Roman de Brut – Wace • 1
Roman de Brut by Wace1
Wace’s Roman de Brut is the earliest surviving full account of the Arthurian story in the vernacular
Old North French. We don’t know much about Wace, but he also translated Geoffrey’s Historia into
Old North French, dedicated to Queen Eleanor of Aquitaine, and he also translated some saints’
lives. He was probably born around 1110 He is noted for his lively narration, dramatic episodes and
comedic scenes, but he is weak in regard to battle scenes. He is the first to mention the Round Table
and he also refers to Breton storytellers, showing that they existed around 1150 and linked Celtic
Britain and Celtic Brittany.
Roman de Brut
After the Romans leave Britain, Vortigern kills King Constant and forces his two younger brothers,
Aurelius Ambrosius and Uther to flee to Britany. Vortigern crowns himself king and marries Rowena,
but his wife’s father (Hengist)’s lust for power forces him to flee. He is in the Gloucester area and
wants to build a tower to protect himself, but every night the day’s construction tumbles to the
ground. He is told to consult a man who has no earthly father.
Two of Vortigern’s men hear a conversation between two men in Whales, named Merlin and
Dinabus. They hear Merlin does not have a father but that his mother is the daughter of the king of
Demetia, who is now a nun. Merlin and his mother are summoned before Vortigern, and Vortigern
explains his problem. Merlin explains that underneath the tower is a broad and deep pool that
causes the tower to crumble. The men dig and indeed find the pool. Merlin orders the pool to be
drained and says that there are two sleeping dragons at the bottom, one white and one red. After
the pool is drained the dragons wake up and start fighting. Merlin begins to prophesy but the author
refuses to share what Merlin said, for he does not know how to interpret it.
Merlin warns Vortigern to be careful of Aurelius and Uther, for through him Vortigern will come to
his end. He says that they will arrive in Totnes tomorrow to take their revenge. Merlin says that
Aurelius will be king first, but he will die of potion, then Uther will be king, but not for long, and then
Arthur will take over and rule, and he will wipe out all of his enemies.
Aurelius arrive in Britain and burn Vortigern to death in his tower.
Aurelius wants to build a monument in honour of his faithful men that had fallen at the hands of
Hengist. Merlin is called to give advice. Aurelius wants Merlin to prophesy, but Merlin refuses. He
does want to talk about the now. He instructs Aurelius to build a circle of stones set on stone, just
like the giants built in Ireland. The king wonders how they can move those heavy stones, and Merlin
says the stones have healing power, and that they simply have to use cunning to move the stones.
Uther takes 15000 men to Ireland to get the stones. The Irish first arm themselves, thinking it an
attack, but when they learn Uther is looking for the stones they mock the army. They keep mocking
them, so the army attacks and Ireland loses.
They arrive at the kill called Killomar where the circle is located. Everyone tries to move the stones
but they can’t, and Merlin moves his lips ‘like a man uttering a prayer’ (but the narrator isn’t sure
Merlin was actually praying) and suddenly the stones can be moved. The stones are moved to a plain
at Ambresbury, and a feast to celebrate Aurelius’ coronation is held. This place is now called
Pronounced wees, probs knew Marie de France personally.