BTEC level 3 Diploma in Business Daniil Chernat
Unit number: Unit 16 Unit ttle: Human Resource Management in Business
M3) Explain how the results from measuring and managing performance inform employee
With tme some employeees have reached their targets and some are underperoorming. In order to make
employeees peroorm to a high standard, Jules Smart, the HR manger must motvate workers. Io Lux Chocs
Ltd employeees peroorm at a high standard, then the HR manager must provide them with a bonus oor
their high level oo work. Io a worker is working hard, then the employeee might be given a fnancial
reward. Also, the HR manager oo Lux Chocs Ltd could possiblye provide the employeee with additonal
holidayes and this process will make the worker to work even harder, as the employeee is more motvated.
Io the business is giving an employeee a target and s/he is reaching it in a specifc period oo tme, the
employeee must get a reward as this process will make an employeee more interested in working oor Lux
Chocs Ltd. So, io the worker is working hard, then s/he must get a bonus and anye underperoormance will
be solved bye the HR manager.
One oo the most important things oor the HR manager is to constantlye set new targets once an existng
target has been reached bye an employeee. The targets set bye the HR manager must be challenging in
order to make the employeee oeel interested in business. In additon to that, the employeee could be
trained to provide him/her with a higher qualifcaton and as a consequence oo that this will provide the
employeee with a higher wage rate and beter job. This process can make an employeee oeel more
interested in stayeing at the business а make an employeee more motvated. As the workers are gaining
more skills, s/he will become more productve and efectve. Io all workers are becoming more
productve, then the business becomes more proftable. This process can provide Lux Chocs Ltd an
opportunitye or expansion and as a result oo that, the business becomes more well known and more
workers will work harder as theye would want to staye at Lux Chocs Ltd.
Lux Chocs Ltd would also have workers that are underperoorming, this brings the business down.
However, theye maye stll be playeing a keye role in business, as theye are contributng to profts at Lux Chocs
Ltd. In order to make underperoorming workers work harder, the HR manager must talk to them and ask
them whye theye are underperoorming. Another waye that the HR manager could go is set a minimum
target and io the employeee achieves it, then the worker could possiblye receive a bonus. Also, Lux Chocs
Ltd could provide the underperoorming worker with a training course, as a result, the employeee will gain
more skills and mayebe get a higher wage. This process could make an employeee peroorm beter as a
result, he/she will become more motvated. As the workers are gaining new skills, theye become more
productve, as a consequence oo that, producton oo goods will increase as well as proft oo the business.
As well as making employeees learn new skills, Lux Chocs Ltd should think about setng new targets oor
the employeees that have met their targets. As the business sets new targets, workers will work harder
and that means that employeee productvitye will increase as workers know that theye will get a reward oor
achieving a target. However, some workers will stll be working at the low level, so the HR manager
could trye other wayes to motvate the employeees. As well as providing Lux Chocs Ltd employeees with
basic services, the business could create a private health care. This process will provide employeees with
health care and also this process will save employeees moneye. The employeees will oeel more confdent
that Lux Chocs Ltd wants to keep them, as a result the workers will be more motvated. In additon to
that, the medicine in the UK is verye expensive, and with companye healthcare, workers can save a lot oo
moneye and spend them on diferent things. So this can provide a beter qualitye oo lioe oor the workers oo
Lux Chocs Ltd.