BTEC level 3 Diploma in Business Daniil Chernat
Unit number: Unit 16 Unit ttle: Human Resource Management in Business
M2: Compare the use of motvaton theories in an organizatonn
In order to make Lux Chocs Ltd a successful business, the company has chosen to use motiaton
theories to encourage their workers haie good motiaton and productiityy There are seien main
theories that are used in the business eniironment to motiate staf: Taylor, Mayo, Maslow, Herzberg,
McGregor, McClelland, Vroomy Motiaton theories are one of the main things that business should
considery Motiatng staf can help increase the pace and the productiity of the workersy If the business
uses these ttheories then there is an increased chance or the company to achieie success and make a
sustainable profty Each of the theories haie diferent defnitons, howeier motiaton theories are all
about how to encourage staf to work to the best of their capacity in an organizatony
Taylor’s theory says that the more an employee works, then the greater their pay should be to motiate
themy Coniersely they work, the less they should be paidy This method works when a worker gets paid
per piece of worky Howeier, if worker is working at a fast place and producing poor quality products
then he/she will get more for producing more productsy Howeier, these may not be of an acceptable
qualityy So there should be a balance between producing a high quality product and working at good
speedy If we compare this informaton with the Lux Chocs Ltd, then this would not worky Lux Chocs Ltd
employee receiies a specifc pay per hour, which makes the Taylor’s theory irreleianty
The Mayo motiatonal theory is an expended iersion of the Taylor theoryy Elton Mayo tried to
iniestgate motiatonal theory furthery The theory says that in additon to the productiity increases
helping a company to become successful, that also of importance are the management inioliement,
team working and communicatony All these three things are known as Human Relatons Schools (HRS)y
Mayo said that workers should be encouraged to deielop a higher leiel of communicaton, should be
proiided with clubs and social actiites, should be organised into teams and giien some say in what
happens in the work eniironmenty This would make a successful business and more productiey
Maslow’s theory basically says
that the worker’s needs go from
the most basic requirements for
food, water and shelter to the
highest ranking need of ‘self-
actualisaton’ and fulflmenty The
diagram on the right illustrates
Maslow’s hierarchy of needsy The
botom things are the most
important and the top ones are
more difcult to achieie but can
be important for motiaton at
worky So the Key idea of the
Maslow theory is to giie workers
some basic things that they need
in order to make them more