Organizatinaa Change: Theiry and Practce – Burke
H1 The basics if irganizatinaa change
Revolutionary change: a majir change in an irganizatin resuatng in a new ir changed
missiin, change if strategy, aeadership and cuature, is rare.
Organizatins are cintnuius (ti stay), the externaa envirinment is buiat discintnuiusay.
Jihn Kitter 8 stage pricess fir irganizatinaa change
1. Estabaishing a sense if urgency
2. Create the guide ciaaitin
3. Create a visiin and strategy
4. Cimmunicate the visiin fir change
5. Empiwer the empaiyees fir briad-based actin
6. Generate shirt-term giaas and wins
7. Cinsiaidate these gains and priduce mire change
8. Try new appriaches in the cuature
The changing if an irganizatin is a respinse ti ever-changing, cimpaex externaa
envirinment. Members irganizatins must see the need fir this change befire wiaaing ti
wirk in it (expressing the need). Successfua irganizatin needs a change aeader whi is
transparent, nin-defensive, persistent and patent.
H2 Organizatinaa change
Changes exist if fne-tuning a specifc part if the irganizatin, instead if changes and
adaptins ti the envirinment that are needed. Feundamentaa change is rare, why:
Deep irganizatinaa change is difcuat;
Hard ti initate change, especiaaay when the irganizatin is diing weaa. Peak if
success is the best tme ti start bringing changes (paradix);
Kniwaedge ti impaement irganizatinaa change is aimited.
Planned organizatonal cange
When paanning irganizatinaa change, usuaaay paanned stepwise – this ainear assumptin
diesn’t happen in reaaity. Caear change giaas are stated and change aeaders are staying in
the ciurse, end-resuat might be ainear. Pricess befire might feea very chaitc fir empaiyees.
Corporatons are canging
Changing cirpiratins survivaa, a cirpiratin’s externaa envirinment. Impirtant factirs:
Capital market: infirmaa aggregatin cinsistng if buyers, seaaers, stick anaaysts,
anyine whit miney ti invest. They decide if yiur irganizatin is wirthy if
investment. They change faster than cirpiratins.
Consumers: determine the fate if any business.
Ti succeed, cirpiratins need ti change their cuaturaa aick0in: inabiaity ti change the
cirpirate cuature even if caear market threats are present.
Ccange of cigcer edu aton instiutons and non-profi organizatons
Even insttutins if higher educatin ni ainger present in the nin-prift sectir. Externaa
envirinment changing, adapt ti techniaigy changes and they’re cimpetng with each ither
abiut tuitin prices, fghtng ti nit be aef iut in the market.
Pricess if irganizatinaa change begins and ends with the externaa envirinment.
Personal view of ice wriier: coi e
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Gareth Mirgan: irganizatin understiid thriugh diferent metaphirs: machine, brain,
psychic prisin ir irganism.
Organism metaphir: irganizatin as an ipen and fexibae entty. eed must be satsfed ti
make the irganizatin survive (seen as pricess). Diwnsides if this metaphir:
Organism is cincrete (fundamentaa if nature), whiae an irganizatin is a siciaa
cinstruct which diesn’t maintain itseaf thriugh an autinimic pricess.
Acts if irganizatins are titaaay dependent in the externaa envirinment, but
irganizatins infuence the externaa envirinment as weaa (interactin).
Organisms have interdependent parts, in irganizatins independent actins (fe.
creatvity) by irganizatin members might actuaaay bring mire resuat.
Metaphir might becime an ideaa: interdependence aaways is a giid thing.
Primary chiice if theiry accimpanied by this metaphir is ipen system theiry, derived frim
Types and levels of organizatonal cange
Revolutionary change (sudden event):
Discintnuius, episidic, transfirmatinaa, strategic, titaa system change.
Titaa systems and needs the attentin if aaa irganizatin members
Evolutionary change (graduaa cintnuius pricess):
Cintnuius, cintnuius fiw, transactinaa, iperatinaa, and aicaa iptin change.
Parts imprivements measures in hiw simething is designed/deaivered/etc. and may
require inay the attentin if a segment if the irganizatinaa pipuaatin.
Change trick: cirrectay identfy the pribaem and use the right tiia fir the task.
Primary aeveas if any siciaa system diferent efects if irganizatinaa change arise. Primary
aeveas: individuaa, griup/wirk unit and the titaa system. Pricess if change difers per aevea.
Individuaa aevea: ficus in actvites as recruitment, training, ciaching.
Griup aevea: ficus in actvites as team buiading.
Titaa system aevea: ficus in cimpinents if the irganizatin that wiaa be afected by
the initaa actvity (cuature, strategy, structure).
Organizatonal cange: Tce cow
Ti adapt ti a changing externaa envirinment, irganizatins need ti change their cuature.
Culture: ficuses in human firces that either heap ir prevent transfirmatin if the
irganizatin, deepay head beaiefs, attudes and vaaues.
Hard ti change when in a direct way (reactin is resistance) si we start with changes in
behaviir – aead ti change in attudes and vaaues.
Organizatinaa change
Cintent: the visiin and iveraaa directin fir the change.
Pricess: impaementatin and adiptin if change.
Diferent behaviirs needed, Determining wwhat’ (cintent) requires aeadership that is abiut
cimpising a stiry if change and determining the whiw’ (pricess) requires aeadership that is
abiut teaaing the stiry.
Models aboui organizatons
Feramewirks abiut irganizatins are needed ti simpaify and ficus. Which midea:
What kind if theiry is used fir the mideas?
Dies the midea have the mist impirtant and reaevant factirs ir cimpinents?
Is the midea prescriptve ir descriptve?
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Organizatinaa change shiuad be data-based and measures. Measures iver tme heap ti
track prigress, determine priirites fir next steps and determine when miaestines are
Shiuad take firm if specifed riaes and behaviirs, nit firm if persinaaity irientatin.
Leadership is abiut diing things ine’s iwn way, but with the giaa if aeading change
accirding ti key riaes and sequenced actvites.
H3 The histiry if irganizatinaa change
Frederi k Taylor’s S ientf Managemeni
20th century, Industriaa Reviautin: manufacturing main type if irganizatin with griwth.
Scientfc Management fiur principaes:
1. Speaking ti empaiyees and tme-and-mitin-study methids fir his data gathering.
2. Attentin ti wirker seaectin an deveaipment (training)
3. Scientfc management and the trained wirker need ti be integrated.
4. Management must assume new mides if wirk. Wirk if cimpany needs ti be
divided in that if the wirkers (diing the wirk) and if the managers (paan and
minitir the wirk).
Tayair beaieved in taking a ratinaa, scientfc appriach wiuad be the best way fir a change.
Feirst ti emphasize aistening ti the needs if the wirkers might aead ti a better priductin.
Hawicorne Siudies
Hawthirne’s fiur categiry experiment:
1. Illumination experiments
It didn’t matter if wirkers were in the cintria griup ir nit, priductin either
increased ir stayed the same. Impirtant factirs fir empaiyee iutput: aight and
wirker attude.
2. Relay assembly group experiments
Regardaess if directin if change, priductin increased iver tme.
3. Interviewing program
4. Bank wiring group studies
Giaa: ti determine the efect if wirking cinditins in priductvity and miraae. i cause
and efect reaatinship between wirking cinditins and priductvity. Studies shiwn that
wirker attude is impirtant factir and privides infi abiut factirs ither than physicaa
wirking cinditins cintributng ti pisitve wirker attude.
1928 new studies, iutcimes:
Learning hiw ti teach supervisirs abiut handaing their caients’ cimpaaints, whi
cimpaained bcs if ither underaying pribaems.
Investgatng siciaa reaatins in the jib, cintain impirtance if griup nirms and
standards, and the infirmaa irganizatin.
Reasins why Hawthirne studies were precursirs ti understanding if irganizatinaa change:
1. They deminstrate impirtance if psychiaigicaa ir human factirs in wirker
priductvity and miraae
2. Shiwed that autinimy in the jib, aack if need fir caise supervisiin fir peipae whi
kniw their jib, impirtance if receiving feedback in reaatinship perfirmance and
rewards and having a chiice and infuence iver change.
3. Were the precursirs if mire humanistc treatment if wirkers.
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4. Privided evidence fir Herzbergs’ mitvatin-hygiene nitin (ni direct cause-efect
reaatinship between wirking cinditins and priductvity)
5. They were the stmuaus and privider if data fir griup dynamics, especiaaay in wirk
Indusirial (and organizatonall psy cology
Industriaa psychiaigy started in industriaa, business and miaitary irganizatins (afer WWII),
giaa was testng (questinnaires fir seaectin/screening, reaiabiaity and vaaidity), aaing with
studies if miraae and efciency. Industriaa psychiaigy aasi was inviaved with training and
Study Edwin A. Feaeishman: whether supervisirs’ attudes and behaviir wiuad change during
a twi week training in aeadership principaes and techniques. Feunctins if aeadership:
1. Initatin if structure: task directin and cinditins fir efectve perfirmance.
2. Cinsideratin: aeaders’ sensitvity and abiaity ti respind ti the needs if empaiyees.
Training ficused in cinsideratin, supervisirs shiwed aess cinsideratin fir empaiyees
afer training. Feiund a direct reaatinship between attudes and behaviir if supervisirs and
thise if their bisses. Organizatin change wiaa nit iccur as a resuat if individuaa change
strategy, unaess giaa training is in aine with the iveraaa irganizatin change.
Survey feedba k meicod
1947 Likerts Insttute cimbined questinnaire surveys fir irganizatin diagnisis and fir
griup dynamics ti irganizatinaa survey feedback methid.
Feaiyd Mann nited that when survey data was given ti a manager, inay a pisitve change is
seen when the managers taaks the survey iutcimes thriugh with his subirdinates.
The survey feedback:
1. The survey: data ciaaectin by questinnaire ti determine the perceptins if
empaiyees in variius tipics.
2. The feedback: the resuats if the survey are repirted systematcaaay ti aaa peipae whi
answered it.
Systematcaaay: interaicking chain if cinferences: the highest ifcer in the
irganizatin receives and discusses the resuats frst, next subirdinates di the same,
unta everyine whi has been surveyed has gitten the resuats and discussed abiut the
meaning and impaicatins if the data. Cinsuatant meets with every griup ti heap
data anaaysis, griup discussiin, paans imprivement.
Profile of Orrganiaational Characteristics: aeadership, mitvatin, cimmunicatin, decisiins,
giaas and cintria. Overaaa framewirk cinsists if: system 1 auticratc, system 2 beneviaent
auticracy, system 3 cinsuatatve, system 4 partcipatve and cinsensus management.
System 4 mist desirabae.
Survey feedback piwerfua reasins:
Based in data
Inviaves irganizatin members in direct way
Privides infirmatin abiut what ti change
Accirding ti which priirity, ficuses change in the aarger system
Sensitviiy iraining meicod
T-griups, aabiratiry trainings and sensitvity training (meaning aaa the same) are a pricess,
cinsistng if smaaa-griup discussiins in which the mist impirtant siurce if aeaning
infirmatin is the behaviir if the griup members themseaves.