Infection Typical symptoms (if Mode of transmission Treatment Vaccine available? Potential
present) complications
Viral STIs
Herpes Often asymptomatic. Oral, vaginal, or anal sexual No cure. Treated with No vaccine avail- able Sores create route of
simplex Clusters of small, painful activities; kissing. antiherpetic drugs (acyclovir, as of 2011. Research is transmission for
virus blisters in genital and anal famciclovir, valacyclovir). underway. other STIs. May be
(HSV), areas or around mouth. passed from
type 1 and General flu-like symptoms: pregnant mother to
type 2 mild fever, fatigue, and child during birth.
tenderness in lymph nodes,
per- haps urinary pain.
Hepatitis Usually no symptoms unless Contact with blood, serum, No cure. Acute infection: bed Yes. Series of three In small percentage
B (HBV) virus becomes active. semen, vaginal fluids, and rest, increased fluid intake, good injections over six of chronic cases:
Jaundice, a deep yellowing in rare instances, saliva. nutrition, and avoiding alcohol months. Prevents serious liver disease,
of the skin and eyes. Loss of Routes of transmission are (which may exacerbate liver in- infection for life. including cirrhosis
appetite, fatigue, abdominal sharing needles, sexual flammation). Chronic infection: and liver cancer,
pain, nausea, vomiting, contact, and sometimes Alpha interferon boosts the which may lead to
darkening of the urine, rash, tattooing and body piercing. body’s immune system; liver failure and
and joint pain. lamivudine, antiviral either a liver
medication, slows liver transplant or death.
Human Often asymptomatic. Visible Skin-to-skin contact; No cure. Removal of warts Vaccine, trade name Major cause of
papillomawarts on the penis, opening vaginal, oral, or anal sexual through cryo-surgery (freezing), Gardasil, released in cervical, anal, and
virus to the vagina, cervix, labia activities. Transmission laser therapy, surgery, and 2007. Series of three throat cancers.
(HPV): minora, or anal area. Warts possible with or without topical medications ap- plied by injections. The vac-
genital may also appear inside the visible warts. the patient. Removing warts cine imparts lifelong
warts vagina or anus and may not does not cure infection. immunity from the four
be noticed at all. Warts are cancer-causing strains
flat or lumpy; they may be of HPV.
single or in groups and vary
in size. Sometimes the warts
may be too small or flat to be
seen or felt.
HIV/AIDS HIV: Initially no symptoms Transmission requires that No cure. More than twenty No. Research is With proper
or mild fever, headache, semen, vaginal fluids, or specific medications for fighting continuing. Medication treatment, lifespan of
, fatigue, and rash. As virus blood from an infected HIV are currently on the is now available HIV-infected
progresses: loss of energy; person enter the bloodstream market, including protease that help to prevent individuals is rapidly
unexplained weight loss; of an uninfected person. The inhibitors, nucleoside- transmission of increasing
frequent fevers and night most common routes of HIV nucleotide reverse transcriptase virus (trade name: (approaching
sweats; frequent yeast are through sexual contact, inhibitors, nonnucleoside Truvada). twenty-five years in
infections; enlarged lymph primarily vaginal and anal reverse transcriptase inhibitors, the United States).
glands; persistent skin intercourse and, less and fusion inhibitors. Also Survival following
rashes; short- term memory commonly, oral sex. available are immune system diagnosis with AIDS
loss; mouth, genital, or anal enhancers and specific is approaching ten
sores; and blurred vision. treatments for AIDS- related years.
AIDS diagnosed when CD4+ infections.
T-cell count dips to below
200 or when the person be-
comes infected with one or
more opportunistic