English portfolio
Interview and articles
Written by: Yrsa Heijdra,
Teacher: Katja Hendrika
Year: 1
Module: 2
Interview 3
Article 1 6
Summary 11
Article 2 13
Summary 22
Article 3 24
Summary 29
Vocabulary list 31
Sources 38
Nina Muizer wants to travel around the world. Nina is 28 years old and is currently living in
Zwolle. She has a blog where she posts about her travels and adventures. This all started
in 2011, after she graduated at Windesheim of the study journalism.
At het study they taught her she always has to be curious, somewhat cheeky and to keep
looking for answers. Her self-esteem grew during this course, because talking and
speaking up was of the essence. But also communicating and telling stories was
important at this study. In her first year she got to learn how to communicate journalistic
stories through, for example, Facebook, the newspaper and television. For journalists it’s
important to communicate with an interviewee and make sure they get every detail out of
them, but it’s just as important to communicate with the audience and get the story out in
the open. For example, sociology and psychology taught her how to really understand the
way people think and how they think in groups. It’s critical to know how to communicate
in the right way.
Nina always wanted to travel the world and see as many different cultures and people as
possible. Her parents never shared this passion and thought that France was already far
from home enough. In her younger years, Nina never went outside of Europe and the
furthest country she ever went to was Spain and they always travelled by car. So, as soon
as Nina graduated, she wanted to take her chance and travel as much as possible, before
she got a job and maybe wouldn’t be able to do as much travelling any more.
In 2011 Nina graduated and she planned her first trip. She also never travelled alone, and
thought this was also the perfect chance to do this as well. So alone she went to
Morocco. She combined this trip with volunteering. She had really high expectations
before she went to Morocco, but it didn’t met her expectations. She taught she would
help the people in Morocco with building a classroom for school. But instead she poured
some cement that would become stones for the building, and the men from the village did
the actual building. It was also a lot harder than she expected. And that combined with
the facts that this was her first time being alone on a journey and that live in the village
was rather simple, it took its toll.
Nina didn’t want her wanderlust to go away and didn’t want to feel down about the
disappointments. So, she taught about everything she learned at school and thought she
would combine her journalistic skills and start writing about her journey on a blog. She
wrote about her experiences and how her expectations didn’t meet the reality, she
interviewed some people from the volunteers she worked with and how they came to the
decision to come to Morocco. The interviewing and writing got her spirit back up again
and she started to have more fun on her trip. When she was back in the Netherlands
again, she realised how much she learned during that trip and what a great time she
actually had. She was not ready to give that up yet and she was really enjoying the writing
she did for her blog.
When Nina came back to the Netherlands, she got some really good reactions from family
and friends. Some said it was fun to read and other thought is was a useful story to
communicate, since not everyone knows what to expect when they go out in the world to
a country they don’t know well or at all. People should always be prepared for the country
they go to and know a little what to expect, and Nina couldn’t agree more. So, she
wanted to do this again, travel and write about her experiences.
, So, after her trip to Morocco, Nina went on various trips, to countries such as South-
Africa, Chili, Norway, India and China. Every trip she took, she wrote about everything she
went trough, her struggles, her expectations, the reality and the people she spoke with
that lived in that country. She got more and more followers and she was loving the
conversations she got in because of her travelling. People talk about their experiences,
whether or not they were similar, but also questions and people that want advise if they
were ever to visit one of the countries she went to.
Nina loves talking about travelling with other people and she also loves that she can share
her experiences. It a fun way to communicate and she can tell her stories to a big
audience. Trough Instagram and Facebook she promotes her blog and she sees it
growing. She combines her travelling and blog with her job as an International Press
Officer at a marketing company in Zwolle. She is the contact person for international
media and she brings out press releases to foreign countries.
One of the most memorable trips for her, is her trip to Nepal. She combined this with a
cultural project that had the goal to get to know the population. She could really use the
skills she learned at journalism here. She a lot of interviews with all different kinds of
people; she did interviews with addicts, AIDS patients and former slaves. The stories they
told were really interesting to her, the stories were hard to hear, but beautiful stories that
needed to be told nonetheless. Even though the communication was pretty hard, not
everyone spoke English, she did her best and the people were very open to talk and
wanted to show their houses and the way they lived. This trip had a pretty big impact on
Nina always tries to be prepared for her travelling and reads travelling blogs herself. But
even she sometimes has some embarrassing moments on her travels. One of the most
embarrassing moments she had, was when she was in Cambodia. She was walking in the
evening with one of the locals she met and the sun was setting. They wanted to enjoy the
view of the sun setting and they were in a beautiful place, so they wanted to sit down for
this. What she didn’t know, is that they were sitting on a pile of fire ants. It didn’t took her
very long to find this out. The ants were in her pants and she was in a lot of pain. She
stood up and ran around, while she kept smacking her butt and screaming in pain. The
local she was with, couldn’t stop laughing at her. To make it even worse, they were not
alone when it happened. Other people were there and they looked at her if she was
One of the countries Nina still really wants to visit, is Iceland. She has read about the
breathtaking beautifully nature and it seems like a great country to go, even though
people say it very expensive.
Nina advises everyone to travel as much as they can. She has learned so much from all of
her trips and it never stopped amazing her how beautiful every culture is in their own way.
She also advises everyone to book activities on the spot in stead of book the activities
with some big tour operator. This could actually save you some money. Same for
restaurants. Don’t always go to the restaurants that look really fancy and want to attract
the tourists. You could always ask some locals about some good places to eat, they also
know where food is fine and you don’t have to pay the biggest some of money for it. And,
finally, always prepare yourself for the trip. Read blogs and reviews and make sure that
you know where you’re going and what to expect of it. A preparation some people forget,