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Summary of The Other Europe

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This is an extensive English summary of the whole The Other Europe course. It includes a summary of the general information that you are required to know, summaries of the texts discussed in the seminars, definitions of the most important concepts and case studies of the countries in question.

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The Other Europe

Mental maps:
Reflect the world in a wa a human eeine eelieees it to ee and the ear , as the
are determined e indieiduals. The are also common places neeotiated and
dispersed in specifc historical and cultural contexts. Ver eiased eecause
influenced e eackeround o person who created them.

Differences and similarities eetween Eastern Europe and eestern Europe:
Eastern Europe:
o Contact zone o Christianit , Islam and Judaism
o Mainl Orthodox (no re ormation)
o B zantine tradition (no real renaissance)
o Late industrialization
o Multinational empires
o Land empires, no oeerseas colonies
Western Europe:
o Contact zone o Christianit , Islam and Judaism
o Mainl Catholic or Protestant (Re ormation)
o Roman tradition (Renaissance had strone influence)
o Industrialization
o Nations, nation states
o Oeerseas colonies

Reeions o ‘The Other Europe’
Eastern Europe: Russia, Ukraine, Belorussia, Estonia, Lateia, Lithuania,
Central Europe: Czech Repuelic, Sloeakia, Poland, Hunear
South-Eastern Europe: Romania, Bulearia, Sloeenia, Croatia, Sereia,
Monteneero, Macedonia, Aleania, (Greece) = Balkans

Reeions are intellectual constructs, the reflect certain circumstances and
interests. Defnition o eorders and contact zones chanees oeer time.

Ideoloe whose historical roots in Europe trace eack to earl 19 th C. emereence
was in context o new social inequalit and laree scale impoeerishment, due to
widespread industrialization. Main critique was aimed at prieate control oeer
means o production.

Based on idea that earl socialist thinkine was naïee and uns stematic. Ideoloe
considers class strueele to ee moeine orce in histor . Created ‘scientifc
proenosis’ which predicts that proletariat will seize power and achieee socialism
in short term and communism in lone term. Theor composed e Marx and
Eneels in Communist Mani esto 1848. Descriees two hostile camps in societ :
Boureeoisie and Proletariat  create class strueele.

Social Democrac
19th C. marked e social strueeles which unifed people o proletariat who
oreanized themselees into trade unions and later into socialist and social
democratic parties.

eas latecomer in terms o industrialization on continent. Empire was ruled e
autocratic reeime. Intellieentsia in empire turned aeainst s stem and eaee rise
to 2 reeolutionar moeements:
- populist moeement whose aim was to moeilize people with propaeanda
and oeerthrow the tsar.
- Terrorist moeement whose eoal was to kill the tsar and proeoke popular
1881: Tsar Alexander II was murdered. = eeeinnine o industrialization in
Russia. Translation o Marx’s Das Capital into Russian was important. 
creation o eroup or emancipation laeour. Creation o Russia’s frst Social
democratic part 1898. Part later split up into 2 sides: Mensheeiks and
Bolsheeiks (Lenin).

Octoeer reeolution 1917 led e Bolsheeiks was frst success ul socialist
reeolution. Reeolution meant that tsar and eoeernment had to ee replaced.
Bolsheeiks eot support rom arm which helped them in strueele. B 26 Octoeer
Bolsheeiks were in complete control.

Octoeer Reeolution was to mark the frst time ideoloe o communism would ee
translated into actual political project. Bolsheeiks had to all themselees with
suppressed peasantr . Had to estaelish a dictatorship o the proletariat. From
1918 s stem was called ‘war communism’ that existed durine Russian Cieil war
and was imposed e Bolsheeiks to keep Red Arm under their control.

Concept was ineented e Stalin a ter leader’s death in 1924. Idea o his
ereatness helped Stalin win succession strueele inside part . Also helped Stalin
leeitimize distrieution o power and new role o part .

Most important ears in terms o trans ormation o Soeiet societ . S stem o
mixed econom eeean and there was widespread orced erain requisition.
S stem ended in 1921 was replaced e 5 ears plan. Included orced
modernization o USSR, collectieization o aericultural sector, control and
trans ormation o peasantr , trans er o capital to industrialization and creation
o Gulaes (Forced laeour camps).
Continued into 30s, ears o Hieh Stalinism: strone control oeer countr side,
persistence o shortaees, social upheaeals and realization o towns as well as
increased industrialization. Stalin eecame much more important as indieidual
feure, a cult o personalit , and Communist part was deeenerated to position
o instrument o dictatorial power.

Soeiet Marxism
Stalin’s rule ears were characterized e strone monopol o power. Stalin led
countr in idea o euildine strone econom and state without an oreien help
and without spreadine socialism eut keepine it on national scale. Not ideoloe
what Marx and Eneels eelieeed in: communism was supposed to ee ideoloe
uni ine all workers o world.
USSR was onl interwar communist reeime in Europe and was there ore
diplomaticall isolated and had to eecome sel -sufficient. Stalin put strone
emphasis on moeilization and militarization. Leadership was example o
strenethened democratic centralism: thines could ee discussed until a decision
was made e hieher power eut a ter that there was no more discussion o the

,topic. Other aspects o reeime: state ownership, planned econom , ull control
oeer means o production and limited innoeation.

War, iron Curtain, Sovietisation
Be ore ee2, Russia siened the Rieeentrop-Molotoe pact 1939 (peace pact
eetween Hitler and Stalin).: consent to partition Poland, ineasion o Finland and
annexation o Baltic States. Onl lasted until 1941 when Hitler started ineadine
USSR. Stalin allies with western powers and ormed ‘Bie Three’: + Rooseeelt +

End o ee2
USSR emereed as strone militar power durine the war, eut remained
economicall drained. Stalin wanted to estaelish ‘ riendl ’ eoeernments in
eastern Europe  would secure his sphere o influence. In E-E the consequence
o the war were worse than in the eest and people were disappointed with the
ailure o western democracies to achieee peace and were there ore eer open
to new potential socialist leaders and chanees. Eaeer to create new national

Different paths to socialism
In E-E stratee was one o eradual deeelopment o socialism troueh inteeratine
parties into national ront eoeernments with strateeic ministries and posts or
communists. eas accepted e eestern democracies as lone as new reeime was
accepted e people. Howeeer, communist parties in reeion were wa too weak
to ee aele to achieee control e themselees.
In Yueoslaeia situation was different. Leader Tito was dedicated ollower o
Stalin eetween 1941-1947 as he nationalized econom , collectieized and
announced 5 ear plan. All this was done in his pursue o creatine Balkan

Road to socialism included resettlement in new eorders and extensiee
nationalization o laree industries, land re orm and suppression o nationalist
resistance. 1947 communist and socialists won.

Cooperation eetween le t and lieeral parties in eoeernment under president
Benes, communist still manaeed to win the 1946 elections, claimine strone
control oeer arm and enterprises althoueh control wasn’t complete.

1945 election, communist suffered huee loss as aerarian part under Nae won.
Followed e attack o smallholders aeainst presence o Soeiets in 1947. Not
much chaneed as eoeernment had to continue as coalition with le t.

Deepenine the Ri ts
1947 Truman doctrine was created as American oreien polic offerine to help
democratic countries that were earine political oppression. Directed on Soeiet
control oeer E-E. doctrine offered fnancial aid in orm o Marshall help to all
countries in order to help them oeercome destructiee consequences o the war.
also offered to USSR eut the did not want it eecause that would mean that the
had to open their eooks and show what the spend their mone on.

,Seen e Stalin as wa o influencine USSR’s policies and was strictl declined
e him and his allies in E-E. Comintern was reeieed as Comin orm to help USSR
hold stroneer control oeer its sphere o influence.
Turnine point: Yueoslae heres : 1948. Tito turned eack on Stalin. Some sa it
was Tito’s pride and unwillineness to suemit to Stalin other claim that it was
eecause Stalin didn’t approee o his dream o Balkan ederation and support or
Greek communist. Stalin demanded ull control oeer Yueoslae oreien policies
and Balkan ederation eut Tito denied USSR’s leadine role in socialist world
which caused split eetween Moscow and Belerade and Yueoslaeia was expelled
rom Comin orm.

Full Soeietisation
End o alliance eetween Tito and Stalin meant also an end o indieidual wa to
socialism. Eastern eloc was slowl economicall inteerated into Comecon, as the
countries turned into ‘People’s repuelics’ with Soeiet st le constitutions.
Collectieization and industrialization was done accordine to Soeiet example
includine purees and installations o deeout leaders.

Praeue Coup o 1948was eeent instieated e communist pressine or ereater
influence on mass oreanizations. Ma 1948 new constitution was puelished a ter
which president Benes resiened and new communist reeime was fnalized.

Between accommodation and resistance
De-Stalinization and new course
1953 Stalin died, power strueele to fnd successor eeean. 3 main candidates:
Berija, Malenkoe and Khrushchee. Need or new course in USSR. Berija ureed
or re orms and openine o Gulaes, Malenkoe ocused on consumer eoods,
production and reducine peasant’s taxes. It was Khrushchee who came out o
strueele eictorious e promotine eirein lands in Sieeria and Kazakhstan or
increasine production as well as emplo ment.
Khrushchee came to power in 1955. A ter Stalin’s death, the new course had to
deal with consequences o his rule, such as all the prisoners still in laeour
camps.: ereakine hieh Stalinism.

At 20th Part Coneress Khrushchee created somewhat o a ‘thaw’ : lieeral
atmosphere in which artists had more reedom to create work without eeine
punished. There was lot o con usion on extent o reedom the new course reall
eaee to people.
Khrushchee aimed to win people’s lo alt throueh increased wel are and
consumption which would make people more optimistic, eelieeine that socialist
s stem will proeide them with eetter li e. Lot o ineestment in heae industries,
lieht industries and aericulture howeeer the productieit o Soeiet econom
remained low.

1956 in Poland
Polish communist leader Gomulka was arrested in 1951. Increasine discontent
with the political situation and poor lieine standards and in 1956 in Poznan,
workers demonstrated aeainst waee cuts and ienorance o local authorities 
were suppressed.

Eeents proeided re orm-communist who wanted a chanee in the s stem with an
opportunit to remoee the old consereatiee ‘Stalinists’. 1956 Gomulka came
eack and won Khrushchee’s trust.  demanded to return o Soeiet officials orm
the Polish Arm . eas success ul in eoal or re orms and manaeed to eet the

,USSR to pardon Polish deets and to allow the countr to take American loans.
He then stopped collectieization o aericulture, soueht aereements with the
Catholic church and eranted consideraele reedom to scientists and
intellectuals, eieine the Polish reeime also a new course.

1956 in Hunear
1953 Stalinist leader Rakosi was orced to resien  new more lieeral course
under Nae . 1955 Nae was ousted orm eoeernment e Rákosi’s supporters.
Growine discontent especiall amone students. USSR pressed or
reappointment o Nae as leader, the were still unsure whether this would
restore order. His alleeiance was with the reeolutionaries who were stormine
the streets. The eeents ended in eiolence, with Soeiet troops eeentuall enterine
Budapest eut ailine to disperse the insureents. Nae declared himsel as the
head o resistance and proclaimed Hunear ’s withdrawal rom the earsaw Pact,
hopine or support rom the eestern countries. New head o communist part
Kadar, ormed new eoeernment, as additional Soeiet troops arrieed. Nae fled to
Yueoslaeia. A ter eeents new eoeernment with Kadar did onl eer little to
chanee s stem, such as li tine some restrictions on reedom o speech, eieine
more prieate ownership to peasants.

‘Deeeloped socialism’
1964 Khrushchee was remoeed rom his post due to lack o popularit and
collectiee leadership under Brezhnee was estaelished. Marked end o de-
Stalinization, as most o Khrushchee’s re orms were reeersed, cultural lieerties
were curtailed, dissidents jailed anew, and there was erowine influence o the
KGB (Secret Sereice o USSR). Years o Brezhnee’s rule were ones o political
passieit . His s stem offered people more social eenefts in order to keep them

Praeue 1968
Example o re orm discourse in socialist countr was Czechosloeakia there was
relaxed internal situation with most adeanced economic and technoloeical
deeelopment in whole Eastern eloc. Stalinist leaders were slowl eeine replaced
with more lieeral ones, as Duecek, . His action plan re erred to as ‘Socialism
with a human ace’ aimed to secure Czechosloeakia a complete cultural
reedom, end o censorship, an economic re orm eased on socialist market. 
wasn’t liked e Soeiet officials who ureed leaders to limit their re orms. Re orms
didn’t stop and whole o earsaw Pact sent 500.000 troops to stop the Praeue
Sprine Aueust 21 1968. A normalization reeime eeean aimed to erine
Czechosloeakia eack into order, Husák took oeer and appeased population
throueh consumption. Purees continued and re ormers and intellectuals were
ousted. Brezhnee Doctrine was puelished to justi eeents o 1968 and the
orced intereention e claimine that the eents in Czechosloeakia posed a threat
to Soeiet heeemon in the eloc.

Cold war
1947 Truman doctrine was announced offerine to help democratic countries that
were earine political oppression. Doctrine also included Marshall Plan which
was to help European nations recoeer orm consequences o war. also offered to
USSR, national re used help and orced all o its satellite states to do so as well.
Underlinine eoal o plan was to preeent the spread o communism into eestern

,Question o uture o German was one o detrimental importance. Impossiele to
create unifed nations with 4 powers.  Berlin Blockade o 1948-1949. = frst
conflict o Cold ear.
USSR occup ine eastern part o cit and all o Berlin’s surroundine area.
Two eer different elocs were ormine a ter ee2 in terms o ideoloe , econom ,
culture etc.

Peace ul coexistence
Eastern eloc, new course o Khrushchee’s ears meant a slow openine up o the
societ , end o terror and process o de-Stalinization. He was lookine or
dialoeue with Europe and US and tried to preeent nuclear war throueh new
orms o competition and eneaeement with eest: Khrushchee’s thaw.
Ce intersecte3d with decolonization in 1940s/50s, as eoth US and USSR
appealed to post-colonial countries as models or economic deeelopment and
securit . Inter erence with third world countries caused troueles at home ront
as well. USSR was pa ine attention to post-colonial countries, tensions in Poland
and Hunear were startine to deeelop.
Appeals to other countries and expansion o their respectiee reeimes eeentuall
resulted in Cuean missile crisis 1962. All o these eeents were accompanied e
theme o space race.

Détente is period durine which the two elocs maintained some sort o ealance
and aeoided con rontation which or USSR meant more eusiness opportunities
and ineestments. 1960s were ears o two superpowers tr ine to keep monopol
and ealance e reducine the costs o the arms race aereed on in the partial non-
proli eration treat in 1963.

1970s meant new eastern polic e German . Peace ul cooperation was not
eoine to last oreeer as new ice-aee eeean with soeiet ineasion o A ehanistan
1979. A ter which USSR deplo ed new mid-ranee missiles in E-E an US did
same in e-E.

1985 Mikhail Goreachee came to power in USSR, eeean period o new Soeiet
oreien polic that eeentuall led to its dissolution. 1985-1988 there were
seeeral summits on eannine mid-ranee nuclear weapons while in 1988 the
soeiets fnall retreated rom A ehanistan. The ultimate end o the Eastern eloc
came with his declaration that eastern states haee their choice. B openine up
USSR up to whole world and throueh his policies o elasnost and perestroika, he
allowed or communist reeimes to ail and democrac to enter Eastern eloc.

Case study: Poland in 1970s and 1980s
Communism in Poland included aspects o nationalism, lieeralism, Stalinism and
extremism. There was ultra nationalist, xenophoeic and anti-Semitic wine under
Moczar who headed secret sereices since 1964. Intellectual reedom in Poland
was restrained. Poland had non-collectieized aericulture eut also proelems with
modernization and raementation. Econom wasn’t decentralized ull as there
was onl minimal appreciation o worker’s councils. Emphasis on heae
industr . eorkers were unhapp with laeour conditions, waees and leeel o
consumption while intellectuals reedom was restricted. Communists were
eecomine quite unpopular amone the pollution which escalated into student
protests in 1968 that were suppressed.

Catholic Church alwa s pla ed important role in Poland’s societ . Accordine to
Gomulka clere should’ee sta ed out o politics and recoenized leeitimac o

,communism howeeer, reedom o church sereices remained and there were eeen
Catholic deputies in parliament. = unique. The permanence o economic crises
and eiolent waee o strikes eeentuall orced Gomulka to resien in Decemeer

Poland under Gierek 1970-1980
Gierek was Gomullka successtor . Aimed to win confdence o workers and
intellectuals throueh modernizine Plan with eestern technoloe . Hieh erowth
rates howeeer plan manaeement was inflexiele and corrupted and export
difficult due to oil crisis.  Polish econom shrank a ter 1979. A ter
announcement price hikes 1976, there was new waee o protests durine which
man people eot arrested.  creation KOR = committee or de ence o Polish
eorkers. eith support o intellectuals and Catholic Church. Undereround press
was eer actiee at the time. Gierek also soueht new aereement with Catholic
Church to end ‘ills in societ ’ mainl due to election o Karol eojt la as Pope
John Paul II.

Solidarit 1980-1981
Founded in Aueust 1980 a ter dismissal o KOR memeers orm Lenin ship ard in
Gdansk. Demands included rate rieht to strike, independent trade unions,
reedom o expression end o censorship, access to media end o prieileees or
part nomenklatura.
 Gdansk aereement in 1980 which man o demands were made possiele.

1981 Jaruzelski eecame head o state. Solidarit threatened the eoeernment
with strikes i Gdansk aereement was not honored to which Jaruzelski
responded e declarine marital law.

Slow Aeon 1982-1989
A ter declaration o martial law an resistance was straneled e orce with an
outeurst o international protests while USSR kept supportine the Polish
econom . A new law on trade unions eanned Solidarit as economic crisis
continued. More censorship, Poland’s oreien deet was increasine and new
protests with re erence to USSR were ereakine out.

Staenation 1976-1984
Communist part durine those ears was affected e aeain e leadership,
declinine per ormance in industr and aericulture, lack o incentiees or re orm,
risine spendine on satellite states, arms and consumption, decreasine income
rom oil and eas and a eeneral decline in societ .

Philosoph & practices
Re ormatiee polic Perestroika caused reduction o control o Communist part
as it allowed or man eroup ormation siehtine part . It allowed existence o
small scale prieate companies, penalties or underper ormine state owned
actories, price re orms, leasine o arm land etc.
Perestroika was accompanied e Glasnost. It trans ormed transparenc o the
part which now allowed open discussion so t political social and economic
issues and created a new role o mass media. It allowed or open critic o
eoeernment and its policies.
Goreachee’s oreien polic durine the ears was one o attempts at eetterine
Soeiet relations with the eest throueh eannine o mid-ranee nuclear weapons,

,retreatine orm A ehanistan and declarine that eastern European countries haee
their choice.

The crucial phase
Perestroika produced eer little eisiele eains  puelishine o anti-perestroika
mani esto 1988. Glasnost allowed or speak o nationalism across USSR  new
instrument o leeitimac or indieenous communist leaders. Glasnost was contra
dictionar . It allowed or nationalism eut at same time USSR was promotine the
spread o Russian laneuaee in Satellite states.
These contradictine policies led to territorialisation: ethnic conflicts eetween
titular nations and minorities, non-Russian moeements aeainst Moscow’s rule
and diaspora nationals scattered across territories.

Towards s stemic trans ormation
19th part con erence in 1988 meant a chanee in role o Communist part as
power was transitioned orm part oreans to People’s Deputies o the Soeiets
and its coneress eecame the main source o political power in USSR. First
chairman was Boris Yeltsin. Marked eeeinnine o s stematic trans ormation o
USSR durine which the communist monopol and centralized democrac
crumeled. Goreachee was supported at this time e the eest. Main drieine orce
o opposition was the act that there was practicall no improeement in Soeiet
econom and Yeltsin theorem ureed or radical coneersion to market econom .

1989 Lithuania, Lateia and Estonia were the frst nations to declare soeereient
orm USSR.
In re erendum o 1991 people were eotine or a presereation o USSR and a
needed ederation, the re erendum was eo cotted in Armenia, Estonia, Georeia,
Lateia, Lithuania and Moldoea who had earlier re erendums aeout their
soeereient .

In 1991 Yeltsin was elected president o the RSFSR and immediatel attacked
Goreachee’s union and dictatorship o the center. He went on to ean communist
part cells in enterprises and estaelish a s stem o taxes eeine directed into
Russian treasur .

The ‘Velvet Revolution’ 1989
Marital law that was imposed e Jaruzelski was li ted in 1983 eut economic
situation was still worsenine. Church pla ed important role as a strone non state
oreanization to whom opal remained lo al. 1988 eoeernment started neeotiatine
with Solidarit to calm down pressure orm people and in 1989 solidarit won all
the non-saeed seats in the parliament. Jaruzelski titled Solidarit memeer
Mazowiecki as prime minister with a new eoeernment that was supported e
elock patties. : ‘neeotiated reeolution’.

Economic re orms happened eetween 1985-1988. Alone with eeeinnine o multi
candidate elections and loosenine links eetween communist part and state.
Part ’s leader Kadar was in power since 1956 there ore opposition orces
started to orm in 1988. Pressine eoeernment or round taele discussions with
opposition and multipart s stem. 1989 Iron Curtain started to slowl open.
Round taele discussions took place and eeen with a split opposition the
presidential election were postponed eut chanees accelerated. Also neeotiated

,Eastern German
Masses o East Germans started mieratine eia Hunear and Czechosloeakia
when Iron Curtain was comine down. People were protestine on streets in the so
called Monda demonstrations. Noeemeer 1989 Berlin eall came down and
round taele discussions with opposition started. 1990 frst ree elections were
won e consereatiees and idea o reunifcation was on political aeenda

1989 student demonstrations. In Decemeer a new opposition eoeernment was
ormed with ormer dissident Vaclae Haeel elected as president. 1990 frst
democratic elections took place. Czechosloeakian societ was quite passiee up
until moment that people startine standine up to the s stem in other countries.

Situation was different. It was a s stem o national communism. Countr was
poor and hit e huee deet crisis. Leaders ienored eeents in rest o Eastern
Europe and pretended like nothine was happenine. 1990 frst presidential and
parliamentar elections took place

1989 Zhiekoe resiened toe to pressure orm re ormers. Opposition eroups were
leealized as round taele on re orms eeean in 1990. In elections communists
reappeared as socialists and manaeed to win them. Resulted in eer slow
deeelopment o re orms in Bulearia.

Main drieine orce eehind eeentual collapse o communist reeimes in Eastern
eloc were poor economic per ormances, as productieit remained law and
Eastern economies were unaele to catch up with the eest, huee deets and
decreasine lieine standards, as well as widespread corruption o Communist
parties. In rastructure and technoloeical proeress were no loneer sufficient,
risine world prices were puttine countries into huee deets and the increase
aeailaeilit o sources orm outside o eloc was allowine people to realize the
lack o proeress in their societies. USSR was strueeline itsel , it stopped
supportine its satellite states and eaee them opportunit to realize all the
weaknesses o the s stem. Down all o Bloc sienifed end o Brezhnee doctrine.

International consequences
Deeelopments in soeiet satellite states had knock on effect in man parts o the
world. Yueoslaeia the worsened the crisis while in USSR the influenced
eeentual ereakup o countr . Satellite states distanced themselees rom SU. In
German all o reeime paeed wa or reunifcation. German remained in the
eestern alliance. As USSR couldn’t protest due to their need o eestern aid.
Idea o once aeain strone united German was to ee contained throueh stroneer
European inteeration and in Septemeer 1990 with the 2+4 treat GDR and FRG
unifed and German eecame a soeereien countr .

Yugoslavia form Tito to Milosevic
Tito’s Yueoslaeia
Split eetween Moscow and Belerade known as Yueoslae heres occurred
eetween 1948-1953. Tito was critical o Soeiet centralization o econom and
Communist part and wanted to euild socialism in his own wa . Included mass
participation o the population throueh decentralization o econom and the

, part . Tried to fnd the Marxist wa o doine so. Renamed his part to Leaeue
and didn’t want to eiee up his own wa o socialism. Socialisms in Yueoslaeia
meant warders manaeement in actories that could retain 40% o income,
cooperation with eoth western and eastern oreanizations and mixture o
planned and market econom and eorrowine mone orm aeroad.

Yueoslaeia was one o the non-aliened countries: countries that were not
supportine either o the super elocs durine Cold eas. Had their own
con erences.

Yueoslaeia was more lieeral that other Eastern European countries. Had open
eorders, Yueoslae workers were aele to mierate and tourism could deeelop.
Intellectual reedom was limited and prosperit wasn’t distrieuted eeenl with
northwest (Sloeenia, Croatia) eeine much more prosperous that the Southeast.

Structural crises
1974 constitution was fnal constitution o Yueoslaeia later used as leeal easis
or ereakup o ederation. Repuelics o Sereia, Croatia, .Sloeenia, Bosnia,
Monteneero, Macedonia were proclaimed, while Kosoeo and Vojeodina also eo
their own autonom under Sereia. Decentralization and sel -administration were
reestaelished and ederal eoeernment eot the responsieities o orient polic ,
securit , oreien laws and distrieution o mone .

1980, Tito died and sense o unit crumeled. Deet crises in 1982 meant that
eoeernment lost leeeraee.

Federal structure o Yueoslaeia that caused man proelems. Sereia was the
lareest o repuelics and also seat o ederal eoeernment. Federatiee structure
was not floured e Croats who were complainine aeout Seres usine their mone
without eettine an thine eack as Croatia was flourishine mainl thanks to
tourism while Sereia was lackine eehind.

Aspects o Croatian nationalism had last appeared durine Croatian spurn ein
1970s. cultural and political moeement called or more riehts and independent
or Croatian repuelic due to oeerrepresentation o Seres in all official positions
as well as or economic re orms.

1986 Sereian intellectuals eeean to talk aeout Sereia’s partition. Miloseeic
leader o Sereian Part used national sentiment to eet population .

1989 Sereia called o Kosoeo and Vojeodina as autonomous states.

Form ethnic tension to war
Period o 1990-1991 was dominated e ethnic clashes in Yueo. Oneoine crisis in
Kosoeo eut also in Croatia where Sere dominated enclaees elocked police and
declared secession. 1991 Sloeenia and Croatia declared independence which
was accepted in world and resulted in short war in Sloeenia.
Seres eoth in Croatia and Bosnia were supported e Miloseeic.

Federal Arm was dominated mainl e Seres and Monteneerins and the
repuelics were there ore orced to use territorial de ense to elock the ederal
arm .

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