College 1: Wat is psychotherapie?.................................................................................................................. 3
Verheul & Herbrink (2007): The efficacy of various modalities of psychotherapy for personality disorders: a
systematic review of the evidence and clinical recommendations......................................................................3
Van Lankveld, Arntz & Huibers (2011): Herziening Besluit Psychotherapeut (kans voor sprong voorwaarts; 1;
2 en 3)...................................................................................................................................................................8
Driessen, Cuijpers, Hollon, Van & Dekker (2014): De effectiviteit van psychologische behandelingen voor
depressie: een overzicht van nieuwe onderzoeksbevindingen...........................................................................11
Dragioti, Dimoliatis, Fountoulakis & Evangelou (2015): A systematic appraisal of allegiance effect in
randomized controlled trials of psychotherapy..................................................................................................13
College 2: Psychodynamische therapie......................................................................................................... 14
Leichsenring & Leibing (2007): Psychodynamic psychotherapy: a systematic review of techniques, indications
and empirical evidence.......................................................................................................................................14
Shedler (2010): The efficacy of psychodynamic psychotherapy.........................................................................16
Dirkx (2011): Psychoanalyse en evidentie..........................................................................................................19
College 3: Cliëntgerichte psychotherapie...................................................................................................... 20
Moon & Rice (2012): The nondirective attitude in client-centered practice: a few questions...........................20
Smith, Shoemark, McLeod & McLeod (2014): Moving on: a case analysis of process and outcome in person-
centered psychotherapy for health anxiety........................................................................................................21
Angus, Watson, Elliot, Schneir & Timulak (2015): Humanistic psychotherapy research 1990-2015: from
methodological innovation to evidence-supported treatment outcomes and beyond......................................22
College 4: Systeemtherapie.......................................................................................................................... 26
Lange (2010): Systeemtherapie..........................................................................................................................26
Whisman & Baucom (2011): Intimate relationships and psychopathology.......................................................29
Lebow, Chambers, Christensen, Johnson (2012): Research on the treatment of couple distress......................31
Wagenaar & Baars (2012): Family and family therapy in the Netherlands.......................................................34
Heatherington, Friedlander, Diamond, Escudero & Pinsof (2015): 25 Years of systemic therapies research:
progress and promise.........................................................................................................................................35
College 5: Groepstherapie............................................................................................................................ 37
Van der Stel (2002): De merites van groepspsychotherapie in de ambulante geestelijke gezondheidszorg. Een
literatuuroverzicht met implicaties voor het beleid...........................................................................................37
Neeleman (2010): Als de liefde heeft toegeslagen. Groepsbehandeling voor paren met geweld in hun relatie
College 6: Psychotherapie in de praktijk....................................................................................................... 42
Buitenhuis (2011): Tuchtrechtelijk. Schorsing na onvolledig dossier en onzorgvuldige beëindiging van een
Buitenhuis (2011): Tuchtrechtelijk. Cliënt staat herhaaldelijk voor gesloten deur............................................44
Koster, Hoorelbeke & van den Bergh (2014): Evidence-based behandelen van angst en depressie. Het belang
van therapeutische competentie in de praktijk..................................................................................................45
,College 7: Integratie en vergelijking.............................................................................................................. 46
Lambert (2005): Early response in psychotherapy: further evidence for the importance of common factors
rather than “placebo effects”.............................................................................................................................46
Lambert (2007): What we have learned from a decade of research aimed at improving psychotherapy
outcome in routine care.....................................................................................................................................48
Lambert & Lo CoCo (2013): Simple methods for enhancing patient outcome in routine care: measuring,
monitoring, and feedback..................................................................................................................................50
,College 1: Wat is psychotherapie?
Verheul & Herbrink (2007): The efficacy of various modalities of psychotherapy for
personality disorders: a systematic review of the evidence and clinical
The aim of this paper is to review the level of empirical evidence for four different formats and
settings that are available for psychotherapy delivery, i.e., group psychotherapy, out-patient individual
psychotherapy, day hospital psychotherapy, and in-patient psychotherapy. The results show that
various psychotherapeutic treatments have proven to be efficacious with respect to reducing
symptomatology and personality pathology and improving social functioning in patients with
personality disorders. This is especially true for cognitive-behaviorally or psychodynamically oriented
out-patient individual psychotherapies. However, some evidence indicates that this also applies to (1)
long-term, psychodynamically oriented group psychotherapy, (2) short-term, psychodynamically
oriented psychotherapy in a day hospital setting, and (3) various duration variants of
psychodynamically oriented, in-patient psychotherapy programs.
This study aims to review the level of empirical evidence for four different formats and settings that
are available for psychotherapy delivery, i.e., group psychotherapy, out-patient individual
psychotherapy, day hospital psychotherapy, and in-patient psychotherapy.
Selection of studies
Studies were selected that included (1) a clear description of at least one of the treatments studies, (2)
minimally one treatment (partly) aimed at personality pathology, (3) a baseline as well as a follow-up
measurement, and (4) half of the subjects meeting criteria for a personality disorder according to
Efficacy of out-patient individual psychotherapy
Empirical evidence
The efficacy of a treatment for a specific personality disorder was examined in 12 of the 22 studies.
The observed effect sized vary from large to very large. The overall effect size was 1.46 for
psychodynamic treatment, and 1.00 for cognitive behavioral therapies. These effects concerned
reduction of symptoms and personality pathology as well as improvement of social and occupational
Level 1:
- It is demonstrated that cognitive-behaviorally and psychodynamically oriented out-patient
individual psychotherapies are efficacious interventions for reducing symptoms and
personality pathology and improving social functioning among patients suffering from various
Cluster A, B, C, and not-otherwise-specified personality disorders.
- No differences in efficacy are demonstrated between cognitive behavioral therapy and
psychodynamic psychotherapies.
Level 2:
- It is likely that supportive variants of the psychodynamic psychotherapy result in a lower
dropout percentage than interpretive or expressive variants.
Other considerations
An important finding is that the theoretical orientation does not seem to be a crucial factor in
determining the efficacy of a psychotherapeutic treatment for personality disorders. A theoretical
frame might still be necessary as it forms the language for communication between patient and
The significance of selecting a specific theoretical frame should however not be equalized to
the significance of theoretical ‘purity’. Manualized treatments of personality disorders often include a
mixture of elements from various theoretical orientations.
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