American Government: Political Development and Institutional
Change 12th Edition by Cal Jillson, All Chapters 1 - 16
1. Chapter 1 The Origins of American Political Principles
2. Chapter 2 The Revolution and the Constitution
3. Chapter 3 Federalism and American Political Development
4. Chapter 4 Political Socialization and Public Opinion
5. Chapter 5 The Mass Media and the Political Agenda
6. Chapter 6 Interest Groups: The Politics of Influence
7. Chapter 7 Political Parties: Winning the Right to Govern
8. Chapter 8 Voting, Campaigns, and Elections
9. Chapter 9 Congress: Partisanship, Polarization, and Gridlock
10. Chapter 10 The President: Executive Power in a Separation of Powers Regime
11. Chapter 11 Bureaucracy: Redesigning Government for the Twenty-First Century
12. Chapter 12 The Federal Courts: Activism versus Restraint
13. Chapter 13 Civil Liberties: Ordered Liberty in America
14. Chapter 14 Civil Rights: Where Liberty and Equality Collide
15. Chapter 15 Government, The Economy, and Domestic Policy
16. Chapter 16 America’s Global Role in the Twenty-First Century
,Chapter 1 The Origins of American Political Principles
Single-Select Multiple Choice
Question Answer A B C D
A custom, practice, or b policy institution legal procedure rule
organization, often embedded
in rules and law, is called a
^ .^
Which of these terms refers to d Monarchy Polis Democracy Oligarchy
the rule of an elite few for their
own interests?
According to Plato, who should a A philosopher- A political science- The few wisest None of these
rule a properly constituted king king citizens
According to Aristotle’s typology d Oligarchy is a Democracy is a Tyranny is any All of these
of governments, which of these government government government that is
statements accurately defines a organized around organized around oppressive to the
type of government? a few men who many men who people.
are primarily are primarily
motivated by motivated by the
their narrow broad public
private and class interest.
Which one of the following pairs c Paris and London Berlin and Madrid Athens and Rome Oslo and Copenhagen
of cities formed the centers of
,the two greatest European
societies of the ancient world?
Before it was an empire, what c It was always an It was a It was a republic. It was a polity.
was ancient Rome? empire. democracy.
Which theorists made the first a Polybius and Plato and Aristotle St. Augustine and St. Thomas Hobbes and
and most influential efforts to Cicero Thomas Aquinas John Locke
explain how mixed governments
can work in practice?
According to the Pro & Con b The people met A deep respect for Slaves and resident All citizens were given
section, which of the following in the Assembly the individual aliens (three-fifths one vote in the
was not a characteristic of to discuss and rights and liberties of the population) Assembly
“Athenian democracy?” decide major of all city residents were denied
issues citizenship
What is the temporal world? c The world of the The world of the The world of The otherworldly
sacred politically peoples and nations
powerful and human history
Who wrote that, without an all- c Niccolò John Calvin Thomas Hobbes John Locke
powerful monarch, human Machiavelli
beings will fall into a war of all
against all in which life is
“solitary, poor, nasty, brutish,
and short”?
Who was the founder of the c Martin Luther Thomas Hobbes Martin Luther John Winthrop
Protestant Reformation? King, Jr.
In addition to social contract c Nothing else was There is nothing Separation of Unlimited, immoderate
theory, what are two other taken. besides social powers and free constitutional regimes
concepts taken from classical contract theory in markets
liberalism that influenced the classical liberalism.
Founding generation?
,Who were the Pilgrims? b Wealthy English Middling English Wealthy English Middling English
Puritans who Puritans who Anglicans who Anglicans who settled
settled in the settled in New settled in the South in the Mid-Atlantic in
South in order to England in order in order to develop order to develop it
avoid religious to avoid religious it economically economically and in
persecution in persecution in some cases to avoid
their home their home religious persecution in
country country their home country
In the population of the a The English The Irish The Germans The Dutch
American colonies in 1765,
which ethnic group was the
What drove the idea behind the d The orthodox did Banishment was The vastness of the All of these
notion that the Americans had not feel the need an accepted form land allowed for
“space” for dissent? to destroy the of punishment. pockets of
unorthodox. acceptability
between places of
What was political participation a It was very It was oligarchic It was oligarchic and It was aristocratic and
like in the early colonies? democratic in but still modestly hence not very hence not very
nature. democratic in democratic at all in democratic at all in
nature. nature. nature.
To what area of social life did c Law Government and The economy Culture
Adam Smith most extensively politics
apply the principles of classical
Which Enlightenment thinker d Thomas Hobbes Niccolò Baron de Francis Bacon
argued the earliest and most Machiavelli Montesquieu
influentially that science and
discovery worked for the eternal
,benefit of society?
How did St. Augustine and St. a They privileged They privileged They privileged the They privileged the
Thomas Aquinas differ from the the role of the the role of the role of the national role of the sub-national
ancients and how did this sacred over the secular over the over sub-national over the national
difference impact the Founding secular, which sacred, which governments, which government, which
generation? served as a served as a served as a positive served as a negative
negative example positive example example for the example for the
for the Founding for the Founding Founding Founding generation.
generation. generation. generation.
When did the concept of c At the At the Magna At the American At the English
individualism find its brightest Constitutional Carta and in the Revolution and in Revolution and in the
moment and what form did it Convention and form of the the form of the idea form of religious
take? in the form of Barony that freedom has its tolerance
separation of own order and
powers structure
What lesson did the Founding b Mixed Mixed Mixed constitutions Mixed constitutions
Fathers learn from Polybius and constitutions constitutions should be embraced should be avoided
Cicero? should be should be because they serve because monarchy is
avoided due to embraced because the interests of the the best way to govern
their proclivity they balance the middle classes. a republic.
toward interests of the
instability. rich and the poor.
Who normally rules in b The poor The rich The middle class None of these
aristocracies and oligarchies?
What is meant by American a The study of The study of The thesis that None of these
political development (APD)? development and America’s American
change in democratic government has
American political development in become much more
processes, comparison to the political over time,
institutions, and development of thus reducing its
, policies over time other democracies capacity to solve the
around the world problems that affect
the lives of ordinary
What did the ancients mean by b They thought it Rule by the people Rule by the people They thought it was
“democracy?” was equivalent to in the interest of in their own self- equivalent to “free
“mob rule” the entire interest government”
What is meant by the term c A mixed state in A form of popular A set of ideas that A set of ideas that
“classical republicanism?” which government that emphasizes concern emphasizes the
monarchical, relies by elected for the common importance of limited
aristocratic, and representatives good over the self- government and
democratic instead of direct interest of aggregate rights
principles are democratic individuals
combined governance
What differentiates a monarchy d The source of The source of their The purpose of The purposes of
from a tyranny? their legitimacy, legitimacy, with government, with government, with
with monarchies monarchies being monarchies having monarchies having
being based on based on the will bad motives and good motives and
the will of God of the people or of tyrannies having tyrannies having bad
and tyrannies God and tyrannies good ones ones
being based on being based on
the will of the neither
What was the dominant b Social Democracy Classical Classical Corporatist Capitalism
American political and social Liberalism Republicanism
ideology in the nineteenth and
twentieth centuries?
Which of the following are d Space for dissent Social fluidity and Equality and All of these
characteristics of American and economic heterogeneity tolerance
,colonial settlement that opportunity
influenced American political
Which one of these statements d In New England In southern In all colonies, most In all of the colonies,
most accurately describes colonies, most colonies, most white men were active participation in
democratic political white men were white men were allowed to actively governance was
participation in the early allowed to allowed to actively participate in local limited to a few white
colonies? actively participate in local democratic men.
participate in democratic governance.
local democratic governance.
What was the official religion of a There was no Puritanism Anglicanism Catholicism
the British colonies in North single official
America? religion
throughout all of
the British
What is a polis? a Greek term for Latin term for Greek term for Latin term for political
political political political community community on the
community on community on the on the scale of a scale of a country
the scale of a city scale of a city state
For the ancients, what is an c Rule by the many Rule by the many, Rule by the few, Rule of the few in their
aristocracy? in the interest of who were also who were usually own self-interest
the entire usually wealthy, in also wealthy, in the
community the interest of the interest of the entire
entire community community
What did Aristotle mean by a a The combination A political The combination of The worst possible
“polity?” of elements of community that is elements of form of government
oligarchy and no larger than a aristocracy and
democracy to city unless part of monarchy to form a
The religious, other-worldly, form a working a confederacy working
,everyday aspects of life approximation of approximation of
the good the good
government government
What does secular mean? b The religious, but The nonreligious, The religious, other- The nonreligious, but
this-worldly, this-worldly, worldly, everyday other-worldly,
everyday aspects everyday aspects aspects of life everyday aspects of life
of life of life
Who is the legitimate source of d The powerful The rich The divine The people
political authority, according to
the idea of individualism?
To what does the term “social a An argument that An argument that An argument that An argument that
contract theory” refer? the legitimate the legitimate the non-legitimate power rests exclusively
origin of origin of origin of with those best suited
government is in government rests government is in the to exercise it
the agreement of with the “divine agreement of a free
a free people right of kings” people
Which one of the following pairs c Niccolò Francis Bacon and Martin Luther and St. Augustine and St.
contains giants from the Machiavelli and Thomas Hobbes John Calvin Thomas Aquinas
Protestant Reformation? Baron de
The Preamble to the ^ ^ c Declaration of Articles of U.S. Constitution Bill of Rights
provides a summary statement Independence Federation
of the document’s principles
and purposes.
Which one of the following b life, liberty, and secure the indivisible, with nor be deprived of life,
phrases is found in the Preamble the pursuit of blessings of liberty liberty and justice liberty, or property
to the U.S. Constitution? happiness to ourselves and for all
our posterity
During the Middle Ages, the a religious rather secular rather both secular and neither religious nor
Catholic Church was the only than secular than religious religious secular
institution operating throughout
, Europe. Consequently, its
principles and priorities were
^ ^.
John Locke thought that the b American Glorious French Revolution Bolshevik Revolution
^ ^ ushered in an era in Revolution Revolution
which government would be
based on deliberation and free
With his “holy experiment,” a a society of peace the kingdom of a refuge strictly for a secular society
William Penn attempted to among diverse God on earth persecuted devoid of religious
establish ^ ^. religious sects Huguenots sentiments
In the eighteenth century, c believed forgot doubted accepted
political thinkers generally
^ ^ that “direct democracy”
could provide stable
Multiple-Select Multiple Choice
The Middle Ages began with the c, a early modern Renaissance Roman Empire Greek Empire
collapse of the ^ ^ and ended Europe
with the beginnings of the
^ ^.
^ ^ and ^ ^ relied on b, c Seneca Locke Cicero Zeno
natural law theory in their
political writings.
^ ^ and ^ ^ advocated the a, b Locke Polybius Bacon Plato
superiority of mixed
government to promote political