Samenvatng The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of ehe ycychology of
Coaching and Meneoring
Chapeer 1 The ycychology of coaching and Meneoring
Whae ic Coaching ? = There has been debate about this queston because there is no
standard defniton but it has many overlaps with mentroing, career counseling, appraisals
and feedback, but is defned as a repackaging of actvites and techniques borrowed from
other disciplines such as counseling, psychology, learning and consultngg Coaching is
unlocking people’s potental to maaimise their own performanceg Helping them learn rather
than teaching themg You use the self as a tool for refecton, raising self awareness and
through this personal responsibility for success or failureg Can be seen as a human
development process that involves structured, focused interacton and the use of
appropriate strategies, tools and techniques to promote desirable and sustained change for
the beneft of coachee and stakeholderg
Socratc dialogee = The coachee already has within them the answer to the queston and
thus the role of the coach is not socio-educatonal as it might be within approaches such as
CBT, but is primarily facilitatveg
Whae ic coaching pcychology ? = There has been a second debateg Coaching psychology is
diferent from coachingg The coaching psychology movement has emerged from two corners
: Australia (Anthony Grant’s work) and the work of a small group of coaching psychology
practtoners in the on (Stephen lalmer’s work)g It is distnctve from coaching because it is
for enhancing wellbeing and performance in personal life and work domains, underpinned
by models of coaching grounded in established adult learning or psychological approachesg
Anehony Grane’c work = His doctoral thesis eaamined the emerging phenomena of coaching
and led to the creaton of the Coaching lsychology onit at Sydney oniversityg
Seephen yalmer’c work = Coaching psychology forum was started which led to the
development of the Britsch lsychology Society’s Special Interest Group in coaching
Whae ic meneoring ? = Also mentoring has a lot of defnitonsg Mostly mentoring is seen as
an older person who is more eaperienced teaching a younger person, less eaperienced
protégé, where the purpose is the personal and professional growth of the protégég
Coaching and mentoring share many qualitesg
Chapeer 2 : Coaching
Coaching = goal focused actvity, clients come to coaching because there is a problem they
need or want to solve or a goal they want to atain, and they’re looking for help in
constructng and enactng solutons to that problemg
,Downcide of 360 degreec feedback is that the collecton of such data pre- and post-coaching
interventon is ofen an eatremely tme consuming and challenging process, involving
coordinatng tme-poor employees and senior eaecutves at multple tme pointsg
Reeern on invecemene on coaching, is ofen presented as being the most important indicator
of coaching efficacy in organizatonal coaching conteatsg Mostly is is measured in
organizatons by growth in sales, market share or organizatonal proftabilityg One of the
arguments is that investng in coaching will return on investment by making more sales
because the coaching was successful, but is this true? It does give some assurance and
comfort, but it does not really measure the true impact of coachingg Because ROI depends
on the costs of the coaching interventon and the fnancial benefts obtained by the
Chapeer 3 The Role of Coneractng in Coaching : Balancing Individeal Cliene
and Organizatonal Icceec
Execetve coaching = a formal consultng relatonship between an individual eaecutve client
and a professional coachg
Cliene = person involved in the coaching arrangementg
Coneracec = These are mechanisms that are used in eachange relaitonships to reduce risks
and uncertaintyg You cannot predict all future so there is a tacit assumpton involved in all
contracts that other cues may guide bahavior outside the contractual termsg You get a
mutual understanding of what will most beneft the client and to ensure that you
understand the client’s needs and eapectatons from the coaching processg
When good coneractng occerc, yoe can have ehree oeecomec :
1 Informed consent, you know all the consequences
2 Responsible partcipaton, the clients knows enough about how the coaching will proceed
so that he or she can be an actve partner in the process
3 There are boundaries about content
Trece = Should be maintained in coaching relatonships, which starts with contractng
processg The safe relatonship is necessary for risk takingg
5 kindc of coneractng
1 yre coneractng = reaching an agreement in principleg You check out the credibility of the
coach and assess the ft among the coach, client and sponsortg
2 Change contracts = Every coach is a behaviorist, we all try to help a client in behavior and
Kreezcchmar developed a model for assessing readiness, which he fnds helpful for
discussing this issue with clients and sponsorsg Readiness can only be assessed at multple
tmes because it can change
,Samenvatng boek Coachen mee Collega’c
Hoofdceek 1
Kenmerkend voor coaching = Een professional kan met behulp van zijn/haar coach
refecteren op zichzelf, het denken en handeleng De vraag die de coachee heef is vrijwel
altjd gericht op werkprestates en het functoneren van die persoon, zodra het gaat om iets
heel persoonlijks zoals persoonlijkheid, begint het al dichter bij therapie te komeng
Meneor = iemand die ouder is en veel ervaring, helpt met raad en daadg
Coach = een coach doet aan werkgerelateerd leren, het doel is om professionaliteit te
vergroten door de eigen relate tot bepaalde ervaringen en vraagstukken te besprekeng
Vaardigheden die coaches moeten hebben zijn 1 leiceervaardigheden, 2 ineerventekende, 3
organicatekende en 4 pcychologicch inziche. Leidinggevenden kunnen meestal geen goede
coach zijn vanwege het beoordelende karakter van een leidinggevendeg
Compeeentec van de coach tidenc hee coachen :
- Coachee prikkelen tot nieuwe perspecteven
- Relate tussen vraagstelling en organisateconteat onderzoeken
- Coachee met probleem van buitenaf beschouwen
- Transparant verslag geven van het handelen van de coachee
Een coachprocec in ceappen :
1 Intake en leercontract met bespreking van doelstelling, aantal sessies, variate van
2 Vaststellen tjdstp, agenda en plaats van de bijeenkomsten
3 Aantal (vaak tussen 5 en 20) coachgesprekken
4 Evaluate van de opbrengsten van coaching
Er ziin vercchillende vormen van individeele begeleiding die van oppervlakkig naar
diepgaand gaan :
1 Coachend leidinggeven
Doel is om medewerkers te professionaliseren op informele manier.
2 Individuele training/training on the job
Leidinggevende verbeterd vaardigheden in het gedrag/inzicht van iedereen door oefening
3 Mentoring
Action learning, leren door te doen, gedrag en inzicht verbeteren door observatie/feedback
4 Individuele advisering
Managers ondersteunen bij problemen door observatie in het werk van de persoon
5 Individuele consultate/supervisie
Rijpe professional versterkt kennis, houding en vaardigheden door gesprekken met persoon
6 Counseling
Psycholoog helpt iedereen met persoonlijke ontwikkeling in het werk tijdens afspraken
Sooreen problemen :
- Technisch van aard/objectefg Als iemand problemen ervaart met iets kan dat komen omdat
, die persoon er geen affiniteit mee heef of te weinig kennis ergens over heefg
- Sommige problemen komen voor door een negateve werkconteat of werkpatroong
- Sommige problemen doen zich voor in meer conteaten dan alleen het werk, dus ook privég
Op zo’n moment wordt het persoonlijk en is er therapie nodigg
Coaching bevindt zich tussen expereadvicering en eherapie.
Hoofdceek 2
De blinde vlek = Het deel van de inbreng die door de coach wordt gezien maar niet door de
coacheeg De coachee kan het voorbewust doen (je hoef het alleen te noemen zodat het
weer in herinnering is en de coachee weet het weer) of onbewust (coachee heef nog veel te
leren dus de coach kan zich nutg maken door elementen uit dit vld in het gesprek in te