BTEC level 3 Diploma in Business Daniil Chernat
Unit number: Unit 16 Unit ttle: Human Resource Management in Business
D1) Suggest with justifitat wiys af impravitg matvitat it Lux Chafs Ltd.
There are many ways in which the motvaton of Lux Chocs employees could be improved. In order to do
this, seven main theories have been created. This informaton will refer to these theories.
Lux Chocs Ltd could improve the motvaton of their employees by using Taylor’s motvaton theory.
They could possibly give bonuses to their workers such as giving more holidays or giving employees
higher wages. This process will motvate employees more as they are getng bonuses for their hard
work. If workers are receiving bonuses, then they will work harder. As a result of this, the productvity of
the worker will increase and, consequently, profts at Lux Chocs Ltd will increase and with a higher
proftability, there could be an increase in employee wages. This might make workers become more
motvated and make them more useful to the business. Also, Lux Chocs Ltd could possibly introduce
proft sharing. This process will make the workers feel more confdent because they will know that the
business values them and wants them to share in the success of the business.
In additon to this, Lux Chocs Ltd could apply Maslow’s motvaton theory to more areas. Currently, Lux
Chocs is providing reasonable resources and working conditons which are safe and healthy. However, if
Lux Chocs Ltd could create beter relatonships with managers, give workers more free tme, and
provide support staf to develop confdence, workers would be more motvated. As a result, Lux Chocs
Ltd could become more productve and proftable. All these processes would provide the business with
a higher rate of success in the future. Additonally, as the company becomes more proftable, Lux Chocs
Ltd could provide their staf with mortgage subsidies; therefore, Lux Chocs employees would stay for a
longer period of tme in the business and as they become more motvated, they might provide the
business with a higher quality of work.
As well as providing Lux Chocs Ltd employees with basic services, the business could ofer private health
care. This process will provide employees with health care and also this process could save employees
money. The employees will feel more confdent that Lux Chocs Ltd wants to keep them, as a result the
workers will be more motvated. In additon to that, medicine in the UK is very expensive, and with
company healthcare, workers can save a lot of money and spend them on diferent things. So this can
provide a beter quality of life for the workers of Lux Chocs Ltd. Furthermore, Lux Chocs Ltd could
motvate their workers by developing new skills in order to make them more useful to the company.
This type of job diversifcaton will keep employees interested in their work. This process may also
provide workers with a higher rate of wage and increase her/his motvaton, as an employee will feel like
the business needs her/him. Also, by developing a worker’s new skills, it is a chance for them to apply to
a training course. This process will give the employee confdence, higher productvity and s/he will
become more useful to the Lux Chocs Ltd. Moreover, Lux Chocs could rotate their employees between
jobs. This will help their employees to acquire more skills and knowledge by doing diferent jobs, which
will help them to increase their qualifcatons and this will help Lux Chocs operate well.
Lastly, without motvated employees, businesses may not be so successful as staf may leave regularly.
This could be bad for the company’s reputaton. However, if a worker is interested in staying in the
business, then the employee will be productve, and as a result, the business will become proftable and
1) BTEC Baak 2, level 3, Jaht Bevit/Helet Cauplitd-Smith/Rab Dritsield/Jaht
Gaymer/Citherite Rifhirds, Peirsat Campity, 2010.