Attitudes & Advertising,
definitions and possible exam
By Lizzy Scheltus
, College 1 – Introduction
Question Answer
What is an attitude? The categorization of a stimulus object along an
evaluative dimension. You can observe the stimulus
and the evaluative response, but not the attitude that
is in between.
How can you measure Direct (self-report) or indirect (IAT test).
How can we change Persuasion, compliance/conformity, internal and
attitudes? external influences (attention, memory, mood,
culture, context, framing).
Functions of Facilitating competition, funding public mass media,
advertising (6x) creating jobs, communicating with consumers,
informing individual consumer and persuading
individual consumer.
Possible approaches Naïve (ads must be effective because expenditures
of advertising (5x) increase), economic (sales volume), media (number
of people exposed to the ad), creative and
psychological approach (understand psychology).
Psychological approach You must understand psychology, certain effects lead
to certain reactions.
Scientific psychological Understand the underlying psychological principles.
College 2 – Attitudes
Question Answer
Three aspects of Evaluative responses, directed towards some attitude
attitudes object, based on three classes of information
(cognitive, affective and behavioral)
Three classes of Cognitive, affective and behavioural.
information (ABC)
Give an example of a I know the movies scored a 9.7 on IBMS.
cognitive attitude
Give an example of an I feel amazed by the action scenes.
affective attitude
Give an example of an I have seen the movie three times in the cinema.
behavioural attitude
What are the (1) Should attitudes be defined as a predisposition to
aspects of evaluate an attitude or as the evaluative response
disagreement when itself? (2) are attitudes stable or context dependent?
it comes to
attitudes? (2x)
Disagreement 1: No, people have dual attitudes: they have implicit
should attitudes be attitudes, explicit attitudes and ambivalence.
defined as an unity?
Why is the unity of The correlation is very weak when you look at what
attitudes doubtful? people say their attitude is and what their actual
behaviour is and there are explicit attitudes, implicit
attitudes and ambivalence.
, Explicit attitudes Evaluations in which the individual is consciously
(and aspects 5x) aware and can be expressed using self-report
measures. Aspects are: deliberate, conscious,
introspective, slow/cold, self-report.
Implicit attitudes Evaluations in which the individual is not aware.
(and aspects 5x) Aspects are: automatic, non-conscious, associative,
fast/hot, indirect measure.
Explicit and implicit You like Coca Cola because of the advertising
attitudes sometimes (implicit) and dislike it because of the sugar (explicit).
not align (Coca Cola)
How to increase (1) increase spontaneity of self-reports and (2)
correlation between increase conceptual correspondence between
implicit (IAT) and measures in which you ask affect-related questions
explicit (self-report) (how do you feel about Starbucks?).
attitudes? (2x)
Attitude A state in which an individual gives an attitude object
ambivalence equivalent strong positive or negative evaluations.
When are people okay When they don’t need to take action/ make a
with ambivalence? decision.
Goldstein & Strube They measured mood with the PANAS (positive and
study: failure/ success negative effect scale) before and after telling an
on exam exam score. Result: positivity and negativity move
independent from each other.
Disagreement 2: are They are context dependent, think about file-drawer
attitudes stable or model and attitudes-on-construction due to attitude
context dependent? strength.
File-drawer model Memory of the positive things, not the negative.
Attitudes-on- Attitudes formed on the spot.
Wilson & Kraft study: Yes, if you give reasons and think about your
will attitudes change relationship your attitude changes.
when recap your
Moderator of unstable Attitude strength.
Attributes of Higher stability, greater impact on behaviour, greater
attitude strength influence on information processing, greater
(4x) resistance to persuasion.
Important Knowledge, certainty and importance. For example:
components for strong attitude Apple, feel certain, makes it
attitude strength important.
Where do you store In your memory, which makes it stable.
strong attitudes?
Where do you store They are not stored, they are constructed on the spot
weak attitudes? and likely to be affected by random influences, so
very unstable.
How are attitudes By cognitive, affective or behavioural information.
Sources of cognitive Give text, reviews, experts, experience, heuristics
information to (country-of-origin, price-quality, brand image).
influence attitudes
Pepsi challenge People use the label to tell which one they prefer.