Gamification & Applied games
Created @May 6, 2024 4:37 PM
Class APGA
Created by Tieeny Chao
HC 1: Introduction
applied games —> translating the needs of stakeholders and expert knowledge
into innovative game concepts.
HC 2: Play
play means: presence, responsiveness, lightness, attentiveness,
improvisation and creativity and willingness to let go —> become a part of
something new (in the magic circle).
Play is a choice - you need to be aware that such a gift is available to you.
Three stages of play
1. Invitation —> the player is autonomous: they voluntarily decide to enter (or
leave) a game.
a. The player needs to be encouraged to enter the magic circle
2. Exploration —> the player investigates thetrans rules, context,
consequences, boundaries of the magic circle
3. Immersion —> the player is intrigued by the results of their exploration and
feels like staying within the magic circle.
Gamification & Applied games 1
, magic circle: the space in which the normal rules and reality of the world
are suspended and replaced by the artificial reality of a game world.
Difference between play and game:
play is an open-ended territory, which in make-believe and world-building
are crucial factors
jumping on a tramplone with friends
games are confined areas, that challenge the interpretation and optimizing
of rules and tactics - not to mention time and spacel
jumping the highest wins
Cognitive processes that will be activated while creating LEGO ducks
spatial abilities: thinking about and manipulating objects in 3D (inzicht om
eend te bouwen)
essential for visualizing and imagining situations, and look at it from
different directions.
symbolic representation: associate objects, actions or symbols with a
particular meaning. (verschillende manieren om een eend op te vatten)
important for language development; to understand the meaning of
letters and words in relationship to everyday objects.
executive functioning: fundamental for your ability to concentrate and
control your actions (focussen)
essential for problem-solving, when dealing with a problem, or in a task
or situation with many different inouts, or insformation.
self-regulation: ability to regulate your emotions and motivation, while
setting yourself the goal of completing the duck and working towards a
goal. (niet stressen)
its important to be able to regulate yourself while trying to achieve a
complex-and/or stressful task.
key message —> sometimes we consider these abilities like concentration,
controlling yourself, visualizing ideas, understanding space, as so-called
soft skills - things that are a by-product of learning…
Gamification & Applied games 2
, play & holistic skills —> social, creative, emotional, physical,
Children define play as:
something you can choose to do (free to do what you want)
something you can quit
something done with friends
and something fun
The absence of adults is an important feature
desire for freedom, autonomy and a place of their own
goes hand in hand with risky play —> feels of enjoyment, thrill, pride
and achievement.
children at play are in control of being out of control.
HC 3: Gamification
Typical goals of applied games / gamification:
Learning (knowledge, procedures, skills)
Creating awareness
Influencing a person's beliefs, attitudes, intentions, motivations, or
rhetoric: effective and persuasive expression in public
procedural rhetoric —> the practice of using processes persuasively.
to change opinion or action and to convey ideas effectively.
Hedonic vs eudaimonic entertainment
Hedonic entertainment —> experiences are associated with positive mood
and arousal regulation (fun and pleasure)
Gamification & Applied games 3