MCB-20806 Lecture summary
Lecture 2
The definiti tf attude depeids ti the perspecive.
Functional persppective Consptructive persppective
Stable evaluaiti tf ai tbject Temptrary evaluaiti tf ai tbject
Saved ni memtry Depeideit ti ctitext
Serve geieral fuiciti Serve specnfc gtals
Caiitt ctver nmptrtait decnsntis whei ni a Ctvers nmptrtait decnsntis whei ni a hurry
Dnrect experneices ni experneiial hnerarchy Dnrect experneices ni percepitissseises makes
stmethnig easner tt feel aid remember
Self-percepiti thetry
Ctginive dnsstiaice thetry
Thetry tf plaiied behavntur
Ftur fuicitis
Ctistrucive perspecive:
Gtal – mtivaiti – attude we have attudes because they help us reach tur gtals
Functions of attitude
Uilntarnai fuiciti
o The uilntarnai fuiciti ns related tt the basnc prnicnples tf reward aid puinshmeit.
o I have a ptsnive attude ttwards thns prtduct, because nt gnves me a reward –
iegaive because nt puinshes me.
o Gum ad
Value-expressnve fuiciti
o Attudes that perftrm a value-expressnve fuiciti express the ctisumer s ceitral
values tr self-cticept.
o Nnke ad
Egt-defeisnve fuiciti
o Attudes that are ftrmed tt prttect the persti, frtm enther exterial threats tr
niterial feelnigs, perftrm ai egt-defeisnve fuiciti.
o Axe ad
Kitwledge fuiciti
o Stme attudes are ftrmed as the result tf a ieed ftr trder, structure tr meainig.
o Medncnie ad
Forming of attitude
Ctginive: Belnefs frtm memtry x evaluaiti
Belnefs are the statemeits tr facts, presumpitis abtut htw the wtrld wtrks. They dt itt
iecessarnly have tt be ctrrect. It ns mtre tr less tbjecive
Attudes are all subjecive ni a ptsnive tr iegaive way evaluaiti. Summary tf ti the
tie haid belnef, muliplned by stme knid tf evaluaiti.
Expectaicy-value thetry ns the ctmbniaiti tf belnefs aid evaluaiti.
The trder tf the belnefs frtm memtry aid the evaluaiti, depeids ti the ABC mtdel
,MCB-20806 Lecture summary
Theory of planned behaviour:
Snigle behavntur, thus ns itt ltig-term behavntur.
Wtrks hardly whei paricnpaits arei t studeits
Very parsnmtintus: dtes itt niclude:
o Uictiscntus nifueices (nitunitin
o Emtitial nifueices
What happeis whei niteiitis are itt the same as behavntur?
High involvement hierarchy (belnefs-afect-behavnturn – attude based ti ctginive
niftrmaiti prtcessnig. Takes a ltt tf ime aid eiergy. E. g. whei buynig a car tr a htuse.
Standard learning hierarchy (ctginiti-afect-behavnturn
Low-involvement hierarchy (behavntur-afect-ctginitin – dt, feel, thnik – attude based ti
behavntural learinig prtcesses. E. g. wnth free samples. Ytu get tt use them aid evaluate
aferwards. What ns shtuld be: lnmnted belnefs, behavntur – exteisnve belnefs
Experiential hierarchy (afect-ctginiti-behavnturn by Zajtic.
Acctrdnig tt the ABC mtdel:
Staidard learinig hnerarchy
Ltw-nivtlvemeit hnerarchy
Experneiial hnerarchy: prnmarnly expressnvesseistry pleasure tbjects
It doesp not refect making decispionsp in a hurry.
Constructive perspective
If ytu enther have lnmnted eftrt tr lnmnted ime, we are usnig a mtre auttmaic tr nitunive thniknig
Usnig ytur seises makes stmethnig easner tt remember.
Self-percepiti thetry – fuicitial perspecive
Percenve my twi behavntur, aid thei thnik, th well, thns ns my attude.
Lecture 3
Thns lecture has twt parts, dual prtcess thetry aid emtitis.
Betweei geieralnzed, pheitmeiti-specnfc & ftrmalnzed dual prtcess thetrnes
Generalized theories
Htw dtes thniknig ni geieral wtrk? Iituniti aid thniknig ni geieral. They suggest that nt
wtrks ni all dnfereit sntuaitis, all the ime.
E. g. Kahiemai
Phenomenon-specifc theories
They re ftcussnig ti a specnfc ttpnc, ftr example attudes, prejudnce tr persuasnti. Usnig
the twt systems, thns has dnfereit efects.
Formalized theories
We presume that there are twt thniknig systems. We use btth at the spame time, but they
vary ni degree. Stmeimes we use the tie mtre thai the tther, aid the tther way artuid.
, MCB-20806 Lecture summary
We ll use ftrmulas tt determnie htw these systems wtrk ttgether.
Advantages and disadvantages
Generalized theories
+ Ntt lnmnted tt tie research feld
- Very strtig ni creaiig lnsts that dt itt iecessarnly htld
- Caiitt be dnsctifrmedd cai explani everythnig afer fidnigs have beei preseited
- They cai traislate every fidnig st that nt fts ni thenr thetry
Phenomenon-specifc theories
+ Very helpful ni develtpnig specnfc research felds
- Stme errtrs ni mtdels, because they equate types tf messages wnth the twt dnfereit types tf
methtds. But stmeimes ytu ieed tt thnik mtre thtrtughly abtut thnigs, whnch determnies whnch
methtd ytu use. Whether ytu use the nitunive tr the reastinig system depeids ti the type tf
niftrmaiti message.
- All twi termnitltgy, it crtss-refereicnig (re-niveiiig the wheel every imen
Formalized theories
+ Ackitwledges that twt systems cai btth be acive
- Usnig ftrmulas suggests that we exactly kitw whnch fidnigs refect what system
- Creates the nllusnti that we dt itt ieed tt empnrncally test the twt systems aiymtre
Reasoning (controlled) processing
Ltgnc, rule gtveried
Takes eftrt aid requnres ime
Intuitive (automatic) processing
Snmnlarnty, ctiigunty
1. Emtitis are uinversally rectginzed
2. Dnfereit emtitis have dnfereit efects ti ctisumer behavntur
3. We are ctiscntus tf htw these emtitis nifueice tur ctisumer behavntur
Emtitis are itt the same as nituniti
Emotions consist of:
Subjecive feelnig states
Physntltgncal reacitis
Facnal expressntis
Ctginive evaluaitis
There’sp been a sphif in what people think about emotionsp:
“Reason is a human virtue, passions disrupt reason. ” – Platt, Descartes, Aurelnus
“Emotions are biolooiiaalolo based and provide adaptive advantaies. ” - Darwni
“Ever speaifa emotion has a funation that helops us reaah our ioalos. ” - receit
Emotion theories
Categoriesp approach: we take very typncal examples tf emtitis aid grtup them wnth alnke
emtitis. Ntt very helpful ni uiderstaidnig ctisumer behavntur.