteiscoe, acoieist ,
exoetisetcoe, rt isdea rfeted b a patkeiti rtiatiszairt tr cort upet .
4. B decois isrt pakisti utist CB coat isterlyee pat oerolye
, ‐ Crt upet behaeisrt dre trt tecoe atisly teflecot the acoirt rf a istilye istdiseisdualy. It is
or isblye that a itruo rf oerolye ha tr pake a decois isrt. Mrtereet, the istdiseisdualy
etiaiisti ist cort upet behaeisrt coat take rt rte rt prte trlye .
5. Oeet ipe CB is a d tapisco otrcoe m = beweielyisjk/eetatdetlyisjks
‐ The equetcoe rf acoquis isirt , cort upoirt, atd dis or isirt coat rcocout reet ipe ist a
d tapisco rtdet mhrut , da , week , prtth , rt eat s.
6. CB isterlyee eprirt atd coroisti
‐ Pr isiee atd teiaiee eprirt a welyly a oecoisfco eprirt coat afecot hrw
cort upet thistk, the cohriscoe the pake, hrw the feely afet pakisti a decois isrt, what
the tepepbet, atd hrw pucoh the etjr at exoetisetcoe.
1.2 What afecot cou trpet behaeisrtB
The pat facotrt that afecot acoquis isirt, u aie, atd dis or isirt decois isrt coat be colya isfed isttr frut
btrad drpaist
1. The o cohrlyriiscoaly corte isttettaly cort upet otrcoe e [Chaotet 2-6]
‐ Befrte cort upet coat pake decois isrt , the pu t haee rpe rutcoe rf ktrwlyedie rt
istfrtpairt uort whiscoh tr ba e theist decois isrt . The o cohrlyriiscoaly corte coreet
prieairt, abislyist , atd roorttutist ㉁ exor ute, atetirt, oetcoeoirt, atd
corpotehet isrt㉁ peprt atd ktrwlyedie㉁ atd attude abrut at rfetisti.
2. The otrcoe rf pakisti decois isrt [Chaotet 7-10]
‐ This drpaist isterlyee frut taie otrblyep tecoritisirt, istfrtpairt eatcoh, decois isrt-
pakisti, atd or toutcoha e eealyuairt.
3. The cort upety coulytute extettaly otrcoe e [Chaotet 11-14]
‐ It lyatie oatt, cort upoirt decois isrt atd hrw we otrcoe istfrtpairt ate afecoted b
rut coulytute. Culture tefet tr the t oiscoaly rt exoecoted behaeisrt , trtp , atd isdea
that cohatacotetisze a itruo rf oerolye.
4. Crt upet behaeisrut rutcorpe atd is ue [Chaotet 15-17]
‐ The o cohrlyriiscoaly corte, decois isrt-pakisti otrcoe e , atd the cort upety coulytute afecot
cort upet behaeisrt rutcorpe thtruih the pbrlyisco u e rf otrducoe atd the
disfu isrt rf isdea , otrducot , rt eteiscoe thtruih a patket. The aly r istfluetcoe atd
ate istfluetcoed b is ue rf ethisco atd rcoisaly te ort isbislyist .
Eacoh drpaist is telyated tr alyly the rthet .
1.3 Whr beteft ftrp the tud rf cort upet behaeisrtB
Frut disfetett itruo whr u e cort upet te eatcoh
1. Matkeiti pataiet
‐ Marketing is the acoieist , et rf ist ituirt , atd otrcoe e frt cotaiti,
corpputiscoaiti, delyiseetisti, atd excohatiisti rfetisti that haee ealyue frt cort upet ,
colyisett , oatttet , atd rcoiset at lyatie.
‐ Matkeiti pataiet teed CB ist isiht frt deeelyroisti patkeiti ttateiise atd
tacoico . The teed tr utdet tatd what cort upet atd colyisett ealyue㉁ rtly thet coat
the deeelyro, corpputiscoate, atd delyiseet aootrotisate irrd atd eteiscoe .
2. Ethiscois t atd adercoate itruo
‐ Matketet y acoirt rpeipe tais e isporttatt ethiscoaly que irt . Crtcoetted
cort upet rpeipe frtp adercoaco itruo tr coteate oublyisco awatete rf
istaootrotisate otacoicoe mbr cort , pedisa tatepett s.
3. Publyisco orlyisco paket atd teiulyatrt
, ‐ Utdet tatdisti CB is cotucoisaly frt lyeiis lyatrt , teiulyatrt , atd ireettpett aietcoise ist
deeelyroisti orlyiscoise atd tulye tr otrtecot cort upet ftrp utfaist, ut afe rt
istaootrotisate patkeiti otacoicoe .
4. Acoadepisco
‐ Utdet tatdisti cort upet behaeisrt is isporttatt ist the acoadepisco wrtlyd frt twr
tea rt
is. Acoadepisco dis epistate ktrwlyedie abrut CB whet the teacoh corut e rt the
isis. Acoadepisco ietetate ktrwlyedie abrut CB whet the cortducot te eatcoh
frcou isti rt hrw cort upet acot, thistk, atd feely whet acoquististi, u isti, atd
dis or isti rf rfetisti mu efuly tr rthet , lyiske patkeiti pataiet etco.s.
5. Crt upet atd rcoiset
‐ Utdet tatdisti cort upet behaeisrt etablye patketet atd rthet rtiatiszairt tr
otreisde trrly frt prte istfrtped decois isrt-pakisti. It helyo pat cort upet pake
betet decois isrt .
‐ Ptrducot, eteiscoe, atd corpputiscoairt deeelyropett tr otrtecot coettaist cort upet
eipett haee itrwt rut rf utdet tatdisti hrw cort upet behaee.
‐ A betet utdet tatdisti rf cort upet behaeisrt coat oaee the wa frt otritap that
beteft rcoiset .
1.4 Makisti bu iste decois isrt ba ed rt the patkeiti ispolyiscoairt rf cort upet
Crt upet te eatcoh helyo patketet tr deeelyro otrducot- oecoisfco olyat a welyly a btradet ttateiise
frt patket eipettairt, tatieiti, atd or isirtisti, atd tr pake decois isrt abrut the corportett rf
the patkeiti pisx.
1. Deeelyroisti atd ispolyepetiti cort upet-rtisetted ttatei
‐ Matkeiti is de isited tr otreisde ealyue tr cort upet . Matketet pu t cortducot
te eatcoh tr utdet tatd the eatisru itruo rf cort upet wisthist the patketolyacoe r
that the coat deeelyro ttatei atd oecoisfco rfetisti that wislyly otreisde ucoh ealyue.
Otcoe the deeelyro/ispolyepett a ttatei , the teed tr te eatcoh tr detetpiste hrw
welyly ist is wrtkisti atd whethet ist is delyiseetisti the exoecoted te ulyt .
2. Selyecoiti the tatiet patket
‐ Utdet tatdisti CB helyo patketet detetpiste whiscoh cort upet itruo ate
aootrotisate tatiet frt patkeiti tacoico atd hrw heae u et rf a otrducot disfet
ftrp lyisiht u et . Matketet aly r teed tr isdetif whr is lyiskely tr be isterlyeed ist
acoquis isirt , u aie, atd dis or isirt decois isrt .
3. Deeelyroisti otrducot
‐ Deeelyroisti irrd atd eteiscoe that ai f cort upet y watt atd teed is a cotisicoaly
patkeiti acoieist . Matketet aooly cort upet te eatcoh whet pakisti a tupbet rf
decois isrt abrut otrducot atd btatdisti.
4. Pr isirtisti
‐ Decoisdisti hrw at rfetisti hrulyd be or isirted ist cort upet y pistd . The de isted
ispaie hrulyd teflecot what the otrducot is atd hrw ist disfet ftrp the corpoeiirt.
5. Makisti otrprirt atd patkeiti corpputiscoairt decois isrt
‐ Re eatcoh coat helyo corpoatise pake decois isrt abrut otrprirtaly/patkeiti
corpputiscoairt trrly , istcolyudisti adeeti isti, alye otrprirt , oet rtaly elylyisti, atd
oublyisco telyairt .
, ‐ Make u e rf tecohtisque tr pea ute cort upet y oh isrlyriiscoaly atd teutrlyriiscoaly
te ort e tr patkeiti corpputiscoairt atd rthet ipulyis.
6. Makisti otiscoisti decois isrt
‐ The otiscoe rf a otrducot rt eteiscoe coat haee a cotisicoaly istfluetcoe rt cort upet y
acoquis isirt, u aie, atd dis or isirt decois isrt . Iporttatt frt patketet tr utdet tatd
hrw cort upet teacot tr otiscoe atd tr u e this istfrtpairt ist otiscoisti decois isrt .
7. Makisti dis ttisbuirt decois isrt