Summary 7 habits of high efeetie eo le Coiey
Habits: knowledge (what to, why to), skills (how to), desire (want to).
De endenee, you take eare for me (directed, nurtured and sustained by others)
inde endenee, I am res onsible (physically , mentally, emotonally and fnancially)
interde endenee, we ean eoo erate.
Habit 1 be roaetie
Self-awareness: the ability to think about your very thought process. It enables us to stand
apart and examine even the way we “see” ourselves-our self-paradigm, the most
fundamental paradigm of efectveness.
The soeial mirror the reflecton of the current social paradigm tells us we are largely
determined by conditoning and conditons (no control over that influence, which is a
diferent map).
3 soeial ma s (theories of determinism widely aeee ted):
1. Genetc determinism& It is in your DNA (your grandparents did it).
2. Physic determinism& your parents did it (brought up).
3. Environmental determinism& your environment did it (boss, economic situaton etc.)
Those theories are in connecton with Pavlov’s experiments& stmulus response
freedom to choose&
- In self-awareness we have imaginaton (the ability to create in our minds beyond our
present reality).
- We have conscience a deep inner awareness of right and wrong.
- We have independent will the ability to act based on our self-awareness, free of all
other influences.
Highly roaetie eo le: are responsible for their own lives
- they do not blame circumstances, by conditons, by their environment.
- Are driven by values.
Taking initatie: recognizing our responsibility to make things happen.
soluton selling facing and then develop an efectve presentaton showing how their
abilites can help the organizaton problem.
aet or be aeted u on: if you wait to be acted upon, you will be act upon.
listening to our language:
- Reactve people absolves them of responsibility.
, Reaetie language Proaetie language
There is nothing I can do. Lets look at our alternatves.
That is just the way I am. I can choose a diferent approach.
He makes me so mad. I control my own feelings.
They won’t allow that. I can create an efectve presentaton.
I have to do that. I will choose an appropriate response.
I can’t. I choose.
I must. I prefer.
If only. I will.
Cirele of eoneern and infuenee: we have a wide range of concerns, our health, children,
problems at work, natonal debt, nuclear war. We could separate this in which we have no
partcular mental or emotonal involvement, by creatng the circle of concern.
- Proactve focus& focus on circle of influence the nature of their energy is positve.
enlarging and magnifying, causing their circle of influence to increase. (positve energy
- Reactve focus& focus on the circle of concern they focus on weakness of other
people, problems in the environment and circumstances over which they have no
control (negatve energy).
Out Circle of concern consequences and mistakes&
1. Consequences& living in harmony with principles results in positve consequences,
violatng them results in negatve consequences.
2. Mistakes& if we had the choice to make over again, we would make it diferently.
In the heart of the circle of influence&
The ability to make and keep commitments and promises
3 sorts of Problems&
1. Direct control& problems involving our own behavior.
2. Indirect control& problems involving other people’s behavior.
3. No control& problems we can do nothing about, such as our past or situatonal realites.
Proactve can solve direct control by working on their habits, they can solve indirect (habit
1,2,3), problems by changing our methods of influence (habit 4,5,6) and lastly solve the no
control problems by taking the responsibility to accept and to learn to live with those
(Page 100 for portolio).