P&B SUMMARY 2019 1
Renée Lipka, IBP 2018-19
Wilkinson & Brown (2015), Chapter 2: The Endocrine
Glands and Their Hormones
2.1 The endocrine glands
- Pineal gland = between cerebral cortex and cerebellum
- Hypothalamus = some control over almost all endocrine glands through neuro-hormones/
- Pituitary gland = hangs from hypothalamus
- Thyroid gland = in the neck with smaller parathyroid glands on its surface
- Thymus gland = in the chest, produces T lymphocytes → important in immune response
- Heart and lungs = also secrete hormones
- Gastrointestinal (GI) tract = consists of stomach and intestines
- Liver = secretes somatomedin/insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1)
- Adrenal glands = on top of kidneys
- Pancreas = secretes hormones regulating blood sugar levels
- Kidney = also produces hormone-like chemicals
- Testes and ovaries = gonadal hormones → fertility/sex characteristics and behavior
- Placenta = acts as gland during pregnancy
- Adipose tissue (fat) = large endocrine gland → secretes adipokines (hormones)
- Skeletal and muscle bone = secrete factors that act in endocrine fashion
,P&B SUMMARY 2019 2
2.2 Hormones of the endocrine glands
Overview discussed in more detail below
Gland Hormones Action
Pineal Melatonin Seasonal breeding, skin pigmentation, gonadal
function, sleep/jet lag?
Hypothalamus Multiple See ch. 4
Pituitary Many See ch. 3
Thyroid Triiodothyroine (T3), Thyroxine (T4) → Regulate metabolic rate, brain development,
bone growth
Calcitonin → Reduces blood calcium
Parathyroid Parathyroid hormone (PTH) Elevates blood calcium
Thymus Thymosins Regulate immune system development,
response to pathogens, release of cytokines
Heart Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) → Reduction of blood pressure through
vasodilation and reduction of water and sodium
reabsorption by kidney
B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) → Like ANP but blood levels also used as
marker for congestive heart failure
Lungs Cholecystokinin, peptide YY Regulate growth and development of airways
→ also release other hormones in pathology
(e.g. ACTH in lung cancer)
Gastrointestin Multiple See table 2.2
al (GI) system
Pancreas Insulin (ß cells), glucagon (α cells), Insulin lowers and glucagon increases glucose
somatostatin (δ cells), pancreatic levels; somatostatin inhibits release of both of
polypeptide (F cells) these
Adrenal cortex Mineralocorticoid (aldosterone) → sodium retention in kidney
glucocorticoid (cortisol, corticosterone) → stress, anti-inflammatory
Sex steroids (estradiol + testosterone) → puberty, sexual differentiation, secondary sex
Adrenal Epinephrine (adrenaline) → epinephrine is stress related: increases heart
Medulla Norepinephrine (noradrenaline) rate and blood glucose
→ norepinephrine increases blood pressure,
constricts blood vessels
Kidney Vitamin D (calcitriol) → Acts with PTH to maintain blood calcium
levels, important for bone and immune system
Erythropoietin → Acts on bone marrow to produce red blood
cells (eythrocytes)
Leydig cells Androgens (testosterone, → Male sexual characteristics (sex, behavior,
dihydrotestosterones) sperm production)
Sertoil cells Inhibin and activin → Inhibin exerts inhibitory control over FSH
secretion, activin opposite effect
,P&B SUMMARY 2019 3
Gland Hormones Action
Granulosa Estradiol (an estrogen) → Female sex characteristics (breast formation,
cells uterine function, menstrual cycle)
Luteal cells Progesterone, Inhibin, Relaxin → Uterine function, important for pregnancy,
inhibin regulates FSH secretion, relaxin acts on
uterus (only in pregnancy
Placenta Many Maintenance of pregnancy
Adipose tissue Adipokines (leptin, adiponectin, Control of body weight/energy balance, role in
resistin) insulin signaling and diabetes
Muscle Myostatin, interleukins, irisin Control of fat mass, control of insulin secretion
Bone Osterocalcin Insulin secretion ↑, testosterone levels ↑
Liver Fetuin-A → Insulin resistance ↑,type II diabetes ↑
FGF-21 → Insulin resistance ↓ in mice, ↑ in humans;
inhibition of reproduction
Betatrophin → ß-cell-cell proliferation ↑
- Pineal gland: mainly releases melatonin (highest at night) unclear role in humans but regulates
changes in reproductivity in response to light changes in mammals
- Hypothalamus and pituitary: secrete many neuro-hormones/peptides/transmitters, regulate
secretion of other hormones
- Thyroid gland: three main hormones: triiodothyroine (T3), thyroxine (T4), calcitonin
> T4 more prevalent in blood than T3, but when entering target tissues, T4 is converted into T3
(T4 is a prohormone to T3) → regulate body metabolism, role in bone growth and
development of brain and NS
> Congenital hypothrydroidism syndrome = severely reduced brain development due to lack of
thyroid hormones
- Parathyroid glands: Parathyroid hormone (PTH)
released in response to blood calcium fall → causes
release of calcium from bone and induces calcium to be
reabsorbed by kidney and gut
- Hormones often occur in pairs which have antagonistic
actions → one hormone will stimulate an action, the other
inhibits it (e.g. calcitonin lowers, and parathyroid raises
blood calcium)
- Thymus gland: located in upper chest cavity, involved in
immune system → production/differentiation of
lymphocytes, increase cytokine secretion etc.
> Point of interaction between immune-, endocrine- and
neural systems How PTH maintains blood levels of calcium
- Heart & lungs: see table
- Gastrointestinal hormones: GI tract secretes over 20 hormones not in one specific endocrine
gland, but from many endocrine cells scattered throughout GI tract → regulate contraction/
relaxation of muscle walls and secretion of digestive enzymes → three best known:
, P&B SUMMARY 2019 4
> (1) gastrin → important for food digestion, (2) secretin → many functions in digestion, (3)
cholecystokinin → acts on brain to reduce food intake
> The gut brain axis: interactions between the brain and GI tract → many of its hormones
regulate energy homeostasis, hunger and appetite
• Ghrelin = peptide hormone synthesized in stomach → hunger hormone, increases
appetite (high when fasting, low after meals)
• Peptide YY = opposite to ghrelin → highest after meals, then gradually decrease
• Glucagon-like peptide-1 → made in same cells as PYY, also highest after meal and
stimulates insulin secretion from pancreas, suppresses appetite
• Glucagon-like peptide-2 → no effect on appetite, affects intestine growth, motility and
blood flow
• Many gastrointestinal peptides act (together with neurotransmitters) as chemical signals
entering the enteric nervous system = branch of autonomic NS (ANS) → enervates GI
system with sensory, motor and interneurons
Really cannot imagine this
will come up in the exam
but just for your reference/
in case you want to look
something up
- The pancreas: endocrine cells here are small cell clusters (islets of langerhans) of four types
> ß-cells → secrete insulin in response to rising blood glucose (after eating carbohydrates) →
insulin lowers glucose levels by increasing glucose uptake in cells