Disease/ Clinical Diagnosis Means of Incubaton Period of Occurrence and Control method Treatment Surieillance
causatie features transmission period communicability distributon and preienton
organism (agent)
Disease of poor hygiene
Trachoma Red eye, On clinical grounds Contact with 5-12 days As long as actie Africa, South Chemotherapy; Mothers can be Mostly in primary
(chlamydia blindness (B) eye lesions are stll America and personal hygiene; taught to treat all schools
trachomats) discharges present extensiie semi- sanitaton; water children in the
from fngers, desert regions of supply household regularly
wipes and Asia
Faecal/oral diseases
Gastroenterits Diarrhoea (B, V) On clinical criteria Faecal-oral, 12-72 8-10 days Worldwide, Food hygiene, Replacement of Monitoring the
unless laboratory food, water hours deieloping cooking and fluid and weather (because
facilites sufcient and milk countries, refrigeraton; electrolytes by of raining season)
to identfy iiral conditons of poor personal hygiene; using ORS
infectons are hygiene and recent iaccinaton/
aiailable introducton of immunizaton;
botle-feeding sanitaton; water
Cholera Watery Profound diarrhoea Faecal 1-5 days About 5 days - V. cholerae 01: Personal hygiene; Fluid replacement Natonal and
- V. cholerae 01 diarrhoea (B) that leads to contaminato after recoiery restricted to south sanitaton control; internatonal
- El Tor biotype dehydraton, which n of water or Asia water supply
can be fatal food - El Tor biotype:
Asia, Africa,
Europe, Pacifc
islands, South
Hepatts A (HAV) Jaundice (V) Clinical grounds, Faecal-oral, 15-50 days The later half of Endemic in most Food hygiene, No specifc, Once hepatts
IgM antbodies to water or food the incubaton tropical countries, cooking and aioidance faty detected, health
HAV in serum period untl about epidemics in refrigeraton; foods and maintain authorites should
1 week after deieloped personal hygiene; a good fluid intake notfy central
jaundice appears countries iaccinaton/ authorites and
immunizaton; surrounding areas
water supply
, Poliomyelits Paralysis (V); Clinical grounds Faecal-oral or 5-30 days 5-30 days Worldwide Vaccinaton/ No specifc, Deieloped for
(Polio) enteroiirus respiratory immunizaton aioidance of poliomyelits
type 1, 2, 3 physical actiity eradicaton looks
for cases of acute
flaccid paralysis
(AFP) in children
<15 years old
Food-borne diseases
Beef and pork Affect Proglotds in the Eatng 8-12 weeks Adult worms >30 Beef and pork- Food hygiene, Tapeworms treated Where localized
tapeworms intestnes faeces, often self- undercooked years eatng areas, cooking and with niclosamide, cycle of infecton is
without diagnosed by the meat, pigs tropical belt and refrigeraton; this kills the worm occurring,
symptoms patent and catle can Europe proper cooking of iniestgaton of
(Taenia be infected meat eniironment
Siginata, the
Diseases of soil contact
Hookworms Anaemia (N) Eggs are found in Lariae 8-10 weeks 2 months after Tropical belt, far Chemotherapy; Number of drugs
faeces penetrate infecton – 5 East Asia, personal hygiene; are effectie
skin years Mediterranean and sanitaton; water
Andean part of supply, footwear
South America
Diseases of water contact
Schistosomiasis Liier or bladder Characteristc eggs Water 2-6 weeks 10-20 years Original from Chemotherapy; Difcultes in Change in incidence
damage (H) in urine and faeces contact Africa, climate personal hygiene; iaccine preparaton rate, shift in peak
change reduces the sanitaton; water because of the preialence to an
breeding areas supply; decrease schistosome is able older age group,
water contact to absorb host reducton in
antgen and mask geometric egg
it’s presence, but output, greater
seieral under trial awareness of socio-
economic ialues
Skin infectons
Measles Feier and rash Clinical criteria, IgM Airborne of 10-14 days 4 days before and Western countries, Vaccinaton/ No specifc, All cases should be
(V) in the saliia contact with after the rash Europe immunizaton supportie therapy recorded, total
nose or appears with fluids and monthly charted to