BTEC Level 3 Diploma in Business Daniil Chernat
Unit number: Unit 16 Unit ttle: Human Resource Management in Business
D2) Assess the importance of measuring and managing employee performance at work.
Lux Chocs Ltd are entering a period of expansion, as a result of that the HR manager must make sure
that all employees are working to a satsfactory level. Therefore it is important for Lux Chocs to monitor
the performance of their workers. Lux Chocs Ltd must monitor the performance of their workers in
order to see which workers are more productve and which workers are less productve. This is so they
can take suitable acton to improve the performance of the unproductve workers, egg through training,
the use of mentors or if necessary disciplinary acton.
Each month, targets for Lux Chocs Ltd employees must be set in order to make them more motvated
and productve. However, the targets must be achievable and be tme bound in order to ensure that the
workers and business progress. Lux Chocs Ltd could possibly have statstcs and profles for each worker
to give an idea on how well the worker is achieving his/her targets. If workers are set targets, then they
are going to be more motvated and productve. As a consequence of that Lux Chocs Ltd could possibly
become more proftable and successful. This is why it is so important for the Lux Chocs Ltd manager to
monitor the progress of each worker. This is important to motvate workers,
Managing performance is also very important to Lux Chocs Ltd, because the HR manager must make
sure that employees are making progress and achieving their goals and targets. Lux Chocs Ltd have
workers who are underperforming, this can be damaging to the business. However, they are stll playing
the key role in business, as they are making a proft for Lux Chocs Ltd. In order to make underperforming
workers work harder, the HR manager must discuss improvements to their performance with them.
Appraisal is another thing that HR manager could possibly do. The HR manager could set new targets for
employees and also monitor their progress with a current target. Another way that the HR manager
could go is set a limit target and if the employee achieves it, then worker could possible receive a bonus.
Also, Lux Chocs Ltd could provide the underperforming worker with training courses, as a result, the
employee will gain more skills and maybe get a higher wage. This process will help the business increase
their workers’ productvity and therefore the proft. Also, by providing workers with extra courses
employees will increase their qualifcaton, as a result of that this can help Luc Chocs Ltd become more
successful and operate beter outside the UK. Furthermore, Lux Chocs Ltd could possibly use SMART
objectve system to ensure that all employees are aware of what they are doing and how to achieve
personal and corporate goals.
HR management must include efectve planning to ensure that are enough of the correctly qualifed
and trained staf in the business to fulfl key roles including:
Chocolate manufacturing and supervision
Research and development
Online sales
Informaton technology